满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 。 Frie...



Friends play an important role in our life. Most people   ________   friendship to last forever. ________, even the best friendships can come to an end.

As time goes by, many friendships end because of a(n) ________ in personality or way of life. Tommy wrote, “I didn’t even know the friendship was over   ________  I caught myself thinking of Alan as a former(以前的) friend.”

Peter explained, “We   ________ seeing each other less and less. The friendship was just over.” Sometimes friendships ________  suddenly following a disagreement or move to another place.

Alice said, “Friendship slowly loses importance. I moved from one side of the city to the other. Since then we   ________ made a phone call. We met less and less. At last our friendship got lost.”

Jack said, When I moved to Seattle after college, our friendship died. Both of us were always having difficulty  ________ new jobs, so we didn’t keep in touch with each other. Our friendship was so ________ that I didn’t call him even if I went home.”

It’s true that the biggest ________ to a friendship is change. Generally, friends will accept each other if they both ________ what they were when they met, or change in similar directions. If they change or grow in ________ ways, the friendship will probably be lost.

There is always   ________ pain of loss in a broken friendship. When ________   can be done to keep the friendship, it is important to   ______ the pain and move on to build new friendships.

1.A. hope        B. expect        C. decide          D. prefer

2.A. Unluckily     B. Unfairly     C. Improperly        D. Incompletely

3.A. interest      B. experience    C. change            D. suggestion

4.A. before        B. while       C. till              D. until

5.A. finished      B. practiced     C. continued        D. started

6.A. miss         B. survive       C. end               D. lose

7.A. seldom      B. often         C. always            D. never

8.A. hoping for   B. dealing with C. guarding against  D. making up

9.A. dangerous     B. dead          C. lasting         D. strong

10.A. value       B. clue         C. problem           D. answer

11.A. remain      B. stay          C. keep              D. have

12.A. different   B. similar       C. strange          D. popular

13.A. no          B. any           C. little           D. some

14.A. anything     B. everything    C. Nothing          D. something

15.A. regret      B. forget        C. imagine          D. blame


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们探讨了友谊失去的原因,有的因为搬迁,有的因为生活方式的改变……,总之虽然大家都期望友谊永存,但是即使最好的友谊也可能因为种种原因走到尽头。当我们不能保住友谊时,我们应该选择忘掉并开始构建新的友谊。 1.B句意:许多人期望友谊能够永远延续。Expect sb. to do sth.期望某人做某事,hope不可以说hope sb. to do sth.,故选B。 2.A句意:不幸的是,即使最好的友谊也可能走到尽头。从上下句判断,前一句说人们期望友谊永存,后一句说最好的友谊也有结束的时候,故选A。 3.C句意:随着时间的逝去,许多友谊因为个性或生活方式的改变而结束。Interest是兴趣; experience是经验;change是改变;suggestion是建议,故选C。 4.D句意:我甚至不认为友谊已经结束直到我下意识地把艾伦当做以前的一个朋友。Not…until结构,意为:直到……才,不到……不。故选D。 5.D句意:我们开始互相探望越来越少。Finish意为结束;practice意为练习;continue意为继续;start意为开始,故选D。 6.C句意:有时友谊在一次不同意获搬家后突然就结束了。本篇课文在讨论的是友谊的结束、失去,根据整篇课文我们可知应该选C。 7.A句意:我从城市的一头搬到另一头,从那时起,我们很少打电话。依据上句搬家到城市的另一头和下一句见面越来越少,可推知打电话也很少,所以友谊在淡去,故选A。 8.B句意:我们在新工作中都遇到了困难,所以我们没有保持联系。作为新参加工作的人在工作中会遇到很多困难,此处是have difficulty (in) doing 结构,依据句意选B。 9.B句意:我们的友谊是那么的呆板以至于即使我回家了也想不起给他打个电话。连个电话都懒得打的友谊很显然是已经快失去或者是太呆板了,故选B。 10.C句意:实事求是地说友谊遇到的最大问题是改变。Value意为价值,clue意为线索,problem意为问题,answer意为答案,故选C。 11.A句意:通常情况下,如果朋友两个人再见面时保留了它们原来的样子或在相似的方向发生改变,朋友会接受彼此。Remain意为保留;stay意为待在某地;keep意为保存;have意为经历、拥有,故选A。 12.A句意:假如她们在不同方向上改变或成长,她们的友谊很可能会失去。对照上一句在相似方向,故选A。 13.D句意:在破碎的友谊中总是有一些失去的痛苦。痛苦是不可数名词,按句意失去总是痛苦的,故选D。 14.C句意:当为了维持友谊我们无能为力时,忘记伤痛,转而去构筑新的友谊是重要的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的,所以友谊不能挽回我们就应该选择忘记,故选C。 15.B句意:当为了维持友谊我们无能为力时,忘记伤痛,转而去构筑新的友谊是重要的,失去了旧的,我们需要新的友谊来填充,故选B。 考点:哲理短文阅读。

—Excuse me! May I use your computer now?

—________I'm typing an important letter.

A. Will you?     B. I hope so.

C. Why not?    D. I'm afraid not.



I’m new here. Could you tell me ______?

一Certainly. It’s over there across from the bank.

A. when the park opens

B. where the park is

C. how far is the park

D. how can I get to the park



In character-training of children, what really _____much is what their parents say and do.

A. considers      B. values        C. matters        D. minds



If you win the competition, you will be given _____ to Europe for two.

A. a free 7-day trip  B. a free trip for 7-day

C. a 7-day free trip   D. a trip for 7-day free



So far progress ____ very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time.

A. has been        B. Had been       C. was           D. will be



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