满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词汇。根据汉语提示填入适当的单词。 1.Do you know the ____...


1.Do you know the _________ (正确的) answer?

2.What can you ___________ (推断出 ,结论) after the experiment?

3.I think it is a ___________(科学的) method of solving the problem.

4.____________ (诚实) is the best policy.

5.My dream is to be a ____________(音乐家).

6.They told us a ___________(幽默的) story and we all laughed.

7.How about _________ (表达)your ideas in a new way.

8.She ________ (敲)at the door, but nobody was in.

9.Liu Huan is a ________(成功的)singer in china.

10.You may know how to use this machine after reading the ___________(说明)

11.She is always ________(focus)on the film stars.

12.Lisa prefers ________(dance) to ________(sing)

13.This is a ________(history)play,do you like it?

14.She will give you ________(无论什么)you want。

15.we are too tired ,we want to get ourselves ________( relax)


1.correct 2.conclude 3.scientific 4.honesty 5.musician 6.humorous 7.expressing 8.was knocking 9.successful 10.instruction 11.focused 12.dancing singing 13.historical 14.whatever 15.relaxed 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:你知道正确答案吗?根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填correct。 2.句意:在试验之后你能推断出什么?根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填conclude。 3.句意:我认为这是解决这个问题的科学的方法。根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填scientific。 4.句意:诚实是最好的策略。根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填honesty。 5.句意:我的梦想是成为一名音乐家。根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填musician。 6.句意:他给我们讲了一个幽默的故事,我们都笑了。根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填humorous。 7.句意:用一种新的方式表达你的想法怎么样?根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填expressing。 8.句意:她正在敲门,但里面没人。根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填was knocking。 9.句意:在中国刘欢是一个成功的歌手。根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填successful。 10.句意:读完说明之后你可能知道怎样使用这台机器。根据句意及所给中文提示此题应填instruction。 11.句意:她总是关注电影明星。根据句意及所给所给词汇此题应填focused。 12.句意:相对唱歌而言Lisa更喜欢跳舞。根据句意及所给所给词汇此题应填dancing singing。 13.句意:这是一部历史剧,你喜欢吗?根据句意及所给所给词汇此题应填historical。 14.句意:无论你想要什么他都会给你。根据句意及所给所给词汇此题应填whatever。 15. 考点:词汇运用


1.The girl is my cousin. The girl is wearing glasses.(改为定语从句)

The girl ______  ______ wearing glasses is my cousin.

2.Please take good care of my pet, ________  _________?(改为反意疑问句)

3.The boy is too young to look after himself.(改为同义句)

The boy isn’t ________  _________ to look after himself.

4.He took these photos last week.(改为被动语态)

These  photos _________  _________ by him last week.

5.She wondered where she would meet her friends the next morning.(改为简单句)

She wondered  ________  ________ meet her friends the next morning.




There was a little island in the middle of the ocean with only three people on it,a farmer,a gardener and a butler(男管家).The farmer lived on the right side of the island.He had a cow.The gardener lived on the left side and he had some flowers.The butler lived in the     and he had a horse.They were all very pleased with what they had,but this changed one day when a big wind named Wind-Lou blew in from the sea.

The three people made it a law that they could keep whatever was blown to their land.The farmer and the gardener waited for the Wind-Lou all day and wanted to get the horse.The butler didn’t mind what was blown to him.If he got the cow,he would say,“Delicious milk!” If he got the flowers,he would say “Sweet flowers!” ,now that he owned the horse,he rode it happily.

Wind-Lou blew day and night.She blew the three things around and finally blew them back to their original owners.

The farmer and the gardener were not pleased with what was blown to them.


1.The butler lived ________the farmer________the gardener.

2.What was Wind-Lou?    .






Mr.Lang worked in a factory in Chengde.As a driver,he was busy but he was paid much.His wife was an able woman and did all the housework.When he came back,she took good care of him and he never did anything at home.So he had enough time when he had a holiday during the Spring Festival.A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon.So he was interested in it and almost forgot anything except gambling.He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television,watches and so on.His wife told him not to do it but he didn’t listen to her.She had to tell the police.He and his friends were punished for it.After he came out of lockup(拘留所),he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him.

It was New Year’s Day.Mr.Lang didn’t go to work.He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again.He called his friends and they came soon.But they were afraid the police would come.He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside.They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble.Suddenly opened the door and in came a few policemen.“I saw there weren’t any policemen outside,daddy,” said the boy,“so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.”

1.Mr.Lang was paid much because    .

A.he was a driver

B.he worked in a factory

C.he had a lot of work to do

D.he had worked there for a long time

2.Mrs.Lang did all the housework because    .

A.she couldn’t find any work

B.she thought her husband was tired

C.her husband spent all time in gambling

D.she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling

3.   ,so he was put into lockup.

A.Mr.Lang often gambled

B.Mr.Lang was late for work

C.Mr.Lang didn’t help his wife at home

D.Mr.Lang wasn’t polite to the police

4.The woman had to leave Mr.Lang because    .

A.he didn’t love her any longer

B.he wouldn’t stop gambling

C.he had been put into lockup

D.he was hardly sent away by the factory

5.Which of the following is right?

A.The boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again.

B.The boy thought his father needed some policemen.

C.The boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon.

D.The boy hoped his mother to come back.




It’s very important that we all recycle.In nature,everything ________ again.For example,when an animal dies,it becomes ________ animal’s food.Nothing is wasted.But humans have created things like plastic bags which can’t be ________ down by nature.Our ________ kills animals and pollutes water and soil. ________ we continue making too much rubbish,the problem will only get worse.If nature can’t reuse the rubbish,we must recycle ________ .We should clean up the rubbish we’ve made because nature can’t.

Recycling is also the right thing to do for another reason.The earth is rich in natural materials like water and trees, ________ these materials are not endless(无尽的).We use up our natural materials ________ faster than the earth is able to reproduce(再生)them.For example,each year we cut ________ more than 6,000 square miles of forest.But it takes an average of 25 years for a new tree ________ .

Recycling can help us save the earth,so let’s take action right now.

1.A.use        B.is used         C.used         D.uses

2.A.other      B.others          C.the other     D.another

3.A.lain       B.broken          C.written       D.put

4.A.rubbish    B.nature          C.material     D.bags

5.A.When      B.Why             C.If            D.Unless

6.A.them      B.it              C.itself        D.we

7.A.but        B.so              C.and           D.or

8.A.very      B.more           C.much         D.many

9.A.out        B.down            C.up            D.off

10.A.grows   B.growing       C.to grow       D.grown



Alice,do you know    tomorrow?(2014威海)

A.what will we do      B.when we will start

C.where they went      D.how will they go there



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