满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读药单说明,判断下列句子是否正确,正确(用“A”),错误(用“B) How t...


How to Take the Medicine

These pills are for a cold with a fever and a cough.

Take three times a day before meals.

Adults: three pills each time.

Children (6-12): two pills each time.

Children (2-5): one pill each time.

Not for children under the age of two.

Keep in a cool place. Use before October 2017

1.If you have a cold with a fever ,you can take these pills.

2.Jim is ten years old. He should take nine pills a day.

3.One-year-old babies can’t take these pills .

4.You should put these pills a cool place.

5.You can still take these pills after 2018.


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这是一则药品使用说明。上面介绍了药品的用途,用量及有效期限。 1.A 根据药单说明中的句子These pills are for a cold with a fever and a cough. 可知,这些药是治疗发烧、咳嗽、感冒的。与原文相符。故答案为A。 2.B 根据表格中的句子Take three times a day before meals. Children (6-12): two pills each time.可知,10岁的小孩每天应该吃6片药。与原文不符。故答案为B。 3.A Not for children under the age of two.可知,没有两岁以下小孩吃的药。与原文相符。故答案为A。 4.A根据表格中的句子Keep in a cool place.可知,药品要放在一个凉爽的地方。与原文相符。故答案为A。 5.根据表格中的句子Use before October 2017可知,使用期到2017年。与原文不符。故答案为B。 考点:考查广告布告类短文阅读。


Mr. Brown was very fat and he didn’t feel well. Mrs. Brown was ________  about his weight (体重).

“You must see a doctor,” she said, “and ask him how to  ________ weight. It’s not good ________ your health. “OK.” Mr. Brown said, and then he went to see the doctor.

The doctor looked him over, then he said, “Nothing serious, you are too heavy. You must lose ________ 30 kilos. Eat only fruit and vegetables and run five kilometers a day for the next ________ days, then call and tell me how  ________you are.”

Mr. Brown went home and did ________ the doctor told him. One hundred days ________ , he called the doctor.

“Mr. Brown here, doctor ,” he said. “I’m calling to tell you about my weight. You will be ________  to know that I lost 30 kilos.”

“Great!” The doctor said. “Yes, but there’s another   ________,” Mr. Brown said. “I’m 500 kilometers from home!”

1.A. happy           B. worried      C. mad

2.A. lose            B. get         C. have

3.A. at              B. on         C. for

4.A. at first        B. at last     C. at least

5.A. 10              B. 50          C. 100

6.A. heavy          B. tall        C. old

7.A. what           B. how        C. when

8.A. late            B. early       C. later

9.A. unhappy        B. happy       C. sorry

10.A. problem        B. illness      C. message




Kangkang: Hello, is Michael in?

Michael:     1.

Kangkang: Michael, the school sports meet is coming tomorrow. Let’s go together.

Michael:  OK.   2.

Kangkang: We’ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes.

Michael:         3.

Kangkang: Good idea! It’ll be fun.

Michael:  When shall we meet?

Kangkang:          4.

Michael:          5.

Kangkang: At my house.

Michael:  OK. See you then.

Kangkang: See you.

A. Shall I take my camera?

B. Where shall we meet?

C. What shall we take?

D. This is Michael speaking.

E. Let’s make it half past six.




I’m not good at playing soccer, would you mind teaching me?

_________.Let’s go and practice.

A. Sure

B. Not at al

C. Good idea



Peter hurt his leg yesterday.


A. It doesn’t matter

B. Don’t worry about it.

C. I’m sorry to hear that



The soccer team are _____ Japan the day after tomorrow for a game with Japan’s national team.

It’s a pity.

A. leaving          B. leaving for        C. leave for



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