满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Thanks for telling me about your life i...

—Thanks for telling me about your life in the school.


A. No problem B. course

C. Yes, please  D. Have a good day


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:谢谢你告诉我有关你学校的生活。——不用谢,没关系。A. No problem没关系; B. course当然;C. Yes, please请吧;D. Have a good day祝一天愉快。结合语境,只有A符合题意。 考点:考查交际用语。  

—Is Sun Cinema as ________ as Huxia Cinema?

—No. Huxia Cinema has _________ seats than Sun Cinema.

A.comfortable; comfortable

B. comfortable; more comfortable

C. more comfortable; comfortable

D. more comfortable; more comfortable



—What are you going to do this weekend, Alice?

—I plan ________ the Great Wall with my cousin.

A. visiting  B. visit   C. to visit   D. visited



—Do you play computer games?

—No,_______. I think they’re boring.

A. always          B. never          C. usually         D. often



—What do you think of a good friend?

—Friends are like books—you don’t need a lot of them _________ they’re good.

A. as long as  B. as soon as

C. as well as  D. as large as



—Is Lara similar ________ Tina?

—Yes, they’re twins (双胞胎). But in some ways, they are different ________ each other.

A.with; by  B. to; from  C. like; of   D. as; about



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