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More and more parents leave their homes ...

More and more parents leave their homes and come into the big cities to make money. But their children can’t go with them because their children have to go to school in their hometown. They are called home-left children. The problems of home-left children become more and more serious. And it becomes a big burden of our society. The main problem is that some home-left children become very lonely when they don’t have their parents’ love. And they are too young to tell right or wrong in many things. So they are fooled very easily by others.

Xiao Mei, a 14-year-old girl, is a home-left child, Her parents are both on Shanghai. She is in her hometown with her grandpa. She likes playing games on the Internet. Her parents and grandpa only give her money and food. They hardly ever care for her studies. One day, she had no money to pay for the games in the Net bar . So she stole some money from her neighbor. Just at that time, Xiao Fang, a 9-year–old girl saw it. Xiao Mei was afraid that Xiao Fang would tell other about it . She cut Xiao Fang’s throat with a knife, and then she went to school just like nothing happened. Luckily, Xiao Fang was saved by the doctors, When she opened her eyes and wrote the fact to the policeman with a pencil, everybody was very surprised. This sad story reminds the parents to care or their children no matter how busy they are.

Are you one of the home-left children? What do you need from your parents? Food, money or love? I think most children need love mostly. Let’s care for the group together.

1.Why can’t the children go to the big cities with their parents?

A. Because they have to go to school in their hometown.

B. Because their parents have no money.

C. Because they don’t like to go there.

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “burden” in Chinese?

A.负担            B.象征            C.任务

3.What does Xiao Mei only get from her parents?

A. Clothes          B. Love          C. Money and food.

4.What does the story of Xiao Mei mainly tell us?

A. We can’t play computer games.

B. Parents should care for their children.

C. We should get along well with neighbors.

5.Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A. Home-left children can tell right or wrong easily.

B. Home-left children never feel lonely.

C. Xiao Mei really needs love.


1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了目前社会的一个很严重的问题——留守儿童问题。由于缺乏父母关爱,留守儿童很孤单,对事情的好坏不容易分辨等。文章中的小梅就是这样一位留守儿童,而且在做错事后还伤害了邻居小孩。这件事情告诉我们家长要多关爱孩子,社会也要共同关注这些群体。 1.A 细节理解题。根据文章内容But their children can’t go with them because their children have to go to school in their hometown.但是孩子不能和他们一起,因为他们的孩子必须在家乡的学校上学。故选A。 2.A词义猜测题。前文讲到留守儿童成为一个严重的社会问题。此句为:而且它也成为社会的负担。Burden负担,故选A。 3.C细节理解题。根据文章内容 Her parents and grandpa only give her money and food她的父母和爷爷只能给她钱和食物。故此题选C。 4.B细节理解题。根据文章内容This sad story reminds the parents to care for their children no matter how busy they are.这个故事提醒父母不管他们有多忙,都应该照顾好他们的孩子。故此题选B。 5.判断推理题。由文章内容得知,小梅由于缺少父母的关爱和照顾,喜欢上网,所以才会在网吧将邻居小孩刺伤,由此判断C正确,小梅需要关爱。 考点:社会现象类短文阅读。



A: Hi, Toney. I haven’t seen you for a few weeks. ____1.__

B: Not too bad. But I am concentrating on an article about Life in the Future. Can you give me some advice?

A: Oh, maybe you can talk about school life in the future. For example, we students will not go to school in the future. We can study on the Internet at home.

B: Sounds great! __2.__

A: I think so, and you can choose your favorite teachers on line.

B: What’s more, there will be fewer paper books. ____3.

A: That means there will be fewer trees cut to make paper.

B: Err, in this way, our environment will become better and better. __4.__

A: What’s that?

B: If we don’t go to school, we will have fewer friends.

A: That’s true. Every coin has two sides. ___5.__

B: Ok, I will. Thank you very much.

A. Will there be fewer teachers?

B. So, you can talk about both the advantages and disadvantages.

C. And we can get more information easily.

D. E-books will become more and more popular.

E. How are things going on with you?

F. But I think there will be some disadvantages.

G. Do you have other questions?






A few days ago I took a taxi to a hotel. When we were ________  for the traffic light to turn green, I saw a poor   ________. He took out a piece of bread from his pocket and took a bite.

As he was about to take his next bite, a lost dog wagged(摇摆) his tail looking at him. Without hesitation(犹豫), he sat down and put the _______ on the road for the dog to eat. The dog sniffed the bread and walked away. The boy waited  ________  he was sure the dog was gone. Then he ________  the bread and ate it!

My heart cried and wanted to walk up to the boy, but before I could open the door the light turned ________  and our car drove away. I kept thinking of walking up to the boy but I didn’t. I could have   ________  the car and walked up to him but again I didn’t.

All I did was “   ________  ”, and this poor little boy who had only one piece of bread shared it with the dog without any hesitation, though he himself seemed to be very ________ .I learned one of the biggest lessons in my life that the boy taught me   _______ a conversation. He taught me to share with love and happiness. I am so grateful to have learned this beautiful lesson from my little unknown teacher.

1.A. looking                   B. working                C. waiting

2.A. boy                       B. dog                    C. girl

3.A. apple                    B. bread                  C. money

4.A. while                    B. until                 C. because

5.A. turned on                 B. picked up             C. handed in

6.A. green                     B. red                    C. yellow

7.A. driven                   B. made                  C. stopped

8.A. think                    B. do                     C. walk

9.A. angry                    B. hungry                 C. tired

10.A. off                     B. in                     C. without



Which of the following signs means “Don’t swim”

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—I never drink cola.    ________.

A. So do I            B. So did I           C. Neither do I



---Don’t drop litter in the river.  ---_________.

A. It doesn’t matter

B. Sorry, I won’t

C. I’d love to



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