满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Yesterday a thief_________ the bank and ...

Yesterday a thief_________ the bank and helped himself to millions of money.

A. broke in   B. broke up   C. broke out  D. broke into


D 【解析】 试题分析:A. broke in接入,插入;B. broke up散会,关系破裂 ;C. broke out 爆发;D. broke into闯入; 句意:昨天一个小偷闯入银行,盗窃了几百万。故选D。 考点:考查动词短语的辨析  

I am not sure _______the Chinese football team has won in the 16th Asian Cup or not.

A. if     B. whether   C. that   D. as



The lady spoke loudly in public so as to__________ others’ attention.

A. catch    B. hold   C. make    D. have



When I got to the cinema, the film________ for 15 minutes.

A. have begun   B. had begun

C. has been on  D. had been on



We should try to prevent air pollution__________.

A. from living a better life

B. to live a better life

C. live a better life

D. lives a better life



---He didn’t catch the train, did he?

-- _________, because he was caught in the rain.

A. No, he didn’t  B. Yes, he did

C. No, he did      D. Yes, he didn’t



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