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句子翻译 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。 1.这次...









1.Although the trip was tiring,it was pleasant. 2.I don’t think action movies are as interesting asscience fictions. 3.Why do these musicians speak highly of his work? 4.These beautiful places of interest are worth visiting. 5.He studied so hard that he made great progress in chemistry. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据所给中文句子此句可译为:Although the trip was tiring,it was pleasant. 2.根据所给中文句子此句可译为:I don’t think action movies are as interesting asscience fictions. 3.根据所给中文句子此句可译为:Why do these musicians speak highly of his work? 4.根据所给中文句子此句可译为:These beautiful places of interest are worth visiting. 5. 考点:句子翻译



1.Her hard work made a name for herself as one of the best         (演员).

2.The man         (谋杀)in his own house proved to be a famous professor.

3.What he writes in his books has a         (持久的)influence on teenagers.

4.My parents have been even         (严厉)with me than before since last year.

5.I'd like to have a         (单个的)room as I like to be quiet.

6.The Little boy cut his finger carelessly and         (流血)a Lot.

7.A new computer system was         (成功)developed by the young engineer.

8.The Great Wall runs for over 6,000 kilometres across northern China, with      (瞭望塔)every few hundred metres.

9.Why can't you work         (和平)with each other?

10.How many         (奖牌)do you think he can win at the next Olympic Games?

11.What a good time I have         (联系)my best friend online every weekend!

12.─ What about your trip to the European country?

─ In fact, I have         it because the cost is too high.

13.─ I really want to watch the match tonight. But I have to prepare for my exam at that time.

─ You can have it         and then watch it later.

14.─ I feel bad because I failed in the driving test again.

─ Nothing is difficult in the world         you lose heart.

15. ─ Do you think it is strange to see such a mistake?

Not at all! It is a         mistake among students.



In the last eight years, a lot of bees have disappeared. Scientists have been studying why those bees have been leaving their hives(蜂房)and not returning. They believe that their living environment may be changing.

Now, the US government is stepping in to help fight this problem. President Barack Obama has asked for $50 million(310 million yuan ) in his 2015 budget(预算)to fight this problem, and has announced the start of the Pollinator Health Task Force. This group will work on keeping the US bee population healthy and strong, and will show people what they can do to help bees.

Even though many people may not like bees, they are an important part of how we grow food. As pollinators(花粉传授者), they move from one plant to another. Through pollination, plants can grow seeds(种子)and fruit. It's said that at least 90 kinds of plants including nuts,  fruits and vegetables depend on bees for pollination.

The new Pollinator Health Task Force will work hard to protect bees, and build new hives for pollinators. It also plans to start a public education activity to make more people know the importance of pollinators, and actions that can be taken to protect them. The group will reach out to schools, libraries, museums and so on.

Obama said that helping save the bee population will avoid other losses for the agricultural sector (农业部门), and will help protect the health of the environment.

1. What is the major problem that scientists have been studying?

A.  Why a lot of bees can't give birth to babies.

B.  Why many bees won't return after leaving their hives.

C.  Why many hives have disappeared in the last eight years.

D.  What environment bees should live in.

2.According to scientists,maybe the change of       has caused the problem of bees' disappearance.

A.  time                         B.  food

C.  weather                      D.  their living environment

3. What role do bees play in growing food

A.  They pollinate, helping plants grow seeds and fruit.

B.  They can help keep Earth healthy.

C.  They can help plants grow more grains of pollen.

D.  They can make fruit and vegetables grow bigger.

4.To fight this problem, the Pollinator Health Task Force will do the following EXCEPT                       .

A.  make new hives for bees

B.  let more people learn the importance of bees

C.  make people know what they can do to protect bees

D.  make the agricultural sector pay more attention to this problem



With six NBA Championships and many more achievements, Michael Jordan is the greatest player the world of basketball has ever seen.

Jordan's dream of becoming a basketball player began in his childhood. When he was 9 years old, Jordan finished watching a basketball game in the Munich(慕尼黑)Olympics on TV,and said to his mother:“One day, I will take part in the Olympic Games and win the gold medal for the US!”

His father once told him that practice, confidence and determination(决心)were the things that would make a real basketball player. Since then, Jordan practiced very hard and became more and more confident and determined.

At the University of North Carolina, Jordan was a familiar(熟悉的)name. He made the game- winning shot(投篮)in the 1982 NCAA Championship. He saw it as the turning point in his basketball career(生涯).

In 1984, Jordan led the US Men's Basketball Team to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games and made his childhood dream come true.

Jordan entered the NBA in 1984. During his 15 years there, he won every possible award.  Jordan was also the greatest clutch player ever. On the basketball court, "chutch means making the last shot when time is almost up. The shooter needs to have great confidence to make the last shot and take away the win. Jordan had 28 clutches in his career一the most in NBA history.

Being confident is what makes Jordan the most famous basketball star ever. In his Hall of Fame Speech(名人堂演讲)in 2009, Jordan announced confidently to the world: " There will never be another Michael Jordan.”

1.Jordan's father advised him to do the following EXCEPT       .

A.  play in the national team

B.  practice hard

C.  always be confident in himself

D.  have strong determination

2.Which of the following did Jordan regard as a turning point in his career?

A.  Watching the Munich Olympics on TV.

B.  His contribution to the 1982 NCAA Championship.

C.  Playing in the 1984 Olympic Games.

D.  Joining the NBA team.

3.The underlined word "clutch" in Paragraph 6 means “      ”.

A.  瞄准        B.  放弃             C.  绝杀         D.  坚持

4.The story is mainly about       .

A,  how to become a famous basketball player

B.  the importance of confidence in success

C.  factors that affect people's career

D. Jordan's basketball career development



Greenpeace is a global(全球性的)group that tries to change people's ideas and behaviour to protect the environment. Now it is inviting people to take part in the“Kids for Forests" project.  This project tries to help to save ancient forests. Small children, teenagers, teachers and schools from all over the world are joining the project. Everyone can do a little to help the forests, and every little bit of help is important!

Over 80% of the ancient forests have already been destroyed. There are only seven big ancient forests that are still intact(完好无损的)today. Thousand year - old trees are cut down just to make everyday goods.

Children and young people all over the world are saying“No" to the devastation(破坏)of ancient forests. They together with Greenpeace have set up“Kids for Forests".The project is working in more than 15 different countries in Europe, Asia, North America and South America.  And by the way, this is not the first time that“Kids for Forests" has stood up for the protection of ancient forests. In 2001 and 2002, more than 35,000 children and young people fought to save ancient forests all over the world.

Young people all over the world are standing up to protect our ancient forests,and you can,too. Go and join them now!

1.What does Greenpeace try to do?

A.  To help poor children.          B.  To protect the environment.

C.  To change people's ideas.       D.  To change people's behaviour.

2."Kids for Forests" helps to save       .

A.  ancient forests                B.  intact forests

C.  endangered trees                D.  endangered forests

3.People cut many ancient trees just to

A.  plant a forest                  B.  save the world

C.  get more fields                 D.  make daily goods

4. From the passage we know       ·

A.  "Kids for Forests" is working in 15 countries

B.  all the ancient forests have already been destroyed

C.  not only small children but also teenagers are joining the“Kids for Forests" project

D.  children have never tried to protect ancient forests around the world before



Enjoy wonderful programmes on Binhai TV

Follow Billy 7. 00 a.m. - 8. 00 a. m.

As Billy grows up, his tail is becoming longer and longer. He is worried about it very much and wants to ask someone for help. It is said that there is an old man in the forest. He has magic power to do everything. Billy decided to visit him. You can have an adventure(冒险)in the forest with Billy and learn some useful English vocabulary from it.

Best Friends 10. 00 a.m. - 11. 00a.m.

It is about two kids, Jane and Alice. They are good friends and always trust and support each other.  After watching this drama series,you will know the magic of friendship.

World Sport 5. 00 p. m. - 6. 30 p. m.

This is a sports round - up for kids. It covers the recent important sporting events. There are also interviews with some young sports stars. They are hard - working and full of dreams. By answering questions on the phone, you can get some sports posters.

1.What kind of TV programme is Best Friends?

A.  A drama series.              B.  A chat show.

C.  A documentary.               D.  A cartoon.

2.What might be the main character in Follow Billy?

A.  A boy.                       B.  A girl.

C.  A monkey                     D.  An old man.

3.According to the TV guide,which of the following sentences is true?

A.  Best Friends is shown at night.

B.  We can see some players in World Sport.

C.  Billy is worried about the old man so he goes to visit him.

D.  You can get sports posters by answering Billy's questions.



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