满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Jim is ______excellent runner. He often ...

Jim is ______excellent runner. He often comes _____first in the race.

A. an ; the      B. the; the      C. a; /       D. an; /


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:Jim是一个很好的跑步运动员,他经常在比赛中跑第一。不定冠词a/an表示某一类人或某事物中的任何一个,经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时,用不定冠词起介绍作用,表示一个。a用于辅音音素前an用于元音因素前。excellent首字母e为元音字母,故用an;定冠词特指某(些)人或某(些)事物, 以区别于同类中其他的人或事物,特指前文出现过的事物或说话双方都知道的事物。序数词和最高级前要加冠词the. 如果名词后有介词短语,分词短语及定语从句修饰经常表示特指,加冠词the;跑第一名,没有修饰成分,根据句意,故选D 考点:考查冠词的用法。  



要点:1. 看中文电视、读中文书、报纸、杂志;

2. 学唱汉语歌,有助于记住汉语词汇;

3. 交中国朋友,即可练习口语又可了解中国;


Dear Frank,

You asked me for advice on how to learn Chinese well.










A. When you need help for your homework, go to the library. You may find newspapers, and big dictionaries there. They can always help you.

B. For families with children, an important problem is stopping the children from watching TV to do their homework.

C. Even if you could buy the world, you couldn't buy a happy family, good friends, or knowledge.

D. The Lost World is an exciting American film. People, especially school students, may like it.

E. People might grow plants and vegetables in the sea in about 50 years.

1.____________ "Parents Headache"

2.____________"Farms of the Future "

3.___________ "Study Tools(工具)"

4.__________ Activities(活动) for Free Time

5.__________ "Money Isn't Everything"




Traveling is the most _1.____(令人愉快的) thing for many people. Some people think it’s excellent to go sightseeing in big cities. _2.___(然而), I don’t __3.__(赞同). Because it is too _4._(拥挤的) in the big cities. And sometimes it’s difficult to __5.__(预定) hotels or ___6._(停放) cars. I love visiting the _7.__(乡下). There, I can get __8.__(接近的) to the great nature. I often go to the Nanxi River with my family. Along the river, there are many __9.___(小山). We always go hiking there. The fresh air, clean water, beautiful trees and birds’ singing make us 10.__(忘记) all the problems.




pity     wide     offer    especially     million


1.Wenzhou is a city with a population of about 9________.

2.What a________! David missed the ball.

3.Hangzhou is________famous for the West Lake.

4.Last Saturday, Tom_________ to show me around his home town.

5.The streets are much __________ than before.



Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in northeast China. It is one of the world's most important wetlands*. The reserve offers food and places to live in for wildlife. It is an ideal home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds.

Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round, but some only stay there for a short time. There are many fish in the wetlands, and the birds can easily catch them for food. Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important living area for red-crowned cranes*. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world. Some of them live in Zhalong.

Some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.

More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough living space. Many of them died. The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered* birds, and they can be safe in Zhalong.

Every year, a lot of visitors go to Zhalong to watch birds. This year, members of our Birdwatching Club are going to study the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers.

We do a bird count* once a year. We are now inviting middle school students to help. We need more people to help us count and do something to help the birds. Many people do not understand the importance* of the wetlands. We hope this information will help them understand and make them do something to protect wildlife.

1.What does the underlined word "ideal" mean?

A. 理想的   B. 危险的  C. 拥挤的   D. 昂贵的

2.Why are more and more birds in danger?

A. Because visitors watch them.

B. Because many of them died.

C. Because people have less and less place.

D. Because their living place is less and less.

3. Which of the follow sentences is Not True?

A. Some birds go to Zhalong for a short stay.

B. There are many red-crowned cranes in the world.

C. Zhalong Nature Reserve is the comfortable home of many birds.

D. Birds can find food easily in Zhalong.

4.The purpose(目的) of the article is to ______.

A. ask more visitors to visit Zhalong Nature Reserve

B. ask people to protect wetlands and wildlife

C. stop people from watching birds in Zhalong Nature Reserve

D. make people around the world know the Birdwatching Club



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