满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 A.句子翻译,将下列句子译成英语。 1.知道如何保护我们自己远离危险是...









1.It’s important to know how to protect ourselves from danger. 2.With the help of the government, farmers’ lives have improved in some ways. 3.While he was riding to school this morning, a coach hit him. 4.People didn’t realize the importance of protecting the wetlands until the birds had nowhere to live. 5.To provide more love for the poor children, we’ll invite more people to take part in the activity. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.此句的翻译应该套用句型:It’s+adj+to do sth.用it作形式上的主语,不定式作真正的主语。protect oneself from danger. 保护自己免受危险。故答案为It’s important to know how to protect ourselves from danger. 2.With the help of…在……的帮助下。in some ways. 在某些方面。时态用现在完成时态。其构成为have/has+过去分词。故答案为With the help of the government, farmers’ lives have improved in some ways. 3.前一个句子应该用while引导的时间状语从句来完成,从句的时态是过去进行时态。后一个句子用一般过去时态来完成。故答案为While he was riding to school this morning, a coach hit him. 4.此句应该用not…until来完成。时态是一般过去时。故答案为People didn’t realize the importance of protecting the wetlands until the birds had nowhere to live. 5.provide sth for sb;为某人提供某物。invite sb. to do邀请某人做某事。参加某项活动应该用take part in;此句用动词不定式来作目的状语。故答案为To provide more love for the poor children, we’ll invite more people to take part in the activity. 考点:考查翻译句子。



On July2, 1937, Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan left New Guinea for Howland Island in the Pacific. This was the longest and most dangerous part of their t   1.  around the world. Earhart had trouble soon after the plane took off. The weather was very bad, so she had to f  2.   at 3,000 metres. Going this high, the plane used fuel(燃料) quickly.

After about 20 h    3.   , Earhart and Noonan got close to Howland Island. The island was o 4.  about 65 miles (英里) away, but the bright sun was shining in their faces so they couldn’t see it. Near Howland, a ship was w  5. for the plane. Earhart called the ship: “We don’t have enough fuel,” she said. The ship tried to keep in touch with her b  6.  got no answer. Finally, the ship called for help. People looked for Earhart and Noonan for days. However, they found nothing.

What happened to Amelia Earhart? No one knows for sure. D   7.  the flight, she probably moved in the wrong direction because the sun was bright and it was d  8.   to see. So she got lost, soon after, her plane ran out of fuel, and she died at sea. Another idea is that she survived the plane crash, s  9.   to a lonely island, and later died there. Still other think she survived the crash and secretly returned to the U.S. with a new identity(身份).

Till now, none of these i10. has been proved(证明). People still want to know about them. (Noonan’s body has never been found either.) No matter what happened, Earhart probably died as she wished. “When I go,” she said, “I’d like best to go in my plane.”





As you know, homework is a big part of going to school. Luckily, here are several suggestions for you to make homework easy.

Make a homework plan

Most middle school students have two or three hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy homework day, you may need to spend even more time. It is a good idea to come up with some kind of homework schedule(进度表), especially if you are going to do sports or other activities after school.

Watch where you work

A bedroom, study or any room where you can get away from noise is good for you to do your homework. But don't study on your comfortable bed, or you might fall asleep there.

Take a break

Most people's attention (注意力) don't last very long, so take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long without relaxing will make you less productive(多产的) than if you stop to take a break regularly. Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good way for most people.

Get help when you need it

Sometimes even though you are listening carefully in class, some subjects seem too hard. The first person to ask for help is your teacher. He or she may be able to work with you before or after school and explain things more clearly. Your classmates may also be able to give you a hand. However, this might not give you the results you want. Lots of people understand something well but are not able to explain it.

Title: Homework Help


Homework can be quite hard, but there is something you can do to make homework much ___1.__.

Useful ____2._____

Making a

homework plan

Heavy homework means ___3.____more time on your study, so it is a good idea to have a homework plan so that you can _4.___in all kinds of after-school activities.

____5.___where you work

It is necessary for you to study in a _6._____ place, so a bedroom or a study is a good choice.

Taking a break

If you ___7._____ too long without relaxing, your mind may wander. To keep productive,it is a good idea for most people to have a rest for 15 ___8.____every hour.

Getting help

The ____9.____ one you can ask for help is your teacher.

You may also get ___10.___ from your classmates but this may not give you what you want.





1.What great fun the volunteer has _____________(描述) wild birds in the wetlands to us!

2.----What’s wrong with you? ----I have a _______________(牙疼).

3.There is fog and haze(霾)here these days. What an _____________(糟糕的)day!

4.People didn’t protect the earth and our living __________(条件) are getting worse and worse.

5.It’s _____________(礼貌的) to shout at your parents when you are angry.

6.They ____________(shake) their hands with each other tightly when they met again.

7.In summer, it may be much ____________(rain) in the south.

8.Through the ________(art)drawings, we can learn that they lived a very poor life in the past.

9.It’s hot in that area, with temperatures in the ____________(four).

10.Students walked out of the classroom _______________(noise) when the class was over.



Did you see snow in your home town last winter? Did you feel it was warmer than before? “There have been 21 warm winters in China since 1986,” said scientists. They also said that in the past 100 years, as the global(全球的) temperatures went up by 0.74 oC, the temperature in North China has gone up by 1.4 oC in only 50 years.

China needs to take quick action to cut carbon dioxide emission(排放), because it’s the main reason for global warming. We plan to cut energy use by 20% and pollution emission by 10% in the 11th Five-Year Plan.

Can you slow global warming? Sure! You and your family can take steps to cut the amount of carbon dioxide that is sent out into the air.

Here are some pieces of advice to help you save the earth.

Wear used clothes. Wearing your brother’s, sister’s or dad’s old T-shirts means you save the energy.

Ride on the bus. Taking a bus saves a lot of oil every year.

Open the window. Don’t use the air conditioner(空调), and let some fresh air in. When you have to use it, set the temperature higher in summer and lower in winter to save energy.

Make small changes in your daily life. Don’t use paper cups, bags and boxes.

It’s time for all of us to do something to save the earth.

1. The main reason for global warming is ________.

A. the oil

B. carbon dioxide emission

C. paper cups, bags and boxes

D. televisions and computers

2.The word “energy” in the second paragraph means“        ”.

A. 活力         B.干劲        C. 精力        D. 能源

3.Which of the following is true?

A. Using air conditioners may be a waste of energy.

B. It’s funny to wear your dad’s old T-shirts.

C. Taking a bus wastes a lot of oil every year.

D. Using paper bags saves energy a lot.

4. The passage is mainly about the ways to ________.

A. slow down global warming

B. make energy

C. change our daily life

D. change the world weather



Have you ever been to some big cities in the world? The information below will be helpful to you.

Budapest    For many centuries, Budapest was two cities, with Buda on the west side of the river Danube and Pest on the east side. Budapest became one city in 1872, and it has been the capital city of Hungary for about eighty years.

The population(人口) of Budapest is about three million, and the city is a very popular place for tourists. Visitors like to take boat rides along the Danube. Budapest is also known for its exciting nightlife. The best time to visit is summer since Budapest is very cold in winter.

Los Angeles    Los Angeles was founded in 1781. With 3.5 million people it is now the biggest city in California and the second largest city in the United States. It is famous for its modern highways, its movie stars, and its smog. When the city is really smoggy, you can’t see the near-by Mountains. The weather is usually dry and warm. Visitors like to go to the film studios and to drive along Hollywood Street. There are many good beaches near the city, and Los Angeles is also close to Disneyland.

Taipei    Since the founding of Taipei in the 18th century, the city has grown to a population of 2.3 million. Taipei is an exciting city, but the weather is humid(潮湿) and not always pleasant. It’s also a very busy city, and the streets are always full of people. There is an excellent museum that many people visit. Taipei is quite an expensive city, but not more expensive than some neighboring cities such as Hong Kong and Tokyo. So more and more travelers go to Taipei to shop.

1. People like to travel to Budapest because _______________.

A. it’s made up of two cities

B. there are good beaches along Danube

C. it’s the capital of Hungary

D. it’s famous for its boating and nightlife

2.If you are a film star fan, which city would you like to visit among the three?

A. Budapest.     B. Los Angeles

C. Taipei.       D. None.

3.When we talk about the history of Los Angeles, we know that               .

A. it was founded in 1871

B. it became one city in 1872

C. it became a city in the 18th century

D. it was founded in the 19th century

4.Which of the following is TRUE for the three cities?

A. The population of Taipei is no larger than those of the other two.

B. The weather in Taipei is smoggy and not always pleasant.

C. Budapest has the longest history of the three cities.

D. Los Angeles is the largest city in the U.S.



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