满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完成句子。 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。 1.The farme...



1.The farmers in China will live a better life .(改为否定句)

The farmers in China __________ __________ a better life .

2.Tom shows his love for his mom by doing some housework .(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ Tom show his live for his mom ?

3. Can you tell me where we will take a vacation during the Spring Festival ?(改写同义句)

Can you tell me __________ __________ take a vacation during the Spring Festival?

4. 我好想和TFBOYS交朋友。(完成译句)

I really want to __________ __________ with TFBOYS.

5. 你越细心,犯的错误就越少。(完成译句)

The more __________ you are, the __________ mistakes you’ll make.


1.won’t live 2.How does 3.where to 4.make/be friends 5.careful fewer 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:中国的农民将会过上更好的生活。一般将来时态的否定句是在助动词will后加上not,其它成分不变,故答案为won’t live。 2.句意:汤姆通过帮妈妈做一些家务表达对妈妈的爱。 划线部分为方式状语,对方式状语提问应该用疑问词how,后跟一般疑问句,一般现在时态要借助助动词does。故答案为How does。 3.句意:你能告诉我在春节期间我们会在哪儿休假吗?此句可以用疑问词加不定式的形式来进行改写。故答案为where to。 4.句意:make a friend with/make friends with交朋友。因为是两个空,故答案为make/be friends。 5.句意:两个比较级的句子放在一起,表示越……,越……,few修饰可数名词。依据句意,故答案为careful fewer。 考点:考查句型转换及翻译。



Are you a kid who enjoys cooking ? Would you like to visit the White House? There’s a contest just for you !

For the second year , First Lady Michelle Obama is hosting the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge . The contest asks kids aged 8 to 12 to hand in lunch recipes that are nutritious(有营养的), and delicious . One winner from each of the 50 states(州), will be invited to attend the Kids’ State Dinner at the White House , where winning recipes will be served .

The goal(目标)of the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge is to provide more healthy recipes written by kids . The contest is a partnership between the White House, the Departments of Education and Agriculture and the recipe website Epicurious.

Tanya Steel is the Editor of Epicurious. Last year, she helped choose the winning recipes. Her advice for kids? “Be creative and think seasonally!” She told TFK. “You don’t need to think it difficult. The most important thing is to have fun.

1.Who can take part in the contest?


2.Where will the winners be invited to attend the Kids’ State Dinner ?


3.What’s the goal of the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge ?


4.Is winning the most important thing in the contest ?






A. Who won?

B. How hard they practice!

C. Where was the match held?

D. They are cool, aren’t they?

E. The match was exciting.

F. Did you go to see the basketball game yesterday?

G. I know that John and Tim are on the team .

John and Tim are very popular in Jason Middle School . They are good at playing sports . Kay and Sue are talking about them.

Kay: Hello, Sue!

Sue : Hi , Kay !

Kay : 1.

Sue : No . No one has told me about the match .   2.

Kay: Although the other team was strong, our school won at last.

Sue: 3.  They are both really good basketball players.

Kay: Yes. They can play basketball better than others because they practice much more. I always see them practice on the playground and sometimes run around the school track .

Sue: 4.

Kay: And either John or Tim will be chosen as the Best School Athlete of the Year .

Sue: Wow!   5.

Kay: I think so.



Today there are more fires than in the past . Over 100,000 wildfires burn each year in America . Russia has 20,000 to 35,000 wildfires and Australia has about 60,000 each year. These fires destroy(损害)huge areas of forests and burn hundreds of homes .

Many experts believe there are several reasons for this sudden increase in fires. The first reason is climate(气候)change . In 2010, Russia had the hottest and driest summer with strong winds in a century. In just one month, 500 fires destroyed over 2,000 homes. Some people lost their lives .

Traditional fire-fighting practices are another reason for the increase in fires. In America, firefighters used to quickly put out every fire as quickly as they could. They didn’t allow the grass and trees to burn. As a result , today many forests have thicker vegetation(植被)which provides more fuel(燃料)for fires . So surprisingly, America has many more fires today partly because of its past fire-fighting practices.

Scientists now understand that a fire can be a natural part of a healthy forest. As a result, countries like Australia allow some fires to burn naturally. The fire makes old trees thinner. This allows sunlight to reach the ground. As a result, fires help new trees to grow. Therefore , if a fire is not a serious threat(威胁)to people , firefighters may let it burn naturally .

1.Russia had so many fires in one month in 2010 because __________ .

A. lightening spread the fire

B. there was much fuel for fires

C. there were not enough firefighters

D. it was very hot , dry and windy

2.__________ because of the traditional fire-fighting practices in the USA .

A. There are fewer wildfires

B. There are more fires today

C. The weather becomes warmer and drier

D. Trees and grass become thinner

3. The main idea of Paragraph 4 is that __________ .

A. fires are serious threats to human beings

B. Australian firefighters don’t put out fires

C. fires can play an important role in forests

D. it’s difficult for firefighters to control the fires

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?

A. Two reasons for the increase in fires are mentioned.

B. Russia has the hottest and driest forest.

C. Australia allows all the fires to burn naturally.

D. There are more fires in Russia than in the USA.



We recycle rubbish , so why not language ? Recycling language means using vocabulary(词汇)that you have learned before again and again . However , unlike rubbish that piles up(堆积)in our environment , if we do not recycle language , we simply forget it . So how do you recycle language? There are basically three ways to do it .

The first is through reading . Go back to your favorite articles and read them once more . Just reread them and do not worry about each vocabulary item . If there are some that you are not sure about , make a guess and you will probably guess right .

The second way to recycle it through writing. Look at some of your favorite articles and write either a short paragraph or a few sentences in your own words. After you have done this a few times, go back and read through what you have written, checking vocabulary functions. Don’t worry if you have made mistakes. You should learn from mistakes.网]

The third way to recycle language is by having a chat with yourself about your favorite articles at home . You can pretend there is someone with you who speaks English and tell him what you are thinking about or how you feel .

1.According to the passage , recycling language means __________ .

A. using less vocabulary

B. writing vocabulary over and over again

C. learning more new vocabulary

D. using vocabulary that we have learned very often

2. If we recycle language , it may __________ .

A. be kept in our mind

B. be forgotten easily

C. pile up in our environment

D. disappear from our mind soon

3. When writing a short paragraph , if you make a mistake , you should __________ .

A. correct it at once       B. learn from it

C. be worried about it     D. forget about it

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in recycling language ?

A. Reading.   B. Listening.   C. Writing.   D. Speaking.



A man had a little dog , and he liked it a lot . He would pat(拍)its head , put it on his knee and talk to it . Then he would give it some food from his own plate .

A donkey(驴子)looked in through the window and saw the man and the dog .

Why doesn’t he choose me as his pet ? said the donkey . “It is not fair . I work hard , and the dog only shakes its tail , barks and jumps onto the master’s(主人)knee . It is not fair.

Then the donkey said to himself, If I do what the dog does , the master may choose me as his pet .

So the donkey ran into the room. He brayed(嘶叫)at the top of his voice . He shook his tail so hard that he knocked over a jar on the table. Then he tried to jump onto the master’s knee.

The master thought the donkey was maniacal, and he shouted, Help ! Help!

Some men came running in with sticks in their hands and they beat the donkey until he ran out of the house.

“ I only did what the dog did , ” said the donkey , “ and yet they still regard the dog as their pet and they beat me with sticks . It is not fair . ”

1. The donkey did what the dog did because __________ .

A. he wanted his master to choose him as a pet

B. he wanted his master to give him food

C. he wanted to make his master angry

D. he wanted to turn into a dog

2.The Chinese meaning of the underline word “ maniacal ” is probably “__________ ” .

A. 高兴的    B. 疯狂的   C. 放松的   D. 疲倦的

3. The master __________ when the donkey tried to jump onto his knee .

A. took the donkey on his knee

B. ran into the room

C. called for help

D. patted the donkey’s head

4.From the passage , we know that the donkey was very __________ .

A. brave    B. clever    C. lazy    D. foolish



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