满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—How much do you know about American cul...

—How much do you know about American culture?

___________. I only know Mickey Mouse is one of famous symbols in American culture.

A.A few         B.A lot

C.So many         D.A little


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:关于美国文化你知道多少?---一点。我只知道米老鼠是著名的美国文化符号之一。根据答语 “I only know…”可知回答的人对美国文化了解不多。know a little about…意思是 “对……了解一点”。 故答案选D。 考点:考查不定代词。  

At Class’ Talent Show, my friend Snowy _________ like a sorceress(女巫) to make us __________.

A.dressed; to laugh    B.dressed up; laugh

C.dressed on; laugh    D.dressed on; to laugh



—Is there _________ in Lion King

—Of course. The main character Simba always tried to face any danger in his life.

A.educational something

B.educational anything

C.everything educational

D.anything educational



—The English Study Center needs a teacher. Are you good___________ kids?

—Yes, I like kids and I really hope to work ___________ a teacher.

A.for; as        B.for; with

C.with; as        D.with; for



—How do you ___________ the new supermarket in town?

—It’s clean and big. The great thing is that we can buy things ___________ there.

A.think of; cheaply    B.think about; cheap

C.feel about; cheap    D.like; cheaply



—The meeting between Xi Jinping and Ma Yingjiu is really ___________ for sure.

Yes. I strongly believe there is only one China.

A.success        B.successfully

C.successful       D.succeed



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