满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框的选项中,选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,并将所选句子...



A:You look worried, 1. ____________________

B:My pet dog “Lucky” is badly ill.

A:Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe you should take her to the animal hospital.

B:I think so. I’m new in town. 2.____________________

A:I think “Happy Animals” is the best.



B:Really? I think the most important thing is the price.

A:Yeah, it’s also the cheapest.

B:Oh, good. 4.____________________

A:About 10-minute walk.

B:Maybe I can walk there. 5.___________________.

A:No problem.

A.How long is it?

B.What’s the best animal hospital?

C.Because it has the best vets(兽医) and the friendliest service.

D.How far is it?

E.Thank you for telling me.

F.Because it has the friendliest service and it’s the cheapest.

G.what happened to you?


1.G 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.E 【解析】 试题分析:本对话主要介绍B的狗生病了,怎样去给它看病的事。 1.G考查情景交际和语境理解题。句意:你发生了什么事?根据上文You look worried,(你看起来很着急,)和下文My pet dog “Lucky” is badly ill.(我的宠物狗Lucky病得很厉害。)可知选G。 2.B考查情景交际和语境理解题。句意:最好的宠物医院是哪家?根据上文Maybe you should take her to the animal hospital.(或许你应该带她去动物医院。)和下文I think “Happy Animals” is the best.(我认为“幸福动物”是最好的。) 3.C考查情景交际和语境理解题。句意:因为它有最好的兽医和最友好的服务。根据上文why可知用because回答,故选C。 4.D考查情景交际和语境理解题。句意:它有多远?根据下文About 10-minute walk.(大约10分钟的路程。)可知问路程有多远,故选D。 5. 考点:考查补全对话。


Playing sports has a lot of benefits(好处). It can help you build a strong body and keep you in good health. But some students don’t like sports because they don’t know how to play them. Many sports have a lot of rules. To play some sports well, people have to spend many years in doing a lot of training(训练). So don’t feel sad if you don’t know how to play them. What should you do if you want to learn about some sports? Firstly, you can watch DVDs or read some books that explain(解释) the rules of playing the sports. You can also ask your parents to explain the rules to you. If you know more about these sports, it will be easier for you to practice them. And if you want to find the one you like best, you should try different kinds of sports.



The benefits (好处) of playing sports

Building a strong body and keeping you 1.

The reason why some students dislike sports

Not knowing how to 2.

The way to 3.

Spending many years training

How to know the rules of some sports

Watching DVDs

How to find the sport you like best

4. sports



Friendship is the most important thing in the world. But how do you find a real friendship and keep it?

An American writer tells young students some smart ways to find friends. He says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed(种子) and take care of(照顾) it to make it grow(生长).

First, to make friends, you must be kind and friendly to others. You should learn to smile at others and try to make a stranger(陌生人) feel at home. You should think more of others than of yourself.

Second, friends should negotiate(商量). When you don’t agree with someone, please discuss with him or her. But even the best friends can fight. After the fight, you have to talk to him or her. If he or she doesn’t want to talk, you could write a letter. Tell him or her how you are feeling, and tell him or her why you did this or that.

Finally, if he or she leaves you when you are in trouble, never believe in him or her. And never leave your friend when he or she is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

1.The American writer thinks finding friendship is just like ________.

A.looking for a good job     B.taking care of an old person

C.planting a tree            D.taking care of a baby

2.The underlined(划线的) sentence means ________.

A.you should think of other people first and put other people before yourself

B.you should forget yourself in front of your friend

C.you should make every stranger feel at home

D.you should learn to smile at all the people you love

3.When you don’t agree with others, you should ________.

A.fight, then discuss with him or her

B.talk with him or her about it

C.write a letter when he or she doesn’t want to say

D.both B and C

4.Which sentence is NOT right according to this passage?

A.You shouldn’t leave your friends when he or she needs your help.

B.Friendship is not important in the world.

C.If he or she leaves you when you are in trouble, don’t make friends with him or her.

D.It’s necessary to be kind and friendly to friends.



Look at the ads(广告). You may find something you need.

Xinxing travel agency.

Five-day trip to Zhangjiajie.

By train .

five-star hotel.

Call Miss Li at 5678-9324 for more information.

Guitar lessons.

Music teacher.

Good at teaching kids from 5 to 10 years of age.

Call Mary at 8769-9870.

Babysitter(临时保姆) wanted.

A 2-year-old baby.

At my home.

From 8:00am to 5:00 pm .

A lady who is less than 45 years old.

Be kind to kids.

Call Mr. Johnson at 4563-8127.



1.Who can teach children to play the guitar?

A.Miss Li.          B.Mary.

C.Mr. Johnson.       D.Lisa.

2.What number should you call if you want to go to Zhangjiajie?

A.5678-9324.        B.5817-9314.

C.4563-8127.        D.8769-9870.

3.Where will the babysitter work?

A.At the babysitter’s home.

B.At a lady’s home.

C.At Miss Li’s home.

D.At Mr. Johnson’s home.

4.If you go to Zhangjiajie with Xinxing Travel Agency on October 30, when will you come back?

A.October 31.      B.November 1.

C.November 2.      D.November 3.



One of the easiest ways to keep healthy is to do jogging. Jogging is the name for a very gentle(舒缓的) running—it is just a little faster than walking.

Start slow jog 20 meters, then walk 20 meters. Little by little, if you are not feeling very tired, you may do more jogging and less walking. Finally, jog the whole way. It will be easy for you to start jogging for 15 minutes twice a week, slowly, increase(增加) this to 20~30minutes every day. The longer you join in jogging, the more you enjoy it and the healthier you will become. Some people like jogging alone, and others enjoy doing it with friends. Jogging in groups makes more people keener(热心的), because you just can not stay in bed while there is a group of friends waiting outside.

If you want to start jogging, prepare(准备) a pair of comfortable shoes and determined mind.

1.Jogging means ________.

A.walking            B.running as fast as you can

C.slow running       D.jumping

2.If you are not feeling very tired, ________.

A.you may do more jogging

B.you may do more running

C.you are very healthy and needn’t do more jogging

D.you may just do more walking

3.If you want to start jogging, what you need most is ________.

A.a pair of comfortable shoes and a determined mind

B.a sports suit and a lot of students

C.a partner and a good plan

D.a strong body

4.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “determined” in the passage?

A.刚强的           B.坚定的

C.伟大的           D.坚硬的





Benjamin is the unluckiest boy in the world. He ________ falls ill(生病), but if he falls ill, it is on the weekend. He is a good student, but when he takes a test, his pen ________. His bird sings very well, but when he asks ________ to listen to it, the bird becomes silent(沉默的).

But Benjamin thinks he is ________boy in the world. He has wonderful parents and a lovely sister. He has a singing bird. His classmates are friendly to ________ . Benjamin is always happy and he is kind.

One day his mother ________ him some money to buy an ice-cream. When he ________ the ice-cream shop, he saw an old man outside it. He had old clothes, terrible glasses, and he looked ________ . Benjamin thought he was poor. He decided ________ the ice-cream and gave the money to the man.

“Thank you. You are a kind boy. But I’ m not poor. Keep your money, I’m the richest man in town and I sometimes wear old clothes to see ________ people do,” the man said and gave the money ________ to him.

The man took Benjamin to the biggest ________ in town and said, “Choose ________ you like. I can buy you the most expensive one.” Benjamin asked, “Can I choose ________ “Of course,” answered the man.

Benjamin chose the newest radio because when his bird keeps silent, he can at least listen to it with his friends. He then bought a new pair of glasses ________ the man.

1.A.always          B.hardly ever      C.never           D.usually

2.A.works           B.broke            C.worked         D.breaks

3.A.his parents     B.his sister       C.the old man    D.his friends

4.A.the friendliest B.the worst        C.the luckiest     D.the kindest

5.A.her             B.him              C.his parents    D.them

6.A.took            B.gave             C.got            D.showed

7.A.got             B.arrived          C.arrived at       D.come to

8.A.angry          B.crazy            C.hungry           D.relaxed

9.A.to buy         B.not buy         C.not to buy       D.not buying

10.A.what           B.how               C.where            D.when

11.A./             B.back             C.behind         D.in

12.A.restaurant    B.bank             C.shop            D.hotel

13.A.something    B.anything         C.everything     D.everyone

14.A.one           B.two              C.three          D.more

15.A.to            B.for             C.after            D.with



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