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What a a day makes! A. difference B. dif...

What a        a day makes!

A. difference  B. differences  C. different


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:一天是有这么大的不同啊!此题考查感叹句,What a+名词+主语+谓语!根据句意和结构,应选A。 考点:考查名词。  



以“My Dream Job” 为题目写一篇关于你的理想的文章。词数:60个左右。




1. 努力学习数学,获得好成绩。

2. 去上海上大学,研究科学。








Of all the students of Grade Four Bill is the tallestHe's thirteenand of coursehe's the oldesttooBut he's the worst and the most foolish(愚蠢的).He can't answer the easiest questions in class.1.And he never passes the exams

But the boy is the strongest in his schoolEven the boys in higher grades are afraid of himSo he leaves home with an empty bagWhen he gets to schoolhis bag is full of fruit and cakesSometimes he brings some homeHis mother,2.Mrs. King is always happy when she sees themShe praises(赞扬)her son for she can save some money

This morningMrs. King went shopping in the market.3.她看见一个老人正在那儿卖鸡蛋.4.She chose twenty-four but paid only for twentyThe old man was too busy to count(数)them She hurried off and told her husband as soon as he came back for lunch

“How clever you areMr. King said happilyAnd 5.比尔正忙于吃鸡蛋so he didn't say a word

“What's your favorite fooddear”asked Mr. King

“Eggsof course

“Wellthensaid the man“Can you tell us what can lay eggs

The boy thought for a while and said“Hensducksgeese(鹅)...and... and mum “OhBut why “I often hear they call me ‘BAD EGG’






A. Where did you go on vacation ?

B. What’s the best theater there ?

C. How often do you exercise ?

D. What do you think of it ?

E. I’m more outgoing than her .

A: Hi , Lily ! Long time no see !     1.

B: Well , I went to China for my summer vacation .

A:   2.

B: It’s very wonderful . I like the Chinese food and the friendly people there .

A: Who did you go there with ?

B: My sister . She likes traveling very much .

A: Oh ? Who’s more outgoing , your sister or you ?

B:      3.

A: Did you often exercise during the vacation ?  4.

B: Twice a week . And we often go out to walk . Sometimes we went to the theater , too .

A:    5.

B: I think Red Star Theater is the best of all . It’s very fun in it . I still want to go there now .

A: Glad to hear that . Let’s go to play table tennis . OK?

B: OK . Let’s go .




When people say “culture “, we think of art and history . But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon . We all know and love the black mouse with the large round ears –Mickey Mouse . Over 80 years ago ,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie . When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18, 1928 , it was the first cartoon with sound and music . The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney . He became very rich and successful .In the 1930s , he made 87 cartoons with Mickey .

Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular  . One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man , but he always tried to face any danger . In his early films , Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend , Minnie . However , he was always ready to try his best . People went to the cinema to see the “little man “win . Most of them wanted to be like Mickey .

On November 18, 1978 , Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame . Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse , but everyone still knows and loves him .Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey’s ?

1.Is Mickey Mouse a famous symbol in American culture ?

2.Who created Mickey Mouse ?

3.Why is Mickey Mouse so popular ?

4.When did Mickey get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame ?

5.When did Steamboat Willie come out ?





Of course you do not want to spend your vacation sick(生病的) in bed . So what can you do to stay in good health when traveling ?

A vacation should be a time for relaxing but very often it is not . You may spend most days walking around places .This can be very tiring . A tired body means a weak(虚弱的) body . And a weak body gets sick easily . So sit down for a few hours in a nice and quiet place if you feel tired .

Sleep is also important  .If you want to stay healthy ,you need to get enough sleep .Your hotel room may be noisy or the bed may be uncomfortable . You may want to stay out late at night . Then you should plan to sleep for an hour during the day . That extra(额外的) hour can make a big difference .

At last ,if you want to stay healthy ,you must eat well .That means eating the right kinds of food . Your body needs fresh fruit and vegetables ,and some meat and milk .

Remember ,if you want to enjoy your vacation ,take good care of yourself .

How to stay    1.        when traveling



Walking around places for long time can be 2.

Stop to relax in a(n)   3.   place .

Sleep enough

You may not get enough sleep for some reasons .

Sleep for4.       during the day .


Eat the right kinds of food .



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