满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

作文 请根据以下要点,写一篇短文。 1. 我有很多爱好,我喜欢画画。 2. 我已...



1. 我有很多爱好,我喜欢画画。

2. 我已经尝试画了一些画,美术老师表扬了我的画,并认为我有画画的天赋。

3. 我也喜欢看电视,最喜欢纪录片,因为从中能了解很多关于自然,历史和真实生活的事件。

4. 但现在我是一名九年级的学生,花太多的时间在电视上就是浪费时间。我认为我应该.....

5. 将来我想成为一名伟大的画家。




I have a lot of hobbies.I love painting. I have tried to draw some paintings. The art teacher praised my paintings and that I had a gift for painting. I love watching TV, and I love documentaries best,because we can learn a lot about the nature, history and real life events. But now I am a student of Grade Nine, I think spending too much time on TV is a waste of time. I think I should study hard ,I shouldn’t waste time any more. I want to be a great painter in the future. 【解析】 试题分析:本篇作文叫小作者介绍自己的爱好,首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。要求介绍。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。小作者还必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 写作亮点:这篇短文不仅使用了大量的的短语,可见该生英语功底扎实。如I love watching TV, and I love documentaries best,because we can learn a lot about the nature, history and real life events.等使文章的表达更丰富,更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  


Trees are one of the oldest plants of our earth.Just like us,trees change a lot when they grow. At one to three years old,young trees learn how to protect themselves. For example,many trees grow thorns (刺) to tell animals not to go near. Most young trees have large, deep green leaves so that they can catch enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy.

When trees are 4 years old,they begin to grow very fast and become strong enough to face challenges (挑战) in life.

At the age of l5,trees become young adults. They grow more slowly and begin to grow flowers and fruit.

It is not until the trees are 20 to 25 years old that they become real adults.The trees reach their largest sizes. Adult trees give us many things such as oxygen (氧气) and natural beauty. If we give them good care,they will go on to live healthily for many years.

As time goes on,trees begin to grow older and older and even die.At this time,they still have their important place in nature.In many ways,the life of trees is like our own life experience.

Enjoy every minute of the life of the trees and take care of them!

Title: The 1.          of trees



Things they can do


Growing thorns;

Having large, deep green leaves

Learn to protect themselves;

3.         enough sunlight and change it into their food and energy


Growing very fast;

Becoming strong enough

Face challenges in life



Becoming young adults;

Growing more 4.

Grow flowers and fruit



Becoming real adults;

Reaching their largest sizes

Give people many things 5.

oxygen and natural beauty





What makes New Swan Lake special is that ________________________________.


People __________________________________________.


Lang Lang ____________________________music when he was young.


Chais documentary under the dome_________________________________ Chinas pollution problem.


We didnt know __________________________________________________ then.


My sister gets________________________________________________________.




1.The magazine the boy asked for _________(sell) out just now.

2.We must do what we can __________(help) him when he is in need.

3. If she __________(not hurry), she will miss the first part of the film.

4.After you talk with him, you _________(realize) that he is an honest man.

5.Its the third time that you __________(forget) to bring your English book.

6.——I phoned you yesterday morning, but you were not in.

——we ________(fish) by the river.

7.when he was in Beijing, he _________ (come) to see me every day.

8._________(walk) along the street, and you will find the restaurant on your left.




1.The audience can enjoy young_________(direct) films from different countries.

2.He used to live in the _________(centre) London but now he is planning to live in the country.

3.After about an hour, they won the match ___________(success).

4.Dont worry. Ive ___________(record) yesterdays show for you.




1.what a __________(令人愉快的) place! I am thinking about staying here for days.

2.which __________ (乐器) are you going to learn to play, the piano or the violin?

3.This competition ____________(鼓励)people in China to speak English.

4.we will listen to him ___________(宣布) the results of the games.



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