满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Some students are dancing, _________ stu...

Some students are dancing, _________ students are singing.

A. the other           B. any other

C. another            D. Others


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:一些学生在跳舞,另外一些学生在唱歌。the other 另一个,另一部分;any other 其他的任何一个;another 两一个;others 其他人或物,是代词。Some..., the other...,是固定用法,故应选A。 考点:考查不定代词。  

They live on the second floor and we live on the first floor. We live ______ them.

A. below             B. over                C. above           D. next to



---What do you usually do to celebrate the Spring Festival?   --- We usually ________.

A. make a pumpkin lantern

B. watch the moon

C. eat rice dumplings

D. get together and have a big dinner



I’d like to buy a pair of trousers. The brown trousers look cool. Could I ________?

A. try on them        B. try it on

C. try them on       D. try on it



---Where are you going for your winter holiday?

--- I’m going to visit Kunming. It is ______ too hot _______ too cold.

A. not, and           B. both, and

C. not, or            D. /, and



--- Everyone is here except Lily. Where is she? ---She _____________ Mr. Wu in his office.

A. talks with          B. is talking with

C. talks about        D. is talking about



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