满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My dream school At 10 a.m., we go to the...

My dream school

At 10 a.m., we go to the music room for the first lesson of the day. My friends and I sing our

favourite songs. After the music class, it’s time to go to the computer room. The teacher teaches us some new computer games. Then it is time for lunch. There is an “English Day” in the dining hall, so we talk in English and eat English food. Then I have some ice cream. School food is really good. After lunch I go to the gym (体育馆) for sport. A famous basketball player teaches us how to play basketball. I think I do it very well. But football is my favorite game. Then we go to the school cinema. We watch Jurassic Park (侏罗纪公园) to help us with our homework on dinosaurs (恐龙). After the film it is time to get on the school bus to go home. I have some noodles after I get home. Then I do my homework and read Harry Potter. What a happy dream school day!

1.The first lesson is _______________.

A. music             B. art

C. football           D. basketball

2.The boys’ basketball coach (教练) is ___________.

A. the boy himself

B. a policeman

C. a famous basketball player

D. a common (普通的) teacher

3.The film is______________ .

A. Jurassic Park      B. Harry Potter

C. Mickey Mouse       D. Who Moved My Cheese

4.What DOESN’T the writer do in his dream school day?

A. Have lunch.       B. Speak English.

C. Swim.             D. Play computer games.


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了他梦想中的学校生活,首先他们先上音乐课,然后老师在微机室教他们玩新的电脑游戏;接下来是午饭时间,学校里的食物非常的好吃。午饭后作者可以去体育馆做运动、去电影院看电影,然后做校车回家。 1.A细节理解题。根据短文的开头At 10 a.m., we go to the music room for the first lesson of the day可知,作者今天的第一节课是音乐课。由此可知应选A。 2.C细节理解题。根据短文中After lunch I go to the gym (体育馆) for sport. A famous basketball player teaches us how to play basketball可知,午饭后,作者去体育馆做运动,有一个著名的篮球运动员教他们打篮球。由此可知选C。 3.A细节理解题。根据短文中Then we go to the school cinema. We watch Jurassic Park (侏罗纪公园) to help us with our homework on dinosaurs (恐龙)可知,作者去学校电影院,看的电影是《侏罗纪公园》。因此应选A。 4. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Mason’s Clothing Store





White, blue






red, white



red, green, black



black, red



1.Which is the cheapest(最便宜的)of all?

A. Hat.              B. T-shirt.           C. Pants.       D. Socks.

2.How much are two sweaters and a hat?

A. $14.              B. $20.             C. $21.         D. $22.

3.You only have sixteen dollars. You can buy_______.

A. a sweater and a pair of pants

B. two T-shirts and a pair of socks

C. a sweater and two pairs of socks

D. a sweater and two hats





A lot of Americans are trying to lose weight(减肥). That is almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States. Some people eat   ________food and they don’t have any fat or sweets. Others do running, exercise with machines, take medicine (药), or even have operations(手术). ________ you can see losing weight is   ________ work, and it will also cost a lot of money. But ________do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?

Many people in the United States worry about their look of the body. For many people, looking nice also means to be ________  . Other people worry about their health because many doctors    ________ overweight (体重超重)is not good.

Most people want to find an easy way to take off fat, and books of this kind are very   42  . These books tell people how to lose weight. Each book says it can easily help people take fat   ________  .

Losing weight can be ________  . Some overweight people go to health centres. Men and women ________  several hundred dollars a day exericising at these health centres. People live there for one week or two, taking exercise, eating different foods. Meals there may be just a little. All these work for losing weight. ________  four days at the health center, one woman called Mrs. Green loses 5 pounds (2.27kg). At $ 400 a day, she spends $ 320 to lose each pound(磅). But she says she is still ________  to do so.

Health centres, ________  , medicines, operations, running and exercise machines all ________  a lot of money. So in the United States, losing weight may mean losing ________too.

1.A. less (更少的)   B. more       C. nice         D. fast

2.A. For              B. So          C. Or           D. And

3.A. good            B. useful      C. hard         D. easy

4.A. why              B. what        C. how        D. when

5.A. high            B. short      C. slim        D. fat

6.A. talk             B. say         C. speak        D. tell

7.A. funny            B. much        C. popular     D. hard

8.A. out              B. away      C. down         D. in

9.A. cheap           B. expensive   C. easy        D. safe

10.A. cost            B. spend      C. take        D. have

11.A. Before         B. In          C. After        D. At

12.A. sorry          B. angry       C. sad        D. glad

13.A. books           B. food       C. sweets       D. health

14.A. need            B. have       C. use        D. get

15.A. health         B. time        C. food       D. money



On New Year’s Eve, __________ people went to Shanghai Bund. Unluckily, thirty-six of them died and many people were hurt.

A. thousand of       B. thirty thousands

C. thousands of     D. thirty thousand of



I have ________ friends and we chat________ with each other .

A. a lot, a lot          B. lots of, a lots

C. a lot of, a lot      D. a lot of, a lot of



Some students are dancing, _________ students are singing.

A. the other           B. any other

C. another            D. Others



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