满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据对话情境,用正确的句子补全对话。 A: Hi, Kate! 1.______...


A: Hi, Kate! 1.____________________?

B: It is a photo of my family.

A: 2.____________________?

B: He is my father.

A: 3.____________________?

B: Yes, he is. He is my father’s brother.

A: 4.____________________?

B: His name is Jack.

A: 5.____________________?

B: Yes, they’re my uncle’s son and daughter.


1.What’s this/ that? 2.Who’s he/ that man? 3.Is he your uncle? 4.What’s his name? 5.Are they your cousins? 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据It is a photo of my family. “这是一张我的全家福”可知此处询问这个或者那个是什么。故此处为What’s this/ that? 2.根据He is my father.“她是我的父亲”,可知此处询问他是谁,故此处为Who’s he/ that man? 3.根据Yes, he is. He is my father’s brother.“是的,他是我父亲的弟弟”,可知此处是一个一般疑问句,询问他是你的叔叔吗,故此处为Is he your uncle? 4.根据His name is Jack. “他叫杰克”,可知此处询问他的名字叫什么,故此处为What’s his name? 5. they’re my uncle’s son and daughter. “是的,他们是我叔叔的儿子和女儿”,故此处是一般疑问句,询问他们是你的堂兄弟,堂姐妹吗。故此处为Are they your cousins? 考点:补全对话。


A. Hello

B. Good morning

C. What’s your  phone number?

D. What’s your name?

E. Nice to meet you, too.

F. What’s her last name?

G. What’s her first name?

Tom: Good morning!

Lucy: 1.______!

Tom: I’m Tom. 2.______?

Lucy: My name is Lucy.

Tom: Nice to meet you!

Lucy: 3.______.

Tom: 4.______?

Lucy: It’s 0865-4563786.

Tom: OK! What’s her name?

Lucy: Her name is Rose.

Tom: 5.______?

Lucy: Her last name is Green.

Tom: Thank you.

Lucy: That’s all right.





is, yes, this, the, first, friends, those, a, no, are

I am a girl. My name is Kate Green. Kate is my   1.  name and Green is my last name. My telephone  number   2.  755-5579. I have a quilt. What color is   3.    quilt? Oh, it is red. Look here. Is   4.  a pen? No, it isn’t. It’s   5. ruler. Is it my ruler?   6.  , it is. Are 7.  my cups?   8.  , they aren’t. They   9.  Gina’s and Grace’s cups. Gina and Grace are my good   10.  .



Hello, I’m Mary Brown. Here, you can see my two family photos. In the first photo, you can see my grandparents, my aunt, my uncle and my uncle’s daughter Susan. In the next picture you can see six people. They are my parents Simon and Helen. These two boys are my brothers Alan and Peter. And those two girls are my sister Betty and Betty’s good friend Sonia Black. Where am I? Well, I’m not in the photo.

1.You can see ________ people in the first photo.

A. four     B. five    C. six       D. seven

2.Simon’s family name is ________.

A. Brown   B. Green    C. Smith     D. Black

3.Peter is Betty’s ________.

A. cousin   B. uncle    C. friend    D. brother

4.Susan has ________ cousins.

A. two     B. three    C. four    D. five

5.Who is Sonia?

A. She is Helen’s daughter.

B. She is Susan’s cousin.

C. She is Betty’s friend.

D. She is Alan’s sister.




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1.John Brown and Anna Smith are Alan’s ________.

A. parents             B. grandparents

C. brother and sister  D. uncle and aunt

2.Mary is Sally’s ________.

A. aunt      B. mother      C. sister     D. friend

3.Ann is John Brown’s ________.

A. son         B. granddaughter

C. daughter    D. grandson

4.Tom and Kate are Ann’s ________.

A. cousins                   B. uncle and aunt

C. brother and sister        D. father and mother

5.From the family tree, we know Sally has (有) ________ cousins.

A. two    B. three    C. four     D. five




A: Good afternoon, Helen. Look!     is a photo.

B: Oh! It’s a(n)     photo. Is it your family, Eric?

A: Yes! Can you see me in the     ?

B:     the boy you?

A: Yes.

B: Are these your parents?

A: Yes,     are.

B: Who is the     ?

A: She is my sister.

B: Is the tall (高的) boy your brother?

A: No. He is my uncle’s son. He is my     .

B:     his name?

A: Paul Miller.

B: What’s his     ?

A: It’s 698-4569.

B: Oh, I see. Well,     a good day!

A: Thanks! You, too.

1.A. Here     B. She         C. They        D. He

2.A. first  B. fine      C. middle       D. nice

3.A. map     B. picture   C. school      D. pen

4.A. Be       B. Am         C. Is          D. Are

5.A. you     B. they      C. those       D. these

6.A. friend   B. son        C. girl         D. dog

7.A. cousin   B. grandfather C. father      D. uncle

8.A. What     B. Who         C. What’s      D. Who’s

9.A. day      B. family    C. middle school D.telephone number

10.A. see     B. have        C. meet         D. say



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