满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Lu Jialei , 14, from Hangzhou Foreign La...

Lu Jialei 14 from      Hangzhou Foreign Language School won      first place in the CCTV Chinese Character Spelling Contest (汉字听写大会).

A. / ; a      B. a ; the      C. a ; a    D. / ; the


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:来自杭州外国语学院的14岁的陆佳蕾在中央电视台的汉字听写大会上获得了一等奖。此题考查冠词,因为序数词前要用定冠词the,根据句意,应选D。 考点:考查冠词。  


我国是一个历史悠久的国家,有很多传统的节日。中秋节是其中之一,我们也刚刚过完今年的这个节日。请以“My Family’s Mid-Autumn Festival”为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。








you,  book,  after,  question,  come,  turn,  habit,  spend,  careful,  glad

How can you study well? I think you should have good study 1.________. With good study habits, you can 2._______ less time studying but learn more.

Firstly, make full use of your time. Are your3.________ open? If so, please 4.________ off your TV. Of course, you need some time to play. But you should play 5._______ study. Remember that study6._______ first.

Secondly, listen to your teachers7.________ in class. It is very important. If you have 8.________ , just ask your teachers. They will be very 9.________ to help you.

Thirdly, do your homework by 10.______. When you have some ideas or questions, write them down in the notebook. Then you can talk to your teachers, parents or friends.




improve,   listen,   watch,   learn,   talk

In the English club, some students are talking about the best ways1.________ English. Jenny thinks it is to make word cards. Most students agree with her. Bob says he has 2._________ his English by3.__________ with his friends in the club. Jack thinks 4._________ English movies can also help a lot. Clara advises everyone 5._________ to tapes every day. They all learn something useful there.




1.Let me tell you the ________________(pronounce) of the word.

2.Ben practices _____________(repeat) his Chinese teacher’s sentences.

3.My grandma _____________(lay) out fruits in the garden the day before yesterday.

4.Two _____________(strange) helped the old man to carry the big tree.

5.The poor girl feels the ____________(warm) of her friends’ love.




1.When is Father’s Day?

2.Has Wu Dong spoken English for six years?

3.What about asking the teacher for help?

4. How do you learn chemistry?

5.What did you do on your vacation?


A. I visited my relatives in Beijing.

B. No, he doesn’t.

C. Good idea.

D. On the third Sunday of June.

E. Twice a week.

F. Yes, he has.

G. By doing exercises.




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