满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Many people like animals such as dogs an...

Many people like animals such as dogs and cats and keep one or more of them as pets. If you keep a dog or a cat as a pet, you must know how to look after it.

A grown-up dog needs two meals a day-not more. It can eat meat, fish, rice and some other things. Dogs like large bones(骨头), but you can't give them chicken bones. Remember to give them much clean water.

A dog should have a clean, dry box for sleeping. Washing it once a week is good for its health. If it is ill, take it to a doctor. A healthy dog will bring you more pleasure.

Be careful when you choose a cat. A cat has two meals a day with some meat or fish. It drinks a little milk every day. Sometimes you can give it vegetables to eat. Don't forget that it needs clean water to drink.

Take good care of your pets. They will be your good friends. Maybe they can give you some help when you are in need.

1. Many people keep_______ as pets.

A. pandas     B. elephants    C. chicken       D. cats

2.What do dogs like eating?

A. All the bones.          B. Big bones.

C. Chicken bones.         D. Small bones.

3. A healthy dog can make you_______.

A. happy       B. trouble    C. cry     D. ill

4. Cats usually drink_______.

A. orange            B. red ink

C. apple juice       D. milk and water

5.Will pets be people's friends according to the article?

A. No, I don't think so.    B. Yes, but only a little.

C. Yes, they will.          D. No, they won't.


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要告诉人们怎样照顾自己的宠物。以及宠物给我们带来的欢乐和帮助。 1.D细节理解题,根据文中语句“Many people like animals and keep one or more as pets—dogs, cats and some kinds of birds.”理解可知,人们经常把狗,猫或一些小鸟作为宠物,故选D。 2.B细节理解题,根据文中语句“Dogs like large bones(骨头), but don’t give them chicken bones.”理解可知,狗喜欢吃大骨头,故选B。 3.A细节理解题,根据文中语句“A healthy dog will bring you more pleasure.”理解可知,一只健康的狗可以给我们带来许多快乐,故选A。 4.D细节理解题,根据文中语句“Cats drink a little milk every day. Don’t forget that they need clean water to drink.”理解可知,猫不仅要喝牛奶还要喝水,故选D。 5.C细节理解题,根据文中语句“Take good care of your pets. They will be your good friends.”理解可知,人和宠物可以成为好朋友,故选C。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

One day, Allan and his friend Henry went swimming in a river. It was very hot. How happy they were in the river! After they got out of the water, they played games in the sun for a while.

On their way back, Henry saw some flowers. He liked the flowers very much and ran into the green field(农田)to look at them. Now Allan was walking by himself.

Then he heard Henry calling out, "A snake(蛇)!Help!..."

“What's wrong with you?" asked Allan.

“A snake bit(咬)me in the leg. Come here!"

Allan ran over and saw a small red wound(伤口)on Henry's leg.

“The snake was in the grass. I didn't see it,"

“Sit down quickly"! Allan told Henry.

Allan put his mouth at the little red wound and began to suck(吸)at it. In this way he saved(挽救)Henry's life. "Oh, Allan, it's very kind of you to help me."

“That's all right. We are friends and we must always help each other."

1.After swimming, they played in the sun_______.

A. the whole morning     B. for 2 hours

C.long                  D.for a while

2.Henry and Allan are_______.

A. workers     B. good friends

C. brothers     D. farmers

3. Which of the following(下面的)is true?

A. Henry went to look at the flowers with Allan.

B. They ran to the hospital at once.

C. Allan saw the snake.

D. Allan saved Henry's life.



Here I'd like to tell you something about my aunt Mary. She is thirty years old. She has a lot of hobbies. She usually gets up early in the morning. And then she walks her dog near the river. She sometimes likes to chat with others near her home after work. She often goes fishing on Saturdays.  She loves music. She always goes to the Singing Club on Sundays. She also likes going shopping. Every time she goes to the parks on fine days. She doesn't like watching TV. She is a happy woman.

1.What does Mary do after she gets up?

A. Goes fishing.    B. Chats with others.

C. Walks her dog.    D. Goes to the Singing Club.

2.When does Mary often go fishing?

A. On Wednesdays.     B. On Sundays.

C. On Saturdays.    D. On Fridays.



完型填空  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各个小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

It is a fine Sunday. Jenny and her mother are on the ________ . They want to go to________ . There are many children on it. Their parents are telling stories to ________  . An old man gets  ________ the bus. He has no seat(座位) to sit in. Jenny asks him to sit in her seat. The old man ________ Jenny. There are two foreigners(外国人)on the bus. They want to go to the Great Wall, too. But they ________  speak Chinese. Jenny talks to them in English. She tells them Beijing is a big city________  a long history. And the Palace Museum is very famous, too. She tells stories________ the Palace Museum. At the same time they learn about a lot of Chinese culture (文化) from Jenny. They think the stories are  ________ and they want to visit other places of interest in China soon. Can their dream ________  ? Of course.

1.A. train     B. bus             C. plane        D. car

2.A. hutong    B. Tian'anmen Square C. the Great Wal  D. Wangfujin

3.A. them     B. they              C. me           D. him

4.A. up        B. on               C. dressed       D. in

5.A. says      B. talks            C. shows        D. thanks

6.A. can       B. can't             C. must           D. need to

7.A. at        B. in              C. with          D. has

8.A. to        B. about             C. or             D. with

9.A. boring   B. relaxed           C. afraid         D. interesting

10.A. think of B. come on           C. come true      D. get to



Let you and ______ good friends .

A. me be   B. me to be    C. I be    D. me am



-- Let's go swimming, Millie.

--- Sorry, I have ______ homework to do.

A. too many    B.too much    C. many too    D.much too



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