满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

看图填词 It was Sunday morning.The__1.____ w...


It was Sunday morning.The__1.____ was fine. David and his friends didn't go to school. They _2.___ fishing in a river. His friends often go fishing, so they are good at fishing. They caught one fish after another. It was __3.__ first time for David to go fishing. Unfortunately, David caught none. Half an hour later, David had an idea. He went to a fish shop nearby. It sold all kinds of fishes in the shop, He ___4._ one of the __5.__ fish in it. Then he went back to the river. He _6.__ the hook into the fish's __7.__,and then threw the fish into the river. His friends knew nothing about all of this, because _8.__of them had his own work to do.

After a few minutes, David shouted,“__9.__ a big fish I've caught last!" His friends were all surprising when they saw David pulling a big fish up from the water. They asked him how he was able to catch _10.__ a big fish. David had nothing to say, and he only smiled instead.

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1.weather 2.went 3.the 4.bought 5.biggest 6.put 7.mouth 8.each 9.What 10.such 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是David和朋友们在一个星期天的上午一起去钓鱼,David很长时间都没钓到,所以他就去附近的商店里买了一条鱼,假装是自己钓的。当他的朋友们问他是怎么钓到的时候,David无话可说了。 1.句意:这是星期天的早上,天气非常好。weather 天气,是一个不可数名词,根据句意和句中的fine可知,这句话说的是当天的天气情况,故填weather。 2.句意:他们去河边钓鱼。go fishing是一个固定的短语,去钓鱼。根据文意可知,这篇短文介绍的是星期天David和他的朋友做的事情,全文使用的是一般过去时态,故这里应填过去式went。 3.句意:这是David第一次钓鱼。the 是定冠词,修饰名词表示特指。根据句意可知,空后的first是一个序数词,故前面应加定冠词the,表示第一次。 4.句意:他买了其中最大的一条鱼。根据文意可知,David caught none,David一条鱼也没抓到,因此他He went to a fish shop nearby去了附近的商店,他是想买一条鱼,假装是自己抓到的。buy是买的意思,根据文意这里也用过去式bought。 5.句意:他买了其中最大的一条鱼。根据文意可知,David caught none,David一条鱼也没抓到,因此他He went to a fish shop nearby去了附近的商店,他是想买一条鱼,假装是自己抓到的。根据下文a big fish可知,这条鱼是很大的,biggest是big的最高级形式,表示最大的,前面用定冠词the 修饰。 6.句意:他把鱼钩放到鱼的嘴里,然后把鱼扔到水里。put 放,是一个动词。根据文意可知,David在商店里买了一条鱼,假装是自己抓到的,所以这里他用鱼钩把鱼的嘴勾住,然后扔到水里。这里的put也是过去式形式。 7.句意:他把鱼钩放到鱼的嘴里,然后把鱼扔到水里。mouth嘴,根据文意可知,David在商店里买了一条鱼,假装是自己抓到的,所以这里他用鱼钩把鱼的嘴勾住,然后扔到水里。故填mouth。 8.句意:他的朋友们一点也不知道这些事,因为他们每个人都有自己的事情做。each每一个,在这句话中做代词,构成短语each of...,表示……中的每一个。 9.句意:几分钟之后,David大声喊道:我钓了一条多么大的鱼啊!根据句意可知,这里是一个感叹句,表示David钓上了一条大鱼,感到非常的吃惊。其句型是What a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语动词。故填What。 10. 考点:阅读填空。


1.Jenny is a pet lover. She wants to work with pets.

2.David is the boss of a big education company. He wants to know some information about education in China.

3.Wang Lan just came back from England. She is looking for a job. She prefers to work in a big company.

4.Helen is a housewife. She wants to buy vegetables and fruit at low prices.

5.The students in No.2 Middle School plan to have a picnic. Whether they will do it depends on it will rain or other situations.

A. Lots of people miss their pets while they are on holidays. Our hotel can solve(解决)this problem. We lend cats or dogs to you. We are sure that you will be happy to stay with them.

B. Many people like animals and take them as their pets. Now pet hospitals are very busy .Kind people who love animals are needed to work in busy hospitals.

C. Living in another country can help you to learn a language, and about another culture. Many companies today need employees(雇员)who can speak a foreign language, or have the experience of living or working in another country.

D. We sell eggs, apples tomatoes and pork at very low prices. Our business hours are from 6:00a.m. to 10:30p.m.

E. Our city will have a cloudy day tomorrow .It will be rainy at times. There will be a strong wind. The day after tomorrow will be sunny. It will be a fine day to go hiking or to have a picnic.

F. We have all kinds of video films, TV plays, and music videos. You can enjoy yourself and take time to watch your favorite videos at our shop. You can also borrow some videos home. Each video for a week for 1 dollar.

G. A study of the people in China’s largest cities shows that saving money for children’s education has become an important reason for saving. It is the second most important purpose of people’s saving habit. The result shows that people in China care much about education. The education market is very big in China.



A boy couldn't speak when he was 3 years old. A lot of people thought he was a foolish boy. When the boy was 9 years old, he could speak but he still couldn't speak well. His teacher didn't like him at all and his classmates laughed at him. He felt very sad, One day his father had a walk with him. They went to a wood and there were a lot of trees there. Then his father took him to two trees and said to him.“Boy, this tree is sabal (菜棕,一种树的名字)and this tree is fir(冷杉). Sabal grows very quickly at first but a few years later, it will stop growing, so the tallest Sabal can't reach(达到)ten meters. But the fir is different, it grows very slowly at first but it never stops growing so it can grow very tall."

Then his father took him to another fir. It was so tall, so strong. It can reach the sky. The father said to his son, “Son, you are the fir."The boy understood his father's words. The boy became a very great scientist. Do you know who he is? He is the world-famous scientist. His name is Einstein.

1.What did people think of the boy when he was very young?

A. They thought the boy was very clever.

B. They thought the boy was foolish.

C. They thought the boy couldn't speak.

D. They thought the boy was a good student.

2.Why did his classmates laugh at the boy?

A. Because the boy was foolish.

B. Because the boy was very clever.

C. Because the couldn't speak well.

D. Because the boy couldn't walk.

3.Is the sabal taller than the fir?

A. Yes, it is.       B. Yes, it does.

C. No, it isn't.      D. No, it doesn't.

4.What do you think of the boy's father?

A. He doesn't like the boy.

B. He is a great father.

C. He often takes a walk with his son.

D. The boy doesn't like his father.

5.What did the boy become at last?

A. He became a great teacher.

B. He became a great father.

C. He became a great scientist.

D. He became a great businessman.





Big Screen Cinema



An action movie.USD5


8:00 am—9:30 am

6:30 pm—8:00 pm


Mr Brown’s Shoe Store


Open: Monday—Friday

8:00 am—8:00 pm


8:00 am—10:00 pm


Women’s shoes are on sale.

Each pair is 50 yuan on weekends.

302 Green Street


School Bus Driver Wanted


*Full-time job.

*At least three years’

driving experience.

*Good knowledge of the city.

*Be good with kids.

*Under 40 years old.


For more information,

call Mr Li at 785-4365.

Kung Fu Panda 2

A cartoon.


Students with school ID cards:USD2

Kids under six: Free


8:00 am –9:30 am

6:30 pm—8:00 pm


1.Hero is a(n)______.

A. comedy              B. cartoon

C. action movie         D. thriller

2.You can buy a pair of women’s shoes for 50 yuan on _____ at Mr Brown’s shoe store.

A. Thursday        B. Sunday         C. Monday        D. Friday

3.If you want to be a school bus driver, please call______.

A.785—2436      B. 786—6485

C. 785—7361      D. 785—4365

4.Mrs Li and her five-year-old son go to see Kung Fu Panda 2, they need to pay _____.

A. USD2          B.USD3         C.USD4          D.USD5

5.Who may get the job as a school bus driver?

A.A person who is over 50 years old.

B. A person who has been a driver for only one year.

C.A person who has driven for four years, but doesn’t like children.

D.A person who is thirty-five years old and knows the city well.




阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A. B. C. D四个选项选出最佳答案。并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。

Last winter ,my wife and I traveled to visit my parents in the countryside. We had taken lots of luggage(行李)but we manage to get on the train and got everything settled. Four young men ____ in front of us in a face-to-face seat.

They were about twenty years old and they were strong and_____, and I disliked them immediately. They were laughing loudly, obviously _____ themselves and they ____ a foreign language.

As the train went quickly ____ the countryside, I kept an eye on them as they talking loudly.

Sometimes they took a look in our direction. Later on two of them _____ at a small train station,the rest of them ____ to laugh and joke in their own language.

When we finally arrived at our____, only one of them was left on the train. He was ____ to leave, too. And as I walked towards him with my heavy luggage, he reached out and asked in English, “Want a hand with that, mate?"

He ___ the heavier bag up the station steps for us. We were pleasantly surprised and very grateful.

1.A.sat        B. stood          C. lay             D. lived

2.A.polite       B. quiet          C. lazy           D. noisy

3.A.helping     B. enjoying      C. teaching        D. devoting

4.A.told       B. spoke         C. said           D. talked

5.A.above       B. onto           C. over           D. through

6.A.got off      B. got up         C. took off         D. got on

7.A.wanted     B. started       C. stopped         D. continued

8.A.house      B. hotel          C. station          D. home

9.A.bored      B. worried       C. excited         D. frightened

10.A.carried     B. left          C. brought         D. bought



_______ interesting work it is to teach children!

A. How       B. How an       C. What          D. What an



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