满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Do the dishes, Mike, or I will tell mum...

—Do the dishes, Mike, or I will tell mum!

—Mind your own          ,Sue!

A.  action     B.  duty

C.  business    D.  way


C 【解析】 试题分析:action行动,活动; duty职责,责任; business 事务,业务 ; way方式,方法;上文迈克,去洗碗,否则我会告诉妈妈。下文,管好你自己的事,(Mind your own business)苏。所以答案为C 考点:考查日常交际用语。  

—_______ do you _______ about spring?

—The flowers and the green trees.

A. How, like   B. How, think

C. What, think D. What, like





1. Kate 是我最好的朋友. 是班里最苗条的女生。

2. 她脸上总是面带微笑,每个人都乐意与她交朋友。

3. 她是DIY俱乐部的一员,曾自己制作音乐盒作为生日礼物送给他的妈妈。

4. 她还喜欢旅游,上个礼拜四,她去South Hill爬山。

5. 长大后,她希望……

注意:1. 语法正确,意思连贯,书写规范,要点齐全;

2. 第5要点须用1至2句话作适当的发挥;

3. 词数70词左右。

















1.To be the________   (健康) girl of the twins, she never eats meat.

2.Thousands of people________     (出席) the meeting yesterday.

3.The visitors all found it_________(激动)to travel around in Suzhou.

4.________(幸运的是), some kind climbers helped us.

5.The twins look the same but are not of the same        (高度).

6.Sandy’s drawing is the most beautiful in the drawing ____________ [kɔmpə'tiʃən] .

7.He can speak at least five ________________ ['læŋgwidʒz].

8.In the winter holiday last year, Mr. Wang was on v_______   _ with his family in Australia.

9.--- Did you go home by bus last night?

--- No. I missed the last bus, so I had to walk home i        

10.-Do you know David came first in yesterday’s English test?

-It’s not a         . Everybody knows it.



Most people have a cellphone(手机). When you are walking on a busy street, you will see many people speaking on their phones. Many people say they can’t imagine how they live without a cellphone.

Cellphones play an important role in our daily life, such as keeping in touch with others, calling home or the police if there is any emergency. Although cellphones can help us a lot, we must think of others when we use them. Unfortunately, some people do not consider others when using their cellphones. For example, some cellphone users speak too loudly and discuss personal matters in public places. Some people make phone calls in the cinema. Some people talk for a long time on the phone while they are driving on the busy road. Someone’s cellphone will ring during an important meeting. Many people complain about these bad manners. In their opinion, cellphone users shouldn’t disturb others when they make a call.

Then how to use a cellphone politely in public? The following rules will help you. When you’re in a meeting, watching a movie or having a lesson, you’d better turn off your cellphone. When you get a call and you’re with friends, try to make the call as short as you can. If you are waiting for an important call, then make sure that you tell others about this at the beginning of a meeting. It’s rude to scream(尖叫声) or shout on the phone. Make sure you will be heard only by the caller but not by the others around you. Besides, if possible, find a quiet place where you can talk in private.

1.You can see many people using ________ in the street.

A. radio                  B. cellphones         C. MP4

2.What’s the Chinese meaning for the underlined word “emergency”?

A. 紧急情况              B. 娱乐活动          C. 公益活动

3.People must consider ________ when they use cellphones in public.

A. themselves             B. other persons       C. their family

4.It is good manners for cellphone users to ________.

A. make phone calls in the cinema

B. talk about personal matters loudly in public

C. turn off the phone during an important meeting

5.The best title for this passage is ________.

A. Cellphone Manners

B. Cellphones Are Very Useful

C. Having a Meeting



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