满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A __________ is a person who buys someth...

A __________ is a person who buys something.

A. customer  B. shop keeper   C. bookseller


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:一位顾客就是一个买东西的人。A. customer顾客B. shop keeper店员C. bookseller卖书的人,所以选出正确答案A。 考点:考查名词的用法  

You have to get your parent’s________ if you want to go on the trip

A. arrangement    B. agreement   C. argument



The cat usually__________ the dog because it was frightened of the dog.

A. protects      B. bites          C. avoids




1.Most students have to go to school on weekdays.

A. Saturday and Sunday

B. from Monday to Friday

C.from Monday to Sunday

2.If you want to be ahead of your classmates, you have to study much harder than before.

A. in front of

B. in the front of

C. better than

3.You cheated in the exam. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

A. be happy about

B. feel embarrassed about

C. be proud of

4. Many new things will soon go out of date.

A. no longer be fashionable

B. be useless

C. grow old

5. Can you find a good way to solve the problem?

A. think over          B. think about       C. think of

6.Study hard! Don’t let your parents down.

A. make…disappointed

B. ask…to come down the stairs

C. make…very surprised

7.Einstein was one of the greatest minds of the age.

A. important people

B. wise people

C. brave people

8.Mr. Wang treated himself to a new iphone6 last Sunday.

A. brought a new iphone6 to himself

B. borrowed a new iphone6 for himself

C.bought a new iphone6 for himself









Saturday, June 7, 2013                        Fine

This morning,  ______________________________________________










A:  Hello, Tom !

B:   Hello, Jane ! 1._________________________.

A:   Tired? Because I went to bed late last night.

B:   Why? 2.____________________? Did you do your homework?

A:   No, I just watched a football match between two famous teams.

B:   3._______________________________________.

A:   Yes, very exciting. But I was a little disappointed.

B:   What happened?

A:   My favorite player missed a good chance. He couldn’t kick the football into the goal. All his fans were very angry with him.

B:   4._____________________,I am sure he must have done his best.

A:   Yes, I think so . Oh, you look unhappy. Whats the matter?

B:   I was lonely. My parents went to Beijing for an important meeting. I am alone at home.

A:   5._________________________. Ill stay with you.

B:   Thank you very much.

A:   You are welcome.



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