满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—I didn’t hear you come in just now. — T...

—I didn’t hear you come in just now.

That’s good. We tried _____ any noise, for you were sleeping.

A.not make B.not to make

C.to make D.making


B 【解析】 试题解析: try to do sth:努力/尽力做某事.try not to do sth:尽力不要做某事。句意指尽量不去制造任何噪音。故选 B  

I always tell my students ______ on the road because it’s really dangerous.

A.not to play B.to play not

C.not playing D.not play



The girl was often heard       happily in her room.

A.sing   B.to sing

C.singing D.sings



—Is Bohai Bridge open to the public yet?

Yes. It ______ for almost one and a half months.

A.has opened   B.has being opened

C.has been open D.was open



-Do you know Lucy’s grandma?

-Of course. She is a kind woman, but she has      for about a month since she      in the accident.

A.been dead; was killed B.died; was killed

C.been dead; killed    D.died; killed



At last the boy was made      and began to laugh.

A.stop crying   B.to stop to cry

C.to stop crying D.stop to cry



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