满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

情景七选五。 A: Hello, Mary. What will you do ...


A: Hello, Mary. What will you do this weekend?

B: Oh. I’ll plant trees with my classmate, John.

A: Sounds good! _1.____It’s bad for our environment.

B: So we should play a part in saving our environment.

A: I agree with you. Where will you plant trees?

B:____ 2.____

A: How will you go there?

B:__ 3.__ It’ s far from our school.

A: Will you take any food with you?

B: Yes, I will. _4._______.

A: What will the weather be like that day?

B: _5.______

A: Great! I hope you have a good day!

B: Thank you very much.

A. We’ll take a bus there

B. The radio says it will be fine.

C. We are going to walk there.

D. In the Green Park.

E. Now trees are becoming fewer and fewer.

F. We’ll have lunch there.

G. There will be more and more trees.



1.E 2.D 3.A 4.F 5.B 【解析】 试题分析: 1.E根据上句I’ll plant trees with my classmate, John.结合后句It’s bad for our environment.可推知此处是说现在,树木变得越来越少了。所以选E。 2.D根据上面的问句Where will you plant trees?可知这里该回答地点,所以选D。 3.A根据上面的问句How will you go there?可知这里该回答交通方式。结合后句It’ s far from our school.可知该选A,我们将乘公共汽车去那里。 4.F根据前面的问句Will you take any food with you?结合答语Yes, I will.可知该选F,我们将在那里吃午饭。 5.根据上面的问句What will the weather be like that day?可知该选B,广播里说天气好。 考点:七选五。


Life in the future will be very different from it is today. Between then and now many changes _____place, but what will the changes be?

The population is growing ____. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live ________than people do now.

Computers will be ______smaller and more useful, and there will be at _____one in every home. And the computer study will be one of the most important ______in schools then.

People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time ______sports , watching TV and traveling.

Traveling will be much easier and cheaper. And more people will go to _____countries for holidays.

There will be changes in our work, too. ____and hard work can be done by robots. Because of this, many people will not have work ______. This will be a problem.

1.A. take                  B. will take                C. took

2.A. slowly                 B. quick                   C. fast

3.A. longer                 B. long                     C. longest

4.A. very                   B. pretty                   C. much

5.A. least                 B. fewest                   C. most

6.A. exams                  B. subjects                C. hobbies

7.A. for                   B. in                       C. at

8.A. another               B. the other                C. other

9.A. Dangerous              B. Danger                   C. Dangerously

10.A. do                    B. to do                    C. doing



- ---_______

----Yes, I went to Sanya last month.

A. What did you do?

B. Have a good day.

C. Long time no see.



Amy is looking forward to _________from her friend from Japan.

A. heard                     B. hear                   C. hearing



I didn’t go to bed_________my mother came back last night.

A. though                   B. until                   C. if.



If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, Bob ______hiking with his friends.

A. will go                   B. goes                  C. won’t go



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