满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Some robbers _______ the bank and took a...

Some robbers _______ the bank and took away lots of moneys.

A. broke to       B. broke down

C. broke up       D. broke into


D 【解析】 试题分析: A. broke to 向...透露, B. broke down 失败,C. broke up 破裂 , D. broke into闯入,本句可翻译为,一些强盗闯进银行并带走了大量钱财。 考点: 短语辨析  

__________ you offered him!

A. How useful advice

B. What a useful advice

C. How a useful advice

D. What useful advice



______ do you like the song “trouble is friend”?

Wonderful. It’s worth ________.

A. What, to listen

B. How, listening to

C. What, listening

D. How, to listen to



If you don’t work _______ enough, I don’t think your dream will come _______.

A. hardly, truly

B. hardly, true

C. hard; truly

D. hard; true



--- _______ will the fog and haze(雾霾) last?  ---I have no idea. There is no sign of an end.

A. How long         B. How soon

C. How far          D. How often



Many old people _________ his age die _________ cancer.

A. at, in           B. of, of

C. at, from       D. of, in



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