满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,然后从所给的选项中,选出一个最佳选项. Last sum...



Last summer we went on an exciting trip to Sarawak in Malaysia, a part of the island of Borneo (婆罗洲). Borneo is famous for its rainforest, which   _   427,500 square kilometers of the island. This rainforest is 130 million years old, making it one of the  _  rainforests in the world.

When we were in Sarawak, we were lucky enough to go hiking __   the jungle. In the jungle we came across many wild   __  . Our favorite animals were orangutans (猩猩). We watched them swing   __  tree to tree. The graceful and gentle animals made us feel even closer to __  .

The   __  told us many stories of fantastic spitting cobras (啐毒眼镜蛇). He said that they were more    __  of us than we were of them! Another interesting feature of Sarawak is that there are many tribes (部落), which still    __   in the rainforest today.

___  we visited one of these tribes, people there told us about their long history. We were really   __  in their stories and traditions. Besides, we also enjoyed their   __  , such as pansoh, which was chicken cooked in bamboo.

In Sarawak, there are also rivers and many different birds.   __ , we didn’t have time to visit Turtle Island. It’s a wonderful place   __  you can swim in with the turtles.

This holiday has been a life-changing   __- that we will never forget.

1.A. stands     B.comes           C. covers     D.turns

2.A. largest      B. oldest         C. longest     D.biggest

3.A. to         B. on            C. through    D.above

4.A. plants     B. animals        C. flowers   D.insects

5.A. from         B. between       C. under       D.in

6.A. trees      B. life          C. nature    D.people

7.A. teacher     B. driver        C. guide       D.girl

8.A. fond (喜欢的)B. tired          C. scared      D.worried

9.A. live        B. work          C. study      D.lives

10.A. If         B. Why          C. When       D.Whether

11.A. bored       B. surprised     C. interested D.interesting

12.A. food       B. clothes       C. houses     D.fruit.

13.A. Luckily     B. Sadly          C. Happily   D.Sad

14.A. what        B. which         C. when      D. in that

15.A. story      B. place         C. experience D.visiting


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:本篇文章记叙了作者的一次难忘的旅行经历,通过去热带雨林,与动物接触,与当地部落接触,作者觉得这次旅行改变了他的人生,对生活有新认识。 1.C考察动词词义,句义为该岛热带雨林的覆盖面积为427,500平方千米,stand 代表,come 来,cover 覆盖,turn 转变,此处选择cover最适合题意。 2.2】B结合短语130million years 可知这片热带雨林是世界上最古老的热带雨林之一,largest最大的,oldest最古老的,longest最长的,biggest 最大的,此处选择oldest最适合题意。 3.3】C介词辨析,through the jungle 穿过丛林,through 穿过,on在…上(与物体接触),above在…上(与物体不接触),to介词,向…该句可翻译为当我们在Sarawak的时候,我们很幸运可以在丛林里远足。 4.4】B根据后面句子我们最喜欢的动物是猩猩可知,在丛林里我们遇到很多动物。plant植物,flower花,insect昆虫均不符合题意。 5.5】A考察介词的用法,from...to...固定用法,从...到...,该句可翻译为猩猩们在丛林里面荡来荡去。Between在两者之间,与and搭配,under在…下面,in在…里面。 6.6】C词义辨析,作者通过与猩猩接触,觉得这些温柔又优雅的动物让作者与自然更亲近了。 7.7】C词义辨析,作者出去旅行,很显然是导游给他们讲解,很容易排除其余三个选项。 8.8】C考察形容词短语。be scared of… 固定短语 害怕... ,be fond of..喜欢,be tired of…厌倦,be worried about… 担心…,该句翻译为,比起我们怕眼镜蛇,其实他们更怕我们。 9.9】A live in 居住在...,主语为复数,所以live用原型。该句可翻译为,现在有许多部落仍然住在热带雨林里面。 10.0】C句义为当我们参观其中的部落时,当地人会给我们说它们的悠久历史。If和whether 意思为是否,why 为什么,很显然与该句意不符合。 11.1】Cbe interested in...对...感兴趣,固定用法。Bored无聊的,surprised惊奇的,interesting 有趣的,但主语是物,interested有趣的,修饰人,本句意思为我们对部落故事和习俗很感兴趣。 12.2】A 根据下文提示可知道pansoh是一种把鸡肉放到竹子里烹饪的食物。 13.3】B上下文可知道在Sarawak还有许多有趣的河流和鸟类,但是因为时间有限,所以作者觉得很遗憾没有去Turtle Island,故选择sadly遗憾的,伤心的。 14.4】B考察定语从句,先行词为a wondful place,一个很棒的的地方,且后面已有介词in,所以选which. 15.5】C词义辨析,读完全文可知道,这次旅行,这次假期对作者来说是一次难忘的经历。 考点: 记叙类短文

---Thank you for your help .---____.

A. Thats right

B. Dont mention it

C. All right

D. You are right



---Have you seen ____ pen ? I left it here this morning .

---Is it _____ black one ? I think I saw it somewhere.

A.a,the     B.the,the      C.the,a       D.a,a



It is _____ good film that none of us dislike it .

A. a so  B. so a  C. a such    D. such a



_____ Lily _____ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.

A. Not only ; but also   B. Either ; or

C. Both ; and           D. Neither ; nor



He took a plane _____ he would get home early .

A.so  B. so that  C. that  D. such that



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