满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

- Why didn't you go on a trip with your ...

- Why didn't you go on a trip with your family?

- Well, I wanted to, but I then I gave up that_______.

A. hobby    B. habit    C. thought    D. mind


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:为什么你没有和家人去旅行?本来我想去,但是后来我放弃了那个想法。mind,想法,主意。 【考点定位】词汇 【点评】根据四个选项的意义进行解答,hobby,爱好;habit,习惯;thought,认为;mind,主意,想法。  

- Why didn't you buy the dress? The colour looks good on you.

-I think it is the quality that_______.

A. works    B. helps    C. does    D. matters



- What do you think of the film?

- Wonderful! You_______ praise it_______ much

A. cannot; too

B. can; too

C. can always; so

D. can never; so



- What's wrong with Mary?

- She's_______ at her sister's bad behavior.

A. crazy    B. nervous    C. excited    D. mad



- How do you communicate_______ your friends?

-I like to chat with them_______ the Internet.

A. with; by

B. with; through

C. at; on

D. on; through



- Who is the boy over there under the tree?

- He's Li Ming, _______ leader of_______ university football team.

A. a; an      B. the; an     C. /;a     D. the; the



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