满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When I was ten, my sisters and I were am...

When I was ten, my sisters and I were amazed at our neighbors Christmas tree. We returned home from their house and decided that we must have one of our own. In our house we never had enough money for a Christmas tree.

In fact, we insisted so much that my father had no choice but to agree. “Yes!” he finally said.“This year we will have a Christmas tree.” Our mouths dropped open at the thought of having our own tree. Then Dad said,“Ill do it myself.”

We followed him around the house as he gathered up the materials he would need, We all sat close to him, carefully watching everything he did. He passed the thread around the first nail on the corner of a box, then back down to the second nail on the box, and up again to the nail, until right there before our eyes a green a Christmas tree began to take shape. He carefully did the same with all of the 50 nails in the box and when he had finished he said,“Now you can decorate it.”

I dont remember where the decorations came from, but they were red and small and to us they just looked so beautiful and perfect for our tree. When we finished decorating it, we proudly invited all our friends over to see our Christmas tree. We were so happy, not only because it looked so pretty, but because my father had made it himself. It truly was the most beautiful Christmas tree we had ever seen.

Years later, things got better and Dad was able to buy a proper Christmas tree which we would happily decorate. However, my sisters and I will never forget the night when we got our first Christmas tree.

1.What do we know about the writer?

A. She had lots of friends at school.

B. She knew little of her neighbors.

C. She lived a hard life when she was young.

D. She seldom saw beautiful green trees.

2.How did the writer and her sisters feel when their father decided to make a Christmas tree?

A. Excited       B.Tired

C. Bored         D.Worried

3.The third paragraph mainly describes__________.

A. why the writer and her sisters went around the house

B. what were needed to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree

C. how long it took to find materials

D. how the Christmas tree was made

4.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A.A brave act by a happy family

B.A fathers love for his children

C.A picture of large families

D.An act of kindness

5.The Chinese meaning of the underlined worddecoration is_______.

A. 决定       B.讨论

C. 装饰        D. 词典


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】 1. our house we never had enough money for a Christmas tree.句意:在我们家,我们根本没有钱足以买下圣诞树。A“她在学校失去了朋友”;B.“她不了解邻居”;C“年幼时,她过着穷苦的生活”;D“她很少看见漂亮绿树”;故选C。 2. 题。原文:Our mouths dropped open at the thought of having our own tree.句意:一想到我们会有自己的圣诞树我们就高兴的合不拢嘴。可知作者姐妹很激动。A. Excited “激动”;B.Tired “疲惫”;C. Bored “厌倦,无聊”;D .Worried“担心”;故选A。 3.考查段落概括题。We followed him around the house as he gathered up the materials he would need,…and when he had finished he said,句意:当他收集所需材料时,我们就跟随他在屋子里到处走。…当他完成了他说…说明这一段讲述爸爸做圣诞树的过程。故选D。 4. Dad said,“I’ll do it myself.”句意:我将亲自来做圣诞树。表明父亲对孩子们的慈爱。故选B 。 5. you can decorate it.”句意:现在你们来装饰圣诞树;故选C. 考点:记叙文。(父亲的圣诞树)


I used to live in a separate room. I loved living alone. But one day it all changed when my brother Mike asked to    my room. At first, my parents said “no” to him, but at last my mother agreed. I cried and begged my parents not to do this,    it didn’t work.

As soon as Mike entered my room, my room began to become    . To my anger, he often left his unwashed clothes everywhere!

One evening,I was doing my homework on my computer while Mike was listening to music. Later, I left my    to get some water. A shock was waiting for me when I returned. He had used my computer to play games. I had    to save the homework. Sadly, he closed the program without saving it---all my effort had disappeared! I shouted at him at the top of my    . He cried a lot as my mother    him. My mother also asked him to leave my room    .

Then I did my homework once again. At 11:00 pm, I    it. I was about to turn off my computer    I saw the photo of my brother that he had put on my table. I looked at his lovely face and remembered how he was crying when my mom punished him. I really felt   for him.

I went to him. He was_   in my parents’ bed. I kissed his forehead. He woke up,   and said, “I’m sorry. I won’t bring you    again.”

I was so moved and I hugged him, saying, “From now on, my room is not only    . It is ours!”

1.A. clean      B. paint       C. visit      D. share

2.A. or         B. if         C. but       D. so

3.A. dirty       B. empty      C. beautiful  D. dark

4.A. office     B.TV         C. book       D. seat

5.A. decided    B. forgotten C. wanted     D. tried

6.A. chair      B. desk       C. voice    D. computer

7.A. loved      B. praised  C. admired    D. punished

8.A. at once     B. at most    C. at times  D. at all

9.A. dropped    B. finished C. improved  D. changed

10.A. until    B. as       C. when       D. while

11.A. good       B. sorry      C. lucky      D. happy

12.A. playing   B. crying     C. sleeping  D. eating

13.A. showed up  B. gave up     C. put up    D. got up

14.A. water      B. trouble    C. homework D. music

15.A. his       B. ours       C. theirs  D. mine



---Could you tell me____?


A. where did the Youth Olympic Games take place

B. when did the Youth Olympic Games take place

C. where the Youth Olympic Games took place

D. when the Youth Olympic Games took place



--- Shall we walk around the park or go for a bike ride?

---________. They are both good activities to me.

A. Yes, I like them very much

B. It makes no difference to me

C. Thats all right

D. Id prefer a bike ride



---I dont know ______or not Simon will come here.

---Dont worry. ______he comes, Ill call you.

A. if, if

B. whether, whether

C. whether, if

D. if, whether



I wont go to the cinema tonight, I_______ watch the chat show. Its more exciting.

A. had better           B. used to

C. had to               D. would rather



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