满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



for,   good,      take,     he,       because,

do,    be,        fun,     three,     friend,

I have a pet dog.   1. name is Indy. He is   2.  years old. I love Indy very much. He is a good pet. He is cute and   3. . And he is my good   4. . I like dogs   5.  dogs are kind to people. Indy can   6.  many things for me. For example, Indy can guard (守卫)my home. He can open and close the door 7.  me. When I give him some food to eat, he will shake his tail(摇尾巴) to thank me. I often   8.  him to go for a walk. I get Indy from my aunt. I must look after(照顾) him 9.  . He needs a lot of love.

Now, Indy 10.  a part of my family. I love him and he also loves me!


1.His 2.three 3.fun 4.friend 5.because 6.do 7.for 8.take 9.well 10.is 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了他的宠物狗Indy,Indy非常可爱、有趣,它能帮作者做很多事情,对人也非常友好,作者非常喜欢它,经常带它去散步,把它当成家里的一员,好好照顾它。 1.句意:我有一只宠物狗,他的名字叫Indy。his 他的,是一个形容词性物主代词,修饰后面的名词name。根据下句话He is a good pet可知,这里作者用代词he来代指他的宠物狗,故填His。 2.句意:它今年3岁了。根据空后…years old可知,这句话说的是宠物狗的年龄,故应填一个基数词,根据所给的词可知应填three。 3.句意:它非常可爱、有趣。fun有趣的,根据句意可知,这句话是作者对这只狗的一个描述,空前的cute是一个形容词,说明狗非常可爱,结合所给的单词可知,这里应填fun,有趣。 4.句意:而且它是我的好朋友。friend 朋友,是一个名词。根据文意可知,作者非常喜欢他的宠物狗,把它当做自己的朋友。空前的good是一个形容词,故这里应填名词。 5.句意:我喜欢狗,因为狗对人名非常的友好。because 因为,是一个连词,表示原因。根据句意可知,这句话作者告诉我们他喜欢狗的原因,故填because。 6.句意:Indy能帮我做很多事情。do 做,是一个实意动词。空前的can是一个情态动词,因此这里应填动词的原形。 7.句意:它会给我们开门和关门。for为了,是一个介词。根据句意可知,小狗Indy能为作者做很多事情,这句话就是举了一个例子。 8.句意:我经常带它去散步。take 带走,带着,根据句意可知,这句话的意思是说作者带着狗去散步,是一个经常性的动作,并且主语I是第一人称,故应填原形take。 9.句意:我必须照顾好他,它需要很多爱。well 好,是一个副词,在句中修饰动词look after;good是形容词,好的,常在句中做表语或定语,修饰名词。 10.现在Indy成了我家的一员。is 是,是be动词的形式。这句话的主语是Indy,是第三人称单数形式,故应填is。 考点:阅读填空。



Welcome to Class Eight, Grade Seven. This is our ________ . There are sixty desks and ________ in the classroom. Half(一半) of them are   ________ boys and the other half are for girls.

There is a ________  desk in our classroom. It’s big and clean. It’s for our teachers. There are two big ________  on the walls. One is a map of ________ and the other is a map ________ the world(世界). We can find many countries in it. There is a   ________ in the classroom, too. One of our parents gives(给) ________ to us. We put(放) many books in it. Every day we read books in our free time. Our classroom is very ________ .We clean it after school because we like it very much.

1.A. school      B. library   C. classroom      D. home

2.A. books       B. chairs    C. pencils        D. rulers

3.A. of         B. for       C. to             D. in

4.A. students    B. teachers   C. teacher’s      D. student’s

5.A. pictures   B. photos     C. blackboards    D. maps

6.A. China      B. china      C. Chinese        D. English

7.A. for        B. of        C. about           D. at

8.A. sofa       B. table      C. bookcase        D. chair

9.A. it         B. them      C. him          D. her

10.A. boring     B. small    C. difficult       D. tidy



Bob always _______ TV after school.

A. watching  B. watch           C. watches     D. to watch



Helen and I ______ good friends. We are in the same class.

A. am         B. is              C. are         D. be



Does your brother want ______ soccer this afternoon?

A. plays       B. play            C. playing      D. to play



His birthday party is ______ the evening of February 22nd.

A. in          B. on             C. at          D. for



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