满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mrs. White likes shopping. Today is Sund...

Mrs. White likes shopping. Today is Sunday. She wants to buy a new dress for herself. Now she is in a clothes store and has a look at a red one. She asks the salesgirl(售货员), “How much is it?”

“It’s thirty dollars.” the salesgirl answers.

“Can I try it on, please?” she asks.

“Yes, you can. The dressing room is over there. This way, please.” the salesgirl says.

After Mrs White comes out of the dressing room, the salesgirl says to her, “You look ten years younger(更年轻的) in this red dress.”

Hearing(听到) that, Mrs. White says, “I will not take the dress, because I don’t want to look ten years older(更年老的) after I take off(脱下) the dress.”

1.How much is the dress?

A. 40 dollars.     B. 15 dollars.

C. 50 dollars.    D. 30 dollars.

2.What does the underlined phrase “try… on” mean?

A. 洗涤         B. 试穿         C. 熨烫         D. 折叠

3.Why does the salesgirl say that to Mrs. White?

A. Because she loves Mrs. White very much.

B. Because there is only one dress in the store.

C. Because she wants Mrs. White to buy the dress.

D. Because Mrs. White really looks 10 years younger in this red dress.

4. What can we learn(了解) from the passage?

A. Mrs. White doesn’t like red.

B. The dressing room in the store is very small.

C. Mrs. White doesn’t buy that dress.

D. Mrs. White thinks she is too old.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是White夫人想买一条裙子,她去了商店,喜欢上一条红色的。试穿之后,售货员说她穿上这条裙子之后年轻了10岁,没想到听了这句话让White夫人决定不买这条裙子了,为什么呢? 1.D 细节理解题。根据短文中She wants to buy a new dress for herself. Now she is in a clothes store and has a look at a red one. She asks the salesgirl(售货员), “How much is it?” “It’s thirty dollars.” the salesgirl answers可知,White夫人想买一条裙子,最后她喜欢上一条红色的,售货员说这条裙子的价格是30美元。由此可知应选D。 2.B词义猜测题。根据文意可知,White夫人想买一条裙子,再根据这个短语所在的情景“Can I try it on, please?” she asks. “Yes, you can. The dressing room is over there.可知,售货员告诉White夫人穿衣室的位置,由此可知,try…on的意思应该是试穿。故选B。 3.C推理判断题。根据短文中售货员所说的话 the salesgirl says to her, “You look ten years younger(更年轻的) in this red dress.”可知,售货员说White夫人穿上这条裙子之后,年轻了10岁,她的意思是想让White夫人买下这条裙子,因此应选C。 4.推理判断题。根据短文的最后 Hearing(听到) that, Mrs. White says, “I will not take the dress…可知,White夫人听了售货员的话之后,决定不买这条裙子了,因为她不想脱掉裙子就会老十岁,故C是正确的。A选项不符合文意,因为White夫人喜欢上的裙子就是红色的,她应该是喜欢红色;B和D在短文中没有提到。 考点:故事类短文阅读。

Hello, I am a box. I am big and I am green. I have many things. Look! This is a pencil box. It’s white. It’s Jack’s. He likes white very much. What are in the pencil box? Three pens are in it. What is that? It’s an orange. It’s Linda’s. Oranges are her favorite fruit. Some baseballs are in me, too. They are John’s and Mary’s. They lost them on the playground. Whose keys are these? They are Anna’s. She lost them in the library. A boy found them. You can see an English book in me, too. Whose book is it? I don’t know. Who am I? I am the Lost and Found box.

1.What color is the pencil box?

A. Blue.           B. Black.          C. White.        D. Green.

2.What did John and Mary lose?

A. Some keys.      B. An English book.

C. A pencil box.  D. Some baseballs.

3.What does the underlined word “them” refer to(指代)?

A. Keys.           B. Pens            C. Baseballs.      D. Oranges.




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She is Li Xinqi. Her English name’s Olivia. She is a lovely girl. She was born(出生) on January 12th, 2012 in USA. She is gymnastics champion(体操冠军) Li Xiaopeng and Angelita Li's daughter. In April, 2014, she goes to record the TV program(录制节目), "Dad came back". After that,she is loved by everyone.

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The girl is Jia Yunxin. She was born on October 23rd, 2012 in Beijing. Her parents are Jia Nailiang and Li Xiaolu. They are actors(演员). She also comes to “Dad came back” in Zhejiang TV. She is very cute, sometimes gentle, sometimes tough(强硬的). People like her.

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The boy is Du Yuqi, but we all call him “Uh huh”. He was born on the morning of September 19th, 2013 in Beijing. He is Du Jiang and Huo Siyan’s son. They are actors, too. He looks very handsome(帅), and he records “Dad came back” second season with his father. Everyone likes him very much.

1.How old is Olivia?

A. Two.         B. Three.        C. Four.       D. Five.

2.What’s the name of “Uh huh”?

A. Li Xinqi.      B. Du Yuqi.

C. Jia Yunxin.   D. Du Jiang.

3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. They were born in Beijing.

B. They all record the program “Dad came back”.

C. Olivia’s parents aren’t actors.

D. People like them very much.




for,   good,      take,     he,       because,

do,    be,        fun,     three,     friend,

I have a pet dog.   1. name is Indy. He is   2.  years old. I love Indy very much. He is a good pet. He is cute and   3. . And he is my good   4. . I like dogs   5.  dogs are kind to people. Indy can   6.  many things for me. For example, Indy can guard (守卫)my home. He can open and close the door 7.  me. When I give him some food to eat, he will shake his tail(摇尾巴) to thank me. I often   8.  him to go for a walk. I get Indy from my aunt. I must look after(照顾) him 9.  . He needs a lot of love.

Now, Indy 10.  a part of my family. I love him and he also loves me!





Welcome to Class Eight, Grade Seven. This is our ________ . There are sixty desks and ________ in the classroom. Half(一半) of them are   ________ boys and the other half are for girls.

There is a ________  desk in our classroom. It’s big and clean. It’s for our teachers. There are two big ________  on the walls. One is a map of ________ and the other is a map ________ the world(世界). We can find many countries in it. There is a   ________ in the classroom, too. One of our parents gives(给) ________ to us. We put(放) many books in it. Every day we read books in our free time. Our classroom is very ________ .We clean it after school because we like it very much.

1.A. school      B. library   C. classroom      D. home

2.A. books       B. chairs    C. pencils        D. rulers

3.A. of         B. for       C. to             D. in

4.A. students    B. teachers   C. teacher’s      D. student’s

5.A. pictures   B. photos     C. blackboards    D. maps

6.A. China      B. china      C. Chinese        D. English

7.A. for        B. of        C. about           D. at

8.A. sofa       B. table      C. bookcase        D. chair

9.A. it         B. them      C. him          D. her

10.A. boring     B. small    C. difficult       D. tidy



Bob always _______ TV after school.

A. watching  B. watch           C. watches     D. to watch



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