满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

John and Sally are in the same school. T...

John and Sally are in the same school. Their home is far (远)from school. They get up early in the morning and take the early bus after breakfast. Sometimes they have lunch in the restaurant. John likes hamburgers and meat. But Sally likes vegetables and fruit. After lunch John goes to play volleyball and Sally goes to the classroom. She sings or listens to music.


1.John and Sally go to a different school.

2.They go to school on foot(步行) every day.

3.They don’t have lunch at home sometimes.

4.Sally’s favorite food is vegetables and meat.

5.Sally likes singing or listening to music after lunch.


1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文给我们介绍的是John和Sally的日常生活,他们在同一所学校,因为家离学校远,所以他们乘坐公交车上学。John和Sally喜欢吃的食物不一样,午饭后他们也喜欢做不同的事情。 1.F根据短文的开头John and Sally are in the same school可知,John和Sally在同一所学校里,因此这句话说different 是错误的。 2.F根据短文中Their home is far (远)from school. They get up early in the morning and take the early bus after breakfast可知,他们的家离学校很远,因此他们乘坐早班公交车去上学。由此可知这句话错误。 3.T根据短文中Sometimes they have lunch in the restaurant可知,John和Sally有时候在餐馆里吃午饭,故这句话说他们有时候不在家吃午饭是正确的。 4.F根据短文中But Sally likes vegetables and fruit可知,Sally喜欢吃蔬菜和水果,但是短文里并没有说这是他最喜欢吃的东西,故这句话错误。 5. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

补全对话: 从方框中的6个句子选取5个适当的句子填入空白处。

A. Thank you for answering my questions.

B. Where are koalas from?

C. What's the weather like in Australia?

D. Do you have a pen pal?

E. Does Australia have any famous animals?

F. Where is she from?

A: Excuse me, Tom. 1.___________

B:Yes I do.I have a girl pen pal.

A: 2.___________

B:She is from Sydney.

A:Where is Sydney?

B: It's a city in Australia.

A: 3.___________

B:Yes ,Koalas are from Australia.They sleep in the day and get up to eat leaves at night.

A: That sounds interesting, And 4.___________

B:It's warm in winter and cool in summer.

A; 5.___________

B;You're welcome.




1.She can play the violin. ( 改为一般疑问句)

_________she _____ the violin?

2. I want to join the chess club.( 对画线部分提问 )

_______                          you want to join?

3.Does he eat breakfast at 7:00?(作否定回答)

_______,he          .

4.He goes to school at 7:30? (改为否定句)

He ______   ______ to school at 7:30.

5.He takes a subway  to school.(对画线部分提问)

_______           he get to school?

6.The pandas are from China.(对画线部分提问)

_______are the pandas            ?

7.She is a little interesting.(改为同义句)

She is              interesting.

8.My friend likes elephants.(就划线提问)

                        your  friend like ?

9.Bob plays sports every day.(用now改写句子)

Bob                  sports now.



Listen! Lucy ____ in her room.

A. sings         B. is singing        C. sang        D. are singing



--____ do you like pandas?      -- Because they’re ____ .

A. What, interesting     B. Why, ugly

C. Why, cute            D. Where, lovely



Thank you for ______ me.

A. writing for       B. writing to

C. look at          D. listening



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