满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There are four people in my family. My f...

There are four people in my family. My father is a police officer. His work is kind of dangerous. He's very busy. He often has meals outside. Sometimes we can't see him all day. But I love him very much. My mother is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a reporter. She says her job is boring and being a reporter is interesting,because she can meet many interesting people. My brother is a waiter. He likes his work, because he thinks he can meet many new friends when he works. I'm a middle school student. I study hard because I want to be a teacher. I think it's not difficult for me.


1.My father works in another(另一个)city, so we can't see him all day sometimes.

2.My mother likes to be a bank clerk.

3.My mother wants to be a reporter, because she wants to meet many interesting people.

4.My brother works in a restaurant. He likes to make new friends.

5.I want to be a teacher. I think it's difficult for me.


1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了他的家人。他的父亲是一名警察,工作总是很忙;他的妈妈是一名银行职员,但是她想当记者;作者的哥哥是服务员,他很喜欢他的工作,因为他可以交到很多新朋友;作者是一个学生,他想成为一名老师。 1.F细节理解题。根据短文中My father is a police officer. His work is kind of dangerous. He's very busy. He often has meals outside. Sometimes we can't see him all day.可知,作者的父亲是一名警察,他很忙,经常在外面吃饭,所以作者整体都看不到他。这里并没有说他的父亲在另外一个城市工作,故这句话是错误的。 2.F细节理解题。根据短文中My mother is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a reporter. She says her job is boring and being a reporter is interesting可知,作者的妈妈是一名银行职员,但是她觉得这个工作是很无聊的,因此她不喜欢这个工作,所以这句话是错误的。 3.T细节理解题。根据短文中being a reporter is interesting,because she can meet many interesting people可知,作者的妈妈觉得做记者可以遇到很多有趣的人,所以她想当记者,故这句话是正确的。 4.T细节理解题。根据短文中My brother is a waiter. He likes his work, because he thinks he can meet many new friends when he works可知作者的哥哥是一名服务员,他喜欢他的工作,因为他能在工作的时候遇到很多新朋友。故这句话是正确的。 5. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


My name _____ Bob. I live______ Toronto, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China. I think China is______ interesting country. I am 14______old.And my birthday is_____ November. I can____ English and______ French. I have two brothers. They_______ pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia .I like going to the movies______ my friends and playing sports. My favorite subject in school is PE. It is fun.But I don not like math. It is too difficult!Can you write_____me soon?

1.A.is            B. are            C. am           D. be

2.A.at            B. on             C. in           D. from

3.A.a very        B. very a         C. an very     D. very an

4.A. year         B.years           C. year's      D.years'

5.A. in           B. on            C.to            D.from

6.A. say          B. tell           C.ask           D. speak

7.A. many        B. any            C. few         D.a little

8.A. have        B.has             C. are have     D. Do has

9.A.with         B.for            C. to          D.and

10.A.from         B. to            C. with         D. For



This is a picture of our classroom. A blackboard is on the wall. A map of China(中国) and a map of the world(世界) are on the wall, too. The map of China is old. But the map of the world is new.

There are two doors(门) in the wall. Some brooms(扫帚) and a football are behind the door. Forty-five desks and chairs are in our classroom. They are our desks and chairs.

Some flowers(花) are on the window. They are red. We like our classroom. We like our class, too.

1. This is our picture of _______.

A. our room        B. our classroom

C. my bedroom      D. our school

2.________ are on the wall.

A. A blackboard       B. A blackboard and a map

C. A map of China     D. A blackboard and two maps

3. ________ is new, and ________ is old.

A. The map of the world; the picture

B. The map of China; the picture

C. The map of China; the map of the world

D. The map of the world ; the map of China

4.What’s behind the door?

A. Some brooms and footballs.

B. A broom.

C. A football.

D. A football and some brooms.

5.We like(喜欢) ________.

A. our class and our classroom    B. the maps

C. the flowers                     D. our teacher



John and Sally are in the same school. Their home is far (远)from school. They get up early in the morning and take the early bus after breakfast. Sometimes they have lunch in the restaurant. John likes hamburgers and meat. But Sally likes vegetables and fruit. After lunch John goes to play volleyball and Sally goes to the classroom. She sings or listens to music.


1.John and Sally go to a different school.

2.They go to school on foot(步行) every day.

3.They don’t have lunch at home sometimes.

4.Sally’s favorite food is vegetables and meat.

5.Sally likes singing or listening to music after lunch.



补全对话: 从方框中的6个句子选取5个适当的句子填入空白处。

A. Thank you for answering my questions.

B. Where are koalas from?

C. What's the weather like in Australia?

D. Do you have a pen pal?

E. Does Australia have any famous animals?

F. Where is she from?

A: Excuse me, Tom. 1.___________

B:Yes I do.I have a girl pen pal.

A: 2.___________

B:She is from Sydney.

A:Where is Sydney?

B: It's a city in Australia.

A: 3.___________

B:Yes ,Koalas are from Australia.They sleep in the day and get up to eat leaves at night.

A: That sounds interesting, And 4.___________

B:It's warm in winter and cool in summer.

A; 5.___________

B;You're welcome.




1.She can play the violin. ( 改为一般疑问句)

_________she _____ the violin?

2. I want to join the chess club.( 对画线部分提问 )

_______                          you want to join?

3.Does he eat breakfast at 7:00?(作否定回答)

_______,he          .

4.He goes to school at 7:30? (改为否定句)

He ______   ______ to school at 7:30.

5.He takes a subway  to school.(对画线部分提问)

_______           he get to school?

6.The pandas are from China.(对画线部分提问)

_______are the pandas            ?

7.She is a little interesting.(改为同义句)

She is              interesting.

8.My friend likes elephants.(就划线提问)

                        your  friend like ?

9.Bob plays sports every day.(用now改写句子)

Bob                  sports now.



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