满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Let me tell you my pen friend Ivan. He i...

Let me tell you my pen friend Ivan. He is 12 years old. He likes playing football. He usually plays football with his friends at weekends.

Ivan lives with his father and mother in a city in France. They have a home with five rooms, a swimming pool and a garden. They often have a party in the garden at weekends. They like to help their neighbours. His home is not near his school, so Ivan takes a bus for an hour and then walks for 10 minutes to school. There is a Basketball Club near his school. He likes playing basketball in the club.

Ivan’s father is a worker. He is busy. Ivan’s mother is a doctor. She is nice to the patients. Ivan wants to be a teacher when he grows up. I want to be a teacher, too. Every month Ivan writes two letters to me. He’ll come to China next year. We’ll meet then.

1.How old is Ivan now?

A. He is 11.          B. He is 13.

C. He is 12.          D. He is 14.

2.What are Ivan’s hobbies?

A. Basketball and swimming.

B. Football and basketball.

C. Football and swimming.

D. Reading and swimming.

3.How often does Ivan write to me?

A. Twice a month.   B. Every a week.

C. Every day.      D. Twice week.

4.Where does Ivan live with his parents?

A. America          B. China            C. France        D. Japan

5.What does Ivan want to be when he grows up?

A. A teacher      B. A doctor

C. A worker         D. A football player


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了他的朋友Ivan,Ivan现在在法国,他是一个12岁的男孩,喜欢踢足球和打篮球。Ivan的父亲是一个工人,他妈妈是一名医生,Ivan和作者长大后都想当老师。 1.C细节理解题。根据短文的开头 Let me tell you my pen friend Ivan. He is 12 years old可知,Ivan今年12岁了,故应选C。 2.B 细节理解题。根据短文中He likes playing football以及He likes playing basketball in the club可知,Ivan喜欢踢足球和打篮球,由此可知应选B。 3.A 细节理解题。根据短文中Every month Ivan writes two letters to me可知,Ivan每个月给作者写两封信。由此可知应选A。 4.C 细节理解题。根据短文中Ivan lives with his father and mother in a city in France可知,Ivan和他的父母一起住在法国的一个城市里。因此应选C。 5. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


We are in the park now. ________  is a big and beautiful park.  ________ many people in it. We all like this park. The park has a ________ , too. We can boat on it. But we   ________ swim in it. It is dangerous (危险的).

Look at that family. They are under the tree. The boy is   ________   the left of his father. The family bring(带来)their   ________   to the park. It is a white cat. The boy has a  ________   in his hand. He wants(想要)to fly it.

But I think they should ______________ a right place(地方). Its not a good place here. There are too many trees.

The mother has a beautiful handbag. Its   ________ . I like the colour. Its the colour of the sky(天空).

There is a ________ in the tree. It says Dont climb the tree! But the cat is in the tree now.

1.A. He       B. It         C. They         D. There

2.A. It have  B. There is   C. There have   D. There are

3.A. tree     B. lake        C. playground   D. boat

4.A. can      B. cant    C. must        D. don’t

5.A. on      B. in          C. under       D. to

6.A. son      B. pet(宠物) C. teacher     D. dog

7.A. ball     B. bag         C. shirt       D. kite

8.A. look at  B. look after  C. look for     D. look

9.A. blue     B. black       C. yellow       D. green

10.A. book   B. bird       C. sign        D. cat



__________ is fun. It makes me ________ great.

A. Read, feel      B. Reading, to feel

C. Read, to feel    D. Reading, feel



Which is the right pronunciation(发音) of the word “match”

A.[meɪʃ]     B. [ma:tʃ]    C. [mædʒ]      D. [mætʃ]



—_______ do you drink water?  —many times a day.

A. How soon  B. How many

C. How often   D. How long



Parents all hope every student _________ hard at school.

A. to study        B. studying      C. study        D. studies



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