满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

短文填空 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空一词。 ...



I’m a m___1.___ school student. I go to school e__2.___ morning except(除了) S__3.____ and Sundays. My home is n__4.___ the school so I w__5.____ to school. I have to g__6.__ up early. School s__7.____at 8 am and ends  at 4:30 pm. I u___8.____ play basketball with my friends. I like it very much. I think Yao Min is the b_9.___ player in China. I w__10.__ I could be a good player like him.


1.middle 2.every 3.Saturdays 4.near 5.walk 6.get 7.starts 8.usually 9.best 10.wish 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了一名中学生的日常情况。他是一名中学生,每天上五天课,因为学校离家近,所以他步行上学。放学后,他经常和朋友们一起打篮球,姚明是他最喜欢的运动员。 1.句意:我是一名中学生。middle中间,是一个名词。这里middle school是一个固定的短语,意思是中学。 2.句意:除了星期六和星期天,我每天早上都去上学。every 每,每一,修饰后面的名词morning。every morning每天早上。 3.句意:除了星期六和星期天,我每天早上都去上学。Saturday星期六,是一个名词。根据空后的Sundays可知,这里是说周末的时候不去上学,故这里应该是星期六,和空后的Sunday一样也用复数形式。 4.句意:我的学校在我家附近。near在……附近,是一个介词。near my home在我家附近,和下句话walk to school对应起来,因为学校离家近,所以走路上学。 5.句意:我的学校在我家附近,因此我走路去上学。walk走路,散步,是一个动词。根据上句话学校离家很近,所以走路去上学。 6.句意:我必须很早起床。get up是固定短语,起床。根据文意可知,为了按时上学,作者要很早就起床。 7.句意:早上8点开始上课,下午4点半放学。start开始,是一个动词。根据句意可知,这里说的是上学和放学的时间。主语School是第三人称单数形式,故这里应填starts。 8.句意:我通常和我的朋友们一起打篮球。usually通常,是一个副词,表示做某事的频率,根据这句话的意思和首字母可以想到是usually这个单词。 9.句意:我认为姚明是中国最好的球员。best最好的,是good的最高级。根据文意可知,作者认为中国的篮球运动员中,姚明是最好的,这里把姚明和其他篮球运动员相比,用最高级形式。 10.我希望我能成为一名像他一样的运动员。wish希望,是一个动词。根据文意可知,最后这一句话是作者的愿望,故填wish,它后面跟了一个宾语从句。 考点:阅读填空。


1.It’s your turn to ___________ (回答) the teacher’s question. Are you ready?

2.Jim likes listening to ___________ (音乐).

3.Jack is my ____________ (老师) cousin.

4.Miss Wu ____________ (教) us English.

5.Thank you for ____________ (给) me so much help.




1.Lily ________ (do) her homework every day.

2.Jim was good at ________ (draw) pictures when he was a little child.

3.He is a very good ________ (swim).

4.At the weekend, I usually go ________ (run) for half an hour.

5.Millie goes to the Reading Club ________ (two) a week.



Hans said to his friend Kurt, “I’m going to take my car to drive to London.”

Kurt said, “Driving to London is very hard. You aren’t going to find your hotel.” But Hans was not afraid. He drove to Calais, put his car on the ship, took it off at Dover, and drove to London.

He stopped near the city and looked at his map. Then he drove into London, but he did not find his hotel. He drove round and round for an hour, and then he stopped and got out of his car. A taxi came, and Hans stopped it. “Take me to the Brussels Hotel,” he said. But he did not get into the taxi: he got back into his car. The taxi man laughed, but then he drove to the Brussels Hotel, and Hans followed him in his car. They reached the hotel in two minutes.


1.Hans went to London by ________.

A. car       B. sea        C. air        D. both sea and land

2.Hans lost his way in ________.

A. Calais     B. London    C. Dover     D. Brussels

3.Hans did not find his hotel because ________.

A. he had a map

B. he had no map

C. it was not easy to find the way

D. he was not good at driving

4. Hans stopped a taxi and ________.

A. followed it to the hotel

B. got into it

C. laughed

D. drove it to the hotel

5. Hans found his hotel in ________.

A. an hour                    B. two minutes

C. an hour and two minutes    D. more than one hour



This is a special class. The students come from different countries. Some come from America. Others come from Canada, Japan, Australia and England. They speak different languages,but all of them can speak English. They are good friends. They study together, play together and live together. They help each other. All the teachers of this class are Chinese, but they can speak English. They are very kind and friendly. They work hard. The students in this class study Chinese cooking and Chinese gongfu.

All the students like China. They say China is a great country and the Chinese people are very friendly. And they are happy in China.


1.What kind of class is this?

A. A Chinese cooking class

B. A Chinese gongfu class

C. A foreign language class

D. Both A and B

2.What language can all the students speak?

A. Chinese           B. French         C. English             D. Japanese

3.What language can all the teachers speak?

A. Only Chinese         B. Only English

C. Chinese and English   D. Only Japanese

4. How do the teachers teach their students?

A. In Chinese         B. In English

C. In Japanese        D. In different languages

5. What do the students like about China?

A. Chinese gongfu     B. Chinese people

C. Chinese cooking    D. A, B and C





A man always went to the same bar ____ the same time every day and asked for two glasses of beer. He drank them and then asked for two____.

One day the man behind the bar said to him, “Why do you always ask for two glasses of beer? Why don’t you get one big glass instead?”

The man answered, “Because I do not like to ____ alone. I drink ____ my friend.”

But ____ days later, the man came in and asked only for one beer.

“Oh,” said the barman “Has your friend died?”

“Oh, ____,” said the man. “He is very ____. The beer is ____ him. But I stopped ____beer. My doctor doesn’t want me to drink any more because it is ____ for me.”

1.A. in            B. about         C. at           D. on

2.A. another       B. other        C. more        D. much

3.A. drink         B. eat           C. play        D. make

4.A. for           B. with          C. to          D. about

5.A. a few         B. few         C. much         D. lots

6.A. yes         B. sure          C. no         D. certainly

7.A. ill           B. happy         C. angry       D. well

8.A. to          B. for           C. give        D. with

9.A. eating        B. to eat       C. to drink    D. drinking

10.A. usually      B. badly         C. good        D. bad



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