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Leeds Castle One of the most popular pl...


Leeds Castle

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One of the most popular places of interest in Britain

Opening times

Open all year round except(除了) 7th and 8th November and Christmas Day(25th December)2014.

1 April to 30 September 2014

Open:10:30 am—5:30 pm;  Gates close at 6pm

1 October 2014 to 31 March 2015

Open:10:30 am—4 pm ; Gates close at 5pm




Children under 4:free

1.Leeds Castle is closed on _________.

A.7th January       B.8th August

C.25th December      D.1st April

2.John and Mary will take their three-year old son to Leeds Castle.How much should they pay?

A.£33.  B.£16.50.   C.£26.    D.£9.50.

3.What time does Leeds Castle close on 29th October?

A.6 pm.   B.6:30 pm.   C.5:30 pm.    D.5 pm.


1.C 2.A 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这是一篇海报,介绍了参观英国最受欢迎的地方之一利兹城堡的起止时间以及费用。 1.C细节理解题。根据文中Opening times Open all year round except(除了) 7th and 8th November and Christmas Day(25th December)2014可知除了11月7日8日和圣诞节(12月25日)外利兹城堡全年开放,所以选C。 2.A细节理解题。根据文中Prices Adults:£16.50 Students:£9.50 Children under 4:free 可知成人票价是16.50元,学生票价是9.50元,4岁以下儿童免费。John and Mary是成年人,共33元,“their three-year old son”是4岁以下儿童免费。所以选A。 3.D细节理解题。根据“29th October”在1 October 2014 to 31 March 2015之间可知利兹城堡十月29日下午五点关门,所以选D。 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。



Once there lived two brothers. The elder was called Simon and the younger Victor. They    each other very much, and always took care of one another. Every day they worked from morning  ______night, getting as much grain(谷物) as possible from their fields.

One late autumn evening, after their work in the________was done, Simon said to his wife, "Victor got married last month. He has many bills(账单) to pay. I think I will put a bag of rice in his barn(谷仓). “Oh, that's a good idea,” said his wife. “But please don't tell him,” said Simon, “If he knows I put the rice there, he will________take it.”

So, late that night Simon took a bag of rice to Victor's barn. The next day, while looking at his own barn, he found_______strange. “I took a bag of rice to Victor's house last night,________ I still have the same number of bags in my barn.__________ did that happen?”

Simon decided to take another bag of rice to his brother's barn that night. But the next morning, he found the________number of bags in his barn again! “This is very strange,” he thought. That night he_______again. He carried a large bag of rice on his shoulder(肩膀); and walked down the road to his younger brother's house. In the bright moonlight, he could see another______coming down the road. He was carrying something on his________, too. “Younger Brother!” Simon cried, “What are you doing?” “I was_____you, Older Brother,” said Victor, “Your family is_____ than mine. I thought you needed more rice.” The two brothers quickly______that they had been taking rice to each other. They________what had happened. “It is good to have a brother like you,” they both said. And they lived happily ever after.

1.A. disliked     B. hated      C. loved          D. enjoyed

2.A. until       B. at        C. through       D. with

3.A. shops        B. fields     C. hospitals      D. factories

4.A. never        B. sometimes   C. usually        D. ever

5.A. everything  B. anything    C. nothing       D. something

6.A. so           B. and       C. but           D. or

7.A. How          B. What        C. Why           D. Where


8.A. small       B. different   C. big           D. same

9.A. planned     B. failed      C. hoped         D. tried

10.A. brother     B. person      C. sister        D. wife

11.A. back       B. shoulder    C. head          D. hand

12.A. proud of  B. polite to  C. angry with   D. worried about

13.A. Smaller     B. richer      C. larger         D. happier

14.A. remembered B. knew       C. believed     D. hoped

15.A. laughed about B. dreamed about  C. pointed at D. shouted at



---I had a pleasant weekend at your birthday party.    ---_________.

A. Oh, that’s very nice of you

B. It’s a pleasure

C. Congratulations

D. I’m glad to hear that



---What’s the________ of this word “sorrow”?   ---It _______ “sadness”.

A. meaning; meaning                B. means; meaning

C. mean; mean                      D. meaning; means



________all the cities, Yangzhou is __________to live in.

A. In; the comfortable place

B. Of ; the most comfortable place

C. In ; the comfortablest place

D. Of ; the more comfortable place



---What did you do last night?

---I didn’t play the piano, _______, I watched a film with my parents.

A. but               B. and

C. instead of        D. instead



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