满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读与回答问题 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。 Would you...



Would you like to have an electric car? Do you know this kind of quiet and clean cars run on electricity(电)?

In the future, more and more people will have cars, so the cars will be in great need. But the oil won’t keep up with the number of cars on the road. So the price of oil will go up.

Electric cars aren’t perfect just yet. It can take eight hours to charge(充电) a car for only 100 miles of driving. How far that car travels depends on the weather and traffic.

Price is a problem, too. Electric cars cost much more than cars using oil. The good news is that electric-car technology(技术) is getting better. As it does, the prices of this kind of cars are going down.

To charge the car, the US Department of Energy is paying for at least 10,000 charging stations around the country. And it will cost about three dollars for each charge.

Now carmakers are looking for other ways to make the car cheaper. Then more people will use electric cars, and we’ll have a clean and nice world in the future.

1.Why will the cars be in great need in the future?


2.How long does it take to charge an electric car for only 100 miles of driving?


3.Are electric cars cheaper than cars using oil at present?


4.How much should people pay for each charge?


5.What will the world be like if most people use electric cars?



1.Because more and more people will have cars. 2.It takes eight hours. 3.No, they aren’t. 4.About three dollars. 5.We’ll have a nice and clean world/….. 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该短文讲的是伴随着科技发展,越来越多的人会使用电动轿车,我们在将来也会拥有一个清洁和美丽的世界。 1.根据文中原句In the future, more and more people will have cars, so the cars will be in great need. 可知在将来,越来越多的人会拥有汽车,因此汽车会被大量需要,所以作答Because more and more people will have cars. 2.根据文中It can take eight hours to charge(充电) a car for only 100 miles of driving.可知给仅能行驶100里的电动轿车充电需8小时,所以作答It takes eight hours。 3.No, they aren’t. 根据文中原句Electric cars cost much more than cars using oil.可知电动轿车比使用油的汽车花费多,所以作答No, they aren’t.。 4.根据文中原句And it will cost about three dollars for each charge.充一次电将会花费三美元,所以作答About three dollars. 5.根据文中原句Then more people will use electric cars, and we’ll have a clean and nice world in the future.可知那么越来越多的人会使用电动轿车,我们在将来也会拥有一个清洁和美好的世界,所以作答We’ll have a nice and clean world/….. 考点:任务型阅读。


A man tried to catch monkeys to sell them to zoos. The monkeys, however, were very c__1.__ and every kind of trap(计谋) that he set failed. A young boy watched the man's efforts and then took a pot with a narrow(狭窄的) neck. He placed a few peanuts around the pot and put lots of peanuts i_2._ it. He then tied the pot to a tree and he told the man, “We should have a m_3.__ in a few hours”. Some monkeys soon discovered the peanuts and the pot. One put his hand into the pot e__4.__ and got a handful of peanuts, but he couldn't p__5.__ his hand with peanuts out of the narrow opening of the pot. The monkey was a__6._ and began to cry. Some of the other monkeys tried unsuccessfully to pull the pot off his hand. The boy and the man heard the noise. As the boy came near to the monkeys with a bag, the monkeys all ran away e_7.__ the one with its hand in the pot. The boy packed the monkey and the pot into the bag. The man was s__8._ and asked the boy the secret of his monkey trap. “Why was it so easy for the monkey to get his hand in but so h_9.__ to get it out?”The boy laughed and said, “The monkey could get his hand back out if he let go of the peanuts in the pot, but he just wasn't w_10.__ to let go. They never are.”




1.Does the earth go around the sun? Susan wanted to know. (合并为一句)

Susan wanted to know__________ the earth_________ around the sun.

2.The school will not allow students to take iPads to school. (改为被动语态)

Students _________ be_________ to take iPads to school.

3.It seems that you spend lots of time playing computer games. (改为同义句)

You ________ ________ spend lots of time playing computer games.

4.She wasn’t sure where she can spend her holiday in summer. (改为简单句)

She wasn’t sure ________ ________ spend her holiday in summer.

5.The Whites will move to a new house in two months. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ will the Whites move to a new house?




leave     not go    wait   work    burn

1.Frank is happy because he ________ out the difficult problem.

2. I met Peter while I ________ at the bus stop.

3.It began to rain as soon as Jack_______ the house.

4.The children ________ to bed until their father comes back.

5.— Oh, dear! The supermarket over there__________!

Why not call 119 at once?





hot  German   care   patient   forty

1.These __________ came here three years ago.

2.Nancy became famous as a writer in her ________.

3.The sun gives us both light and _________.

4.The boy was so _________ that he made lots of mistakes.

5.It’s impossible for him to wait for an hour. He is very __________.




1.The problem is so difficult that I can’t _________ (work out) it.

2.After graduating from senior high, she entered Nanjing__________ (大学).

3.I often feel stressed. Can you offer me some useful ___________ (advice)?

4.The girl is so shy that she can’t have _________ (勇气) to say sorry to her classmate.

5.A year is _________ into 12 months.



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