满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Complete the following passage with the ...

Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each one can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次)

A. raised  B. brought  C. dislike  D. opinions  E. held

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In Yulin, Guangxi (广西玉林) a dog meat-eating festival is 1.________in summer every year. Tens of thousands of dogs are killed and cooked every day during the festival. This year, the controversial (有争议的) festival was protested (抗议) by a large number of dog lovers.

Should dogs be eaten? People hold different 2.________ . Some of the local people want to keep their custom and enjoy the traditional dishes.

They think eating dog meat is a tradition in many parts of the world. It should not be stopped simply because some people 3.________ it. Besides, most of the dogs are not pet dogs; they are 4.________by farmers. However, some people want the festival in Yulin to be banned (禁止). They say that dogs are man’s best friends. Dogs make cute pets. Man should love them and they will love us, too. It is cruel (残忍的) to cook and eat them. Do you support the Yulin tradition that has lasted for hundreds of years, or do you believe this custom should be stopped? What is your opinion?


1.E 2.D 3.C 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲的是有关广西玉林狗肉节的事情,对此人们看法不一,各持己见。 1.E句意:每年夏天广西玉林都举办吃狗肉节。根据句意及题干分析此句是被动语态,所以此空应填过去分词held,故选E。 2.D句意:人们持有不同的观点。根据句意及题干分析此题应选D。 3.C句意:不应该只是因为有些人不喜欢就停止它。根据句意及题干分析此题应选C。 4.A句意:它们由农民喂养。根据句意及题干分析此句是被动语态,所以此空应用过去分词,故选A。 考点:文化类短文阅读。

Independence Day is celebrated on      every year in the USA.

A. June 4  B. July 4  C. August 4  D. July 14



A: I’m sorry I’ve taken your book by mistake.

B:                 .

A、 That’s right.   B、 Never mind .

C、 You’re welcome.  D、 Of course not.



When we answer a telephone, we say   

A、 Hello, who are you?  B、 It’s me.

C、 I am Jane.          D、 This is Jane speaking.



I will go there tomorrow unless it rains. The underlined sentence means   

A、 I will go there tomorrow if it rains.

B、 I will not go there tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.

C、 If it doesn’t rain, I will go there tomorrow.

D、 If I go there tomorrow, it will rain.



A: I don’t know how to use the software (软件).               .

A、 So do I      B、 So am I

C、 Neither do I  D、 Neither am I



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