满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- ________ you leave now? You only arr...

--- ________ you leave now? You only arrived here an hour ago.

--- Sorry, but so much homework is waiting for me.

A. May               B. Must          C. Can           D. Might


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:现在必须得走吗?你一个小时前才到啊!对不起,我还有很多作业要做。May可以;Must必须,非得。can能;might可以;语气比较委婉。只有must符合语境,故B正确。 考点:考查情态动词的用法  

---Why do you like Michael Jackson?

---________ he was the King of Pop.

A.As B.For C.Because   D.Since



--- What are you reading, Jim?

--- ______ introduction to the art festival written by ______ university student.

A.An; a B. An; an  C. A; the  D. A; an




In some primary or middle schools, students are asked to wear school uniforms. Do you think it is necessary for students to wear school uniforms? Write an essay of at least 60 words on the topic.(请以“学生是否要在学校穿校服”为题写一篇至少60 词的作文,标点符号不占格, 以下要点仅供参考)

Suggested outline:

1. Do you think it is necessary to wear school uniforms?

2. What are the advantages or disadvantages of school uniforms?

3. What’s your conclusion (结论)?



Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

The baby is taking photos with his parents, the Duke and Duchess (公爵和公爵夫人) of Cambridge. The pictures were taken by the duchess’ father, Michael Middleton, in the garden of their family home in Bucklebury, Berkshire. Taken earlier this month, they show the royal ,couple, Prince George and their black cocker spaniel (西班牙猎犬), Lupo. Tilly, a golden dog, belonging to the Middleton family, can be seen lying down behind them. The photographs of Prince George, who was born on 22 July, were published by Kensington Palace.

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On Monday Prince William, giving his first interview since becoming a father, told CNN:

“He either reminds me of my brother or me when I was younger, I’m not sure, but he*s doing very well at the moment.”

BBC reporter Nicholas Witchell said the new family looks “unselfconscious (自然的), relaxed and happy - much like most couples might look with their first-born baby”. He added: “Of course they’re aware of what’s expected of them. There will be staff - a nanny (保姆) to help in

due course (适时地), but for the moment it’s all rather informal and many might think, refreshing.”

Famous photographer Terry O’Neill said he thought the pictures were “absolutely charming”.

“It reminded me when I first started photography for myself - I just went for the light, and it was really interesting lighting (打灯光). As a matter of fact when I heard about these pictures, I thought ‘Who have they got to do these pictures’ - and the thought crossed my mind they might have asked the Queen because she’s quite a good photographer.”

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The cultural and education manager of Magnum Photos, Fiona Rogers, told Radio 4’s Today program the photograph of the couple and Prince George with the family’s dogs was “technically not the most accomplished (技艺高超的) photograph”.

“It’s a photograph that any one of us could have in our family albums,” she said.

1.Who is Tilly?

2.Where were the pictures taken?

3.When was Prince George born?

4.What did Terry O’Neill think of the pictures?

5.What did Fiona Rogers think of the picture?

6.What is this report mainly about?



Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Recently the unmanned aircraft which are called drones (无人驾驶飞机) have come into use for a number of business purposes.

Basically, a drone is a flying robot. The aircraft (飞行器) may be remotely controlled or can fly a 1.________ through flight programs in their systems. The little planes used to be very costly. In the past, they were mostly used in the military (军事). But as they have d 2.________in price more people have begun to use them. Rescue workers and fanners are among the new users.

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A company in France is using drones to help farmers examine their crops and limit the amount of fertilizer (肥料) they use. The fast development of computer technology, image sensing devices (图像感应设备), satellite navigation (卫星导航) and cell phones has led to lower-priced drones. Researchers and developers have learned how to build smaller and less-costly drones.

Moviemakers are using drones to film from the sky. Historians (历史学家) use them when they explore a 3.________. buildings. Rescue workers use them to look for people. And now farmers are using them to m4.________their crops.

Romain Faroux is a French businessman who starts companies. His father was a farmer. He believed drones could help fanners. He helped create a company that developed a small drone that could be controlled by people on the g5.________ . They called it “Agridrone (农业无人机).” It uses a special “optical sensor (光学感应器)” to examine crops.

The technology used is similar to that used by smartphones except it has wings. A computer program directs the drone to fly over the crops. The sensor on the drone records four different-colored “bands” of sunlight (太阳光带) that are reflected off (反射) the crops.

Jean-Baptiste Bruggeman is a farmer. He says the drone flies over his crops at different time of the season. He says this provides a lot of information about his crops. The drone pictures show him the exact amount of fertilizer the crops need. It also shows exactly where the fertilizer is needed.

Romain Faroux says farmers use information g 6.________ by the Agridrone to place fertilizer only in areas where it was needed. This saves money and reduces pollution. Before they used the drones, farmers would put the same amount of fertilizer everywhere. Drones also save time because farmers can examine u 7.________ to three hectares (公顷) in about a minute.



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