满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- What did the teacher ask us to do? -...

--- What did the teacher ask us to do?

--- She asked us to ________ a dialogue in pairs.

A. take up   B. put up    C. turn up    D. make up


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—老师让我们做什么?—她让我们两人一组编对话。Take up占用;put up举起;turn up出现;调高;make up编造。根据句意及语境是两人一组编对话,故选D。 考点:考查动词词组的用法  

---We’d better invite Jim and Jack to the party tonight.

---Yes, _____? I’ll give them a call right now.

A.A.why             B. how            C. what for        D. why not[



--- Have you read the book The Diary of a Young Girl?

---Actually yes. It’s (a )________of the victory of the human spirit.

A. symbol          B. record

C. progress        D. success



--- ________ you leave now? You only arrived here an hour ago.

--- Sorry, but so much homework is waiting for me.

A. May               B. Must          C. Can           D. Might



---Why do you like Michael Jackson?

---________ he was the King of Pop.

A.As B.For C.Because   D.Since



--- What are you reading, Jim?

--- ______ introduction to the art festival written by ______ university student.

A.An; a B. An; an  C. A; the  D. A; an



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