满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

She must be a true friend. She never a b...

She must be a true friend. She never     a bad word about others.

A. speaks       B. says         C. talks        D. tells


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:句意:她一定是一个真正的朋友。她从来不说别人的坏话。A. speaks讲话,讲某种语言;B. says说具体的语言;C. talks谈论有关内容;D. tells讲述故事;根据句意,故选B。 考点:考查动词词义辨析。  

–What_____ Millie_____?   -She is_____ unusual girl. She is clever and helpful.

A. is, look like; an            B. is, like; an

C. does, like; a                 D. does, look like; a




假如你的朋友Tony是名“侦探控”,业余时间都花在看侦探小说、电影、电视剧上,严重影响了学习,请根据下面提供的信息,以“ What should he do?” 为题,写篇短文介绍他的情况,并提出你的建议。











要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;

2. 必须包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥;

3. 词数:100词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);

4. 不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。

What should he do?

My friend Tony is a detective fan.
















I will never forget the tenth summer of my childhood with my grandfather in western Norway at the mountain farm where my mother was born.

One day my grandfather said, “Come. I have something for you.” I f 1. him to a workroom. “You should have a toy boat. You can sail it at Storvassdal,” he said. Great, I thought, looking around for the boat. But there was n  2.  . Grandfather pointed to a block of wood. “The boat is in there,” he said. Then he handed me some tools and showed me h  3.  to use them properly. “It’ll be a fine boat, and you’ll make it with your own hands,” he said. “No one can give you what you do for yourself.” The w  4.  rang in my head as I worked. Finally I finished the boat. It wasn’t much to look at, but I was p  5.  . Then I sailed it at Storvassdal.

We had to return to America. “You cannot bring that boat home with you,” my mother said. We already had too much baggage. Feeling sad, I h 6.  my boat under a big rock at Storvassdal.

I said good-bye to Grandfather, not knowing I would n 7.  see him again.

In 1964, I went to Storvassdal with my parents and my wife and children. To my surprise, for 34 years my treasure s 8.  here, waiting for my return. I felt we three were together again a 9.  my grandfather had died 22 years before.

After that, I returned to the lake five times. Each time I held the boat and carved the year, my g 10.  seemed near.

My last trip to Storvassdal was in 1991. I brought my granddaughters: Catherine, 13; Claire, 12. At Storvassdal, Claire said softly, “Grandpa, someday I’ll come back.” She added, “And I’ll bring my children.”




A bit of stress and worry might be helpful in encouraging you to do better, but too much of it can do harm to your health and stop you from working or studying. So it’s necessary for you to deal with stress and worry.

Become somebody who can know how to relax

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Don’t sit down before the computer or the television set for long, or you may feel more stressed and worried. You can choose something like deep breathing or listening to some music to relax yourself instead.

Get proper exercise, food as well as sleep

You’d better exercise properly because you will feel stronger and less stressed after exercising. It is also very important for you to have enough sleep so that you can do your activities of daily life. Besides, to become energetic, you should have healthy food.

Communicate with others

If something worries you, Remember to share your problems with your family or friends. Doing so can make you feel more understood and you are not alone.

Connect with nature

When you feel low, it’s a good idea to take a walk with a friend or two. You’d better choose a place which you know well and where you feel safe in order to be able to enjoy and relax in nature.

Try thinking in the positive (积极的)manner

We have to think more of the beautiful and good things of our lives, which helps you in letting your minds go away from unnecessary stress and worry.

Ask a doctor for help

At times, stress becomes so serious that it becomes a cause of worry. In this case, it is wise for you to go to a doctor for help. He or she is able to help you solve the problem better and faster.

Title: How to Deal with Stress and Worry

1. for dealing with stress and worry

A bit of stress 2. you do better, but too much of it is   3. to  your health and influences your study or work.

4. of dealing with stress and worry

Become somebody who can know how to relax

Choose something like deep breathing to relax yourself instead of   5. down before the computer or the television set for long.

Get proper exercise, food as well as sleep

Exercise properly in order to make you feel less stressed. Enough sleep and proper food give you lots of energy to do    6. activities.

Communicate with others

Don’t   7. to share your problems with your family or friends if you feel worried.

8. with nature

Take a walk with your friends in a place where you feel safe.

Try thinking in the positive manner

Think   9. of the beautiful and good things of our lives.

Ask a doctor for help

Go to a doctor for help if stress becomes very   10. .



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