满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

请根据中文提示或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1.Jim has a g...


1.Jim has a good sense of _______   (幽默)and he loves telling jokes.

2.May is my __________(忠实的)friend and I often go to her for help.

3.Don’t tell it to others. It’s a s________ between you and me.

4.Please help y_______ to some fish, Tom and Simon. Don’t be so shy.

5.Children in poor areas can’t go to school, they have to work for their family i_________.


1.humour 2.true 3.secret 4.yourselves 5.instead 【解析】 试题分析: 1.吉姆非常幽默,他喜欢讲笑话。依据汉语提示,答案为humour。 2.句意:玛丽是我忠实的朋友,我经常去找她寻求帮助。real/true都有真实的,真正的意思。两者细微差别主要在于:real 表示的“真”,是相对想像、错觉、幻觉、伪造等而言的,是指现象与事实的一致性;而 true 表示“真”,主要指符合特定的标准。依据题意,答案为true。 3.句意:不要把它告诉别人。这是你我之间的秘密。根据上句意思可知,此处应该填秘密这个单词,故答案为secret。 4.句意:请你们随便吃些鱼,汤姆和西蒙。别那么害羞。help oneself to+食品。请随便吃些…,oneself此处指代是两个人,故答案为yourselves。 5.句意:贫困地区的孩子不能上学,相反他们必须为他们的家庭工作。依据句意可知,是用一件事情代替另一件事情,instead有相反,反而的意思。故答案为instead。 考点:考查单词拼写。

Do you have any friends from other countries? Do you know what they are like?

The Germans (德国人) are very quiet and they don’t get excited easily. They don’t want to say more words. They look serious, but they like all kinds of amusements (娱乐). They work hard and like tidiness. Most German women like to keep their houses clean.

In some ways, the English look the same as the Germans. They are also quiet and never talk too much with others. They are really polite, so we often hear “Thank you” or “Sorry” from them.

The French has long holidays. They like travelling and usually spend their long time in other countries. The French are more outgoing(外向的) than the Germans. It is very easy to make friends with them.

Compared to ( 与…比较) the French, the Americans are more outgoing. And they are even opener. They don’t like to depend on (依靠) others. So it is very popular that students in the USA do part-time jobs. In Americans’ eyes, working and success are important.

1.From the passage, we can learn that ______ are very quiet.

A. only the Germans

B. Only the Englishmen

C. only the French

D. Both the Germans and the English

2.What does the word “ tidiness” mean in Chinese?

A. 整洁  B. 安静  C. 随意  D. 时尚

3.______ are the most outgoing.

A. The Germans    B. The French

C. The Englishmen  D. The Americans

4.What can we learn about the French from the passage?

A. They are more outgoing than the Americans.

B. It is very easy to make friends with them.

C. They like traveling in their own country.

D. They don’t like to be too excited and are always hard-working.

5.What is the passage mainly(主要) about?

A. Different people’s hobbies.

B. Outgoing people

C. Hard-working people

D. Charactersitics (特征) of the people in different countries



When I was a boy,I was a football fan.I always played football with some other boys in the backyard(后院)all the time.My mom was worried that I would get ill in the hot summer.

One day my brother gave me a new football.I came into the yard and played it excitedly.But suddenly,the ball flew through the window and nearly hit my dad.Dad said nothing.He took my football and cut it in half.

I didn’t cry because I knew how terrible my mistake was.I didn’t expect to get another football.But to my surprise,Dad bought me another one the next month and told me to be more careful.I was really thankful for my father’s forgiveness(宽恕).He showed me that even when I made a mistake。he still loved me and gave me another chance.

Parents always give us their unconditional(无条件的)love and forgiveness.We should always give our love and forgiveness to them,too.

1.The writer played football in the backyard all the time because _____.

A. he was easy to get ill

B.he was a football fan

C.his father was a football player

D.his mother was worried about him

2.How did the writer feel when he got the football from his brother?

A.Sad.                 B.Worried.

C.Terrible              D.Excited.

3.The writer didn’t cry because _____.

A.he knew his mistake

B.his father cut the football in half

C.his father was very happy

D.he nearly hit his father

4.After his dad bought him another football,the writer ______.

A.forgot his mistake

B.was angry

C.was thankful to his father

D.didn’t like it

5.What can we learn from the story?

A.We should learn to play football.

B.We should love our parents.

C.We should play football with our parents.

D.We shouldn’t make mistakes.



Americans think much about time. From children they learn to value (珍视) time. As children they are taught to be on time to go to school, to work and to do everything. When they are having a good time, they say that time goes easily. When a person is dying, they say he is living on a borrowed time.

Time is money. Time is knowledge. Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for eight hours a day or forty hours a week. This is the working time. In his free time, he also works hard for more money. Even on Saturday and Sunday he also works hard as usual. In the street you can hardly see a man walking slowly. They walk very fast. In fact, they are running.

They love time because time can bring them money and lots of things. But sometimes they also hate time , because they feel they have become servants (仆人)of the clock.

1.What do the Americans mean by “ Time is money”?

A. If someone has time and works hard , he can make a lot of money.

B. It takes quite a lot of time to make money.

C. Working hard can bring people health.

D. It is not easy to make money.

2. Americans think it wrong ________.

A. to work late

B. to get up early

C. to be on time to do everything

D. to be late for school

3. The passage says that a dying person ________.

A. is having a good time

B. thinks time goes easily

C. is living on a borrowed time

D. is saving time

4. From this passage we can be sure that _______.

A. Americans live in a quick rhythm(节奏)

B. Americans live a hard life

C. Americans are good at saving time

D. Americans always like time

5. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Time is money

B. Americans’ ideas about time

C. Never waste any time

D. Learn to be on time




Beverly Hills High School is the only major public high school in Beverly Hills, California. It’s a famous school for stars. In this school, most students come from rich families and some of them have ________ parents. People from Hollywood ________  go to Beverly Hills High School to ________ future actors or actresses. There are lots of good things about going to this school. There ________ a television studio(演播室) , a radio station and two theatres in this school. The students make TV programmes and films in their drama(戏剧) classes. The biggest ________  of the school year is the school dance.

In California, children can learn to ________ three months before their sixteenth birthday. Lots of students in Beverly Hills High School have their own cars . But if they come to school   ________ cars, they have to   ________  a lot of money to park(停) their cars in the school parking area.

Most children ________ going to Beverly Hills High School because it is fun and there is much to do. But some children do not like the school ________ their parents don’t have enough money to buy them a fast car or expensive clothes.

1.A. famous       B. common           C. brave         D. humorous

2.A. never         B. seldom          C. hardly         D. sometimes

3.A. look at       B. look for         C. look after     D. look into

4.A. is            B. are            C. have         D. has

5.A. lesson        B. hobby          C. activity       D. dream

6.A. dive        B. drive            C. draw           D. skate

7.A. by          B. on             C. in             D. at

8.A. pay           B. make           C. take           D. spend

9.A. want          B. decide           C. enjoy        D. mind

10.A. if           B. unless           C. until          D. so



-- I plan to take a boat trip to Hawaii next month. --- That’s great! ________.

A. I’m sorry to hear that  B. Congratulations

C. Enjoy yourself           D. I’d like to



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