满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Perfect Presents David is going to Ameri...

Perfect  Presents

David is going to American to stay with his penfriend, Chris.David wants to take some presents with him.

Chris lives in New York with his parents and his two sisters.We both love sports, especially (特别,尤其)football and basketball.

My mum thinks it is a good idea to take presents for all the family.So here I am on a shopping trip with my mum.

I know what I want for Chris.I am buying him a football shirt.He is a big Chelsea fan(切尔西球队球迷).It’s expensive but it’s the perfect (极好的)present.Mum has good ideas about what to buy for Chris’s parents.She suggests(建议) some typical(典型的) English foods like tea and marmalade(果酱).We find a great shop.It has just what we want.Mum also buys them a photo of London.

That just leaves Chris’s sisters.We go to a toy shop and I see some beautiful teddy bears.They are all in different colours and say “Greetings (问候)from London.” They are perfect.Now I’m ready(准备) for my holiday.

1.There are______ people in Chris’s family?

A.three         B.four         C.five          D.six

2.What present(s) does David buy for Chris’s sisters?

A.A football.                   B.A football shirt.

C.Typical English foods.        D.Teddy bears.


1.C 2.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了大卫将要去美国见他的笔友克里斯时,他和他的妈妈给克里斯家准备礼物的过程。 1.C考查细节理解题。根据第二段第一句Chris lives in New York with his parents and his two sisters.可知克里斯家有五口人,他们是他的父母,他的两个妹妹和克里斯。故选C。 2. 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。

We have three meals a day.

In the morning,we have breakfast.It is at about 6 or 7 o’clock.Breakfast should be good.We can have milk,egg,bread and other things.Some students often have no breakfast.It is very bad for their health.

In China,lunch is the main meal of the day.It is at about 12 o’clock.It is 满分5 manfen5.coma big meal.There are often three or four dishes.We should be full after lunch.

We usually have supper at about 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening.We should have a small supper.

But in England,people call the main meal dinner.It often means supper.

1.What do people often eat for breakfast?

A.Milk       B.Bread         C.Egg        D.A,B and C

2.What does the word “full” mean in Chinese?

A.可口的.    B.累的.         C.饱的.    D.傻的.

3.What kind of supper should we have?

A.Big         B.Small         C.No.       D.Full.

4.People call______ dinner in England?

A.Breakfast. B.Lunch.         C.Supper    D.Dinner.

5.Please find the best title(标题)for the passage(文章).

A.Meals.      B.Main Meal      C.Dinner    D.Supper.





Open hour: 500p.m.—630p.m.


Activities:Beijing opera(京剧),playing the


Age:8 to 12



Open hour:530p.m.—630p.m.

Day:Thursday and Friday

Activities:Making cards, drawing pictures

Age:12 to 14



Open hour 430p.m.—600p.m.


Activities: Computers, dancing

Age:10 to 13



Open hour: 330p.m.—450p.m.

Day: Monday Friday

Activities:Making cakes, singing

Age:15 to 17


1.You can go to _______ if you have time from 300 to 500 in the afternoon.

A.Club One       B.Club Two

C.Club Three     D.Club Four

2.You can call _______ if you like dancing.

A.88830401       B.88930501      C.88730401      D.88940302

3.Jane can learn to _______ if she is 14 years old.

A.dance         B.play the lute

C.make cakes     D.make cards

4.We can’t_____ on Tuesday.

A.play the lute    B.make cards

C.sing             D.make cakes

5.Where can you read the passage?

A.In the school library.

B.In a storybook.

C.On clubs’ walls.

D.In an English book.





The Spring Festival is the Chinese ________ .It usually comes ________ February.Everyone in China ________ it very much.Before the festival, they usually________their houses and do a lot of ________ ________ that day, people always have a ________ dinner.They eat dumplings and some other   ________ food.At night, they ________ music and dance show________  TV.

The Chinese people in other countries also  ________  the Spring Festival.They ________ some traditional Chinese food from the ________ Sometimes they can enjoy the ________ dance and fireworks there.

All the Chinese around the world are ________ on that day.

1.A.Christmas  B.New Year’s Day    C.Spring     D.Easter

2.A.on        B.at                 C.in        D.to

3.A.likes     B.like              C.liking     D.to like

4.A.buy      B.find              C.get       D.clean

5.A.shop      B.shopping           C.shops    D.to shop

6.A.In        B.During             C.At         D.On

7.A.big      B.small             C.no       D.hungry

8.A.nice       B.well              C.cheap     D.different

9.A.see        B.listen            C.watch    D.look

10.A.from     B.on                C.by         D.with

11.A.watch    B.like               C.celebrate D.make

12.A.buy       B.take              C.bring      D.give

13.A.clothes shop  B.museum         C.park      D.supermarket

14.A.lion      B.tiger              C.monkey    D.ghost

15.A.happy     B.delicious         C.lovely     D.great



Happy New Year, Millie!


A.All right     B.That’s OK

C.Thank you     D.The same to you



I like this pair of shoes, can I_________?

—Yes, of course.

A.try it on        B.try them on

C.try on it         D.try on them



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