满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Do you know the popular TV show Hua Qi...

Do you know the popular TV show Hua Qian’gu ______ its sequel(续集) next year?

Really? I can’t wait to watch it.

A. will have    B. had                 C. has          D. is having


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---你知道《花千骨》这部流行剧明年是不是会有续集?---真的吗?我迫不及待地想要看。此题考查一般将来时。根据句意,应选B。 考点:考查一般将来时。  

The exciting news that Tu Youyou has got the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015 ___________ headlines (头条) of all newspapers and websites on Oct.6th.

A. stayed up    B. grew up             C. took up       D. cut up



___________ do you usually play Yoga in your free time?

Twice a week.

A. How long   B. How often

C. How soon     D. How much



Susan, of the group TF Boys, which boy do you like best?

Well, I like Yi Yangqianxi best, because I think he is ___________.

A. talented           B. more talented

C. the most talented   D. less talented



___________ it was difficult, Mingyue Mountain finally became the first 5A tourist attraction in Yichun on Oct. 15th.

A. Although     B. If                   C. So          D. But



As a football fan of Guangzhou Evergrande(广州恒大), I ___________ them to win the match on Dec.17th in the FIFA Club World Cup(世俱杯).

A. decide        B. plan                C. refuse        D. expect



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