满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词汇运用 根据中文提示来填空,使句子意思完整,语法正确。 1.I _______...



1.I _______ enjoy country music, but now I like jazz best.(过去经常,曾经)

2.I _______  playing basketball.(对····感兴趣)

3.The internet will be _______ important to us. (越来越···)

4.Now you can chat with your parents  _______(面对面地)

5._______ late is bad for your health.(熬夜)


1.used to 2.am interested in 3.more and more 4.face to face 5.Staying up 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:我过去喜欢乡村音乐,但是现在我最喜欢爵士。短语used to do表示过去常常做某事。故应填used to 。 2.句意:我对打篮球感兴趣。短语be interested in....表示对……感兴趣。根据汉语提示故应填am interested in 3.句意:网络竟会对我们越来越重要。本题考查比较级+and+比较级,表示越……就越……。故应填more and more 4.句意:现在你能面对面的和你的父母聊天。根据句意及汉语题意故应填face to face 5.。本题考查动名词作主语,短语stay up表示熬夜的意思。根据汉语提示故应填Staying up 考点:汉译英。



Many earthquakes1.h_______ every year. Some of these earthquakes are very 2.s_______(强烈). When they happen in cities, they can be very serious. Many people will be 3.h_______ or die in the earthquakes. Knowing some ways to4.p_______(保护) yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquakes.

If you are5.i_______(室内) when the earthquake happens, the6.s_______ place is under a strong table or desk. Sitting on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall is safer than 7.s_______ in the middle of a room. Remember to protect your head and neck with your8.a_______. Stay away from windows, tall furniture and pictures or anything that may fall9._______ you. Do not try to10. r_______ out of the building.





We live in different places. For example, some people live in the mountains; some people live on plains; some people live near water.

Mary lives near the sea. The sea is blue. She likes to play on the beach with her friends.

Tom lives by a lake. The lake is very big. The water is clear. He often goes boating with his family on fine days.

Jack lives in the mountains. The mountains are very high. In the summer, it’s very cool there. In the winter, the mountains are all white. Jack likes to play in the snow with his sister.

Jim lives on a plain (平原). He likes flying kites when the weather is fine.

Tony lives in the desert (沙漠). It is very hot and dry. It doesn’t get much rain. Tony likes to ride his camel all around.

David lives in a forest. The forest has many trees. It rains a lot there. David likes to climb the trees and play in his tree house.



Place like to live

Things to do



like to play on the beach with her friends


by a lake



in the mountains

like to play in the snow with his sister


on a plain



in the desert

4.___________________________ all around



like to climb the trees and play in the tree house




In Britain, people usually begin their talks with weather. For example, they will say“It’s a fine day, isn’t it?”“Do you think it will rain?”

Many people believe that they are able to tell what the weather will be like. But they never agree with each other. One man may say, “How cloudy (阴的) it is now! It’s going to rain.” Another man will say, “No, it’s going to be fine later.”

People always hope the weather they want. For example, when a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him it’s going to rain. When a man wants to travel, he is sure the weather will be fine quickly.

Now almost everyone listens to the weather report. It doesn’t always tell us the weather we want, it only tells us what the weather will be like. But sometimes it makes mistakes(错误).


1.People in        begin their talks with the weather.

A. China       B. America    C. England   D. Japan

2.Most people don’t agree with        about the weather.

A. yourselves B. themselves C. himself  D. each other

3.      listen(s) to the weather report.

A. All the people      B. Everyone

C. Each of the people D. Most people

4.The weather report is        right.

A. always     B. not always   C. never    D. seldom

5.The passage mainly tells us something about        .

A. sports     B. music       C. weather D. Culture



It’s Sunday. Children don’t go to school on Sundays. But Kate gets up early in the morning. “It’s my birthday. I’m eight years old today.” she thinks, “Where are Dad and Mum? I want to know what they can give me for my birthday.”

Her father and mother are not at home. They are going shopping. And now they are talking about what to buy for Kate.

---- Dad: How about the doll? It looks nice. I think Kate would like the doll.

---- Mom: I don’t think so. She is not a little girl. I think she likes a new dress. Girls often like new dresses very much.

---Dad: But she has a few new dresses and some new blouses. Oh, I think she must be very happy to have a box of colorful pencils and some picture books. Do you think so?

----- Mom: Yes. Let’s go over there and buy them.

1.       often like new dresses.

A. Girl       B. The girl            C. Girls          D. Boys

2.Kate has       new dresses.

A. a few       B. a lot of          C. some            D. a little

3.       doesn’t want to buy the doll.

A. Kate           B. Kate’s father

C. Kate’s mother  D. her parents

4.From the passage, we can know Kate is      .

A. in the school   B. a school girl

C. going shopping  D. a school boy

5.From the passage, we can know Kate       .

A. doesn’t like a doll

B. doesn’t like a dress

C. doesn’t know what her parents buy for her

D. like going shopping



The giraffe is the tallest modern land animal. It can be over 5. 5 meters tall. Its neck alone may be 1. 9 meters long. Yet the giraffe has only seven bones in its neck, the same number as in the humans’. Even a small bird has many more bones in its neck than a tall giraffe. Each bone in a giraffe’s neck is very long, while the bones in a human’s neck are short. That makes the difference. A female giraffe gives birth to one baby at a time. The baby, called a calf, is about 1. 9 meters tall at birth. By the age of eight it is full-grown. The giraffe eats mostly leaves. Because it has a long neck, it can reach the high leaves on the trees.


1.In this passage the underlined word giraffe means _______.

A. 鲸鱼 B. 长颈鹿 C. 大象  D. 河马

2.The bones in a bird’s neck are _______.

A. as big as in a human’s neck

B. as big as in a giraffe’s neck

C. many more than in a human’s neck

D. much bigger than in a giraffe’s neck

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. A giraffe has only seven bones.

B. The giraffe is the largest animal on the land.

C. It takes eight years for a giraffe to grow up.

D. Most of the leaves on the trees are eaten up by giraffes.

4.When a giraffe is born, it is about _______.

A. 5. 5 meters long   B. 5. 5 meters tall

C. 1. 9 meters long   D. 1. 9 meters tall

5.We can guess when a giraffe sees a tiger _______.

A. it will run away as fast as possible

B. it will run to eat the tiger

C. it will make the tiger bring it something to eat

D. it will make one of the smallest animals bring the tiger something to eat



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