满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- How long have you lived in Yangzhou?...

--- How long have you lived in Yangzhou?

---           I was ten years old.

A. When  B. For    C. From       D. Since


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你在扬州住多久了?-自从我十岁以来。When当……的时候; For为; From从;Since自从。所以选D。 考点:考查连词。  

--- Which of those English-Chinese dictionaries do you like best?

---           . They are all too expensive and of little use.

A. Both            B. Neither           C. All              D. None



--- Kate is very good at painting.

--- Yes, she is. She can paint           her teacher.

A. as better as       B. as good as

C. as well as          D. so well as



--- When is National Public Memorial Day(国家公祭日) ?

--- On December 13th. And it can           us of the hard days in the past.

A. remind                  B. remember

C. return                   D. reduce



--- Must I do the rest of the work today?

--- No. You _______ finish it tomorrow.

A. must                   B. can               C. needn’t                 D. can’t



--- Jim took           one-hour ride just now.

--- He spent such a short time finishing such a long way!

A. a                  B. an                   C. the                     D. /



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