满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Would you like to say something abou...

--- Would you like to say something about the car show yesterday?

--- Sorry.           Nick           I went to see it.

A. Either, or           B. Neither, nor

C. Not only, but also   D. Both, and


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你想对昨天的汽车展说些什么吗?-抱歉。我和尼克都没有去看它。Either… or或者……或者;Neither… nor既不……也不,两者都不;Not only…but also 不但……而且; Both,… and两者都。结合语境,所以选B。 考点:考查连词辨析。  

--- Can you tell me           to do it?

--- OK. You’d better put two eggs and some water into the flour(面粉) first.

A. what              B. which              C. how                D. why



--- Is Andy able to finish the work alone?

--- I’m afraid not. It’s           his ability.

A. against           B. beyond             C. from              D. to



--- High school           covers a lot, including Chinese, Maths and so on.

--- Oh, I will work harder.

A. skill              B. information

C. practice           D. course



--- How long have you lived in Yangzhou?

---           I was ten years old.

A. When  B. For    C. From       D. Since



--- Which of those English-Chinese dictionaries do you like best?

---           . They are all too expensive and of little use.

A. Both            B. Neither           C. All              D. None



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