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Fred Astaire was born in Nebraska in 189...

Fred Astaire was born in Nebraska in 1899. Fred and his sister, Adele, learned to dance when they were very young. Their mother took them to New York to study dance. They performed in their first professional show when Fred was ten years old and Adele was twelve. Later, as teenagers, the two danced in many shows throughout the United States. Their first big success was on Broadway in 1917.

The Astaires -- as they were known --- became Broadway stars. However, in 1932, Adele Astaire married a British man, and stopped performing. But Fred did not give up his dream. He would go on alone, in the movies.

Fred said, “Dancing is a sweaty job. You cannot just sit down and do it. You have to get up on your feet. It takes time to get a dance right, to create something memorable. I always try to get to know my dance so well that I do not have to think.”

In 1949, Fred Astaire won a special award for his film work from America’s Motion Picture Academy. He also won awards from the television industry for a number of his television programs.

Fred stopped dancing in 1970. He was more than seventy years old at the time. He said a dancer could not continue dancing forever. He said he did not want to disappoint(使失望) anyone, even himself. He danced again in public only once after that. It was with another great male dancer, Gene Kelly, in the movie “That's Entertainment, Part Two”.

Fred Astaire and his first wife, Phyllis, had three children. Phyllis died in 1954. Twenty-five years later, Fred married race horse rider Robyn Smith. Fred Astaire died on June 22, 1987. He was eighty-eight years old. He was called the greatest dancer in the world. His dancing was called perfect. And moviegoers everywhere will remember him as a great performer whose work will live forever in his films.

1.The first paragraph is mainly about_________.

A. Fred Astaire’s first success

B. Fred Astaire’s education

C. Fred Astaire’s early life

D. Fred Astaire’s family

2. When did the Astaires become Broadway stars?

A. In 1899.               B. In 1917.

C. In 1932.                D. In 1949.

3.What Fred Astaire said in Paragraph 3 shows that ___________.

A. he knew his dance was wonderful

B. he thought dancing was not difficult

C. he had ways to make people remember him

D. he devoted much time and effort to dancing

4.What is the correct time order of the following events?

a. Fred Astaire’s first wife died.

b. Fred’s sister Adele stopped performing.

c. Fred Astaire performed with Gene Kelly in a movie.

d. Fred Astaire won an award from America’s Motion Picture Academy.

A. abcd        B. bdac      C. cbad      D. dcba


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:世界著名舞蹈家弗雷德·阿斯泰尔的一生,在一开始她和自己的姐姐一起跳舞。在自己的姐姐结婚后,自己坚持梦想,继续自己的舞蹈事业。 1.C细节理解题。根据关键词when they were very young. when Fred was ten years old and Adele was twelve. 以及Later, as teenagers, the two danced in many shows的描述可知本段主要介绍了他的早期生活。所以选C。 2.B细节理解题。根据第一段末Their first big success was on Broadway in 1917. 和第二段开头The Astaires -- as they were known --- became Broadway stars.可知弗雷德·阿斯泰尔是在1917年成为百老汇明星的,所以选B。 3.D推理判断题。根据FredAstaire所说的Dancing is a sweat job. You cannot just sit down and do it. You have to get up on your feet.It takes time to...可知他在舞蹈上花了很多时间和精力。所以选D。 4.的描述可知,b发生在1932年,d发生在1949年,a发生在1954年,c发生在1970年以后,所以B。 考点:人物传记类阅读。

For nearly 250 years, Debrett’s has advised the British public on suitable social manners. Now, it has listed modern guide to good manners, answering the questions that most trouble the British public in 2014.

★Using mobile phone in public

More questions are asked about mobile use than any other case. According to Debrett’s, it is always rude to pay more attention to a phone than the people around you, and they should always be put away when you’re paying for something in a shop. They should be turned off in theatres, cinemas or any space where silence is required.

★Smoking e-cigarettes at work

As electronic cigarettes become more popular, questions about whether they are acceptable in the workplace are asked more often. According to Debrett’s, they should never be used in a work environment. Smoking e-cigarettes at work shows that you’re not focused on your work and may also have a bad influence on your workmates.

★Giving up your seat on public transport

In a recent university experiment only 20 per cent of London tube passengers are willing to give up their seat to people in need. According to Debrett’s, passengers should always offer to give up their seat to any person that is pregnant, elderly, or clearly in need. It is important to remember, however, that it is just as impolite to rudely refuse the offer of a seat as it is to not offer a seat.

★Eating before everyone is served

The final question is one that we’ve all asked ourselves: is it rude to start eating at the table before everyone else has been served? According to Debrett’s, the simple answer is yes, unless the host or hostess permits dinners to start.

1. How many questions about good manners are listed in the passage?

A. 250.              B. 2014.          C. 4.             D. 20.

2.British people are most interested in the guide to ______.

A. using mobile phone in public

B. smoking e-cigarettes at work

C. giving up seats on public transport

D. eating before everyone is served

3.From the passage, we know ______.

A. people should turn off mobile phones when shopping.

B. more people smoke e-cigarettes at work than before.

C. it’s always polite to refuse when others offer a seat to you.

D. we can start eating as soon as all of us sit at the table.

4.What does the underlined word “permits” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Serves.       B. Helps.        C. Orders.        D. Allows.



Once there was a forest where all the animals lived happily together. One day a family went to spend the day in the forest, and the son left his socks there. After the family left, a bear came by, found the socks, and decided to try them on. They fit so well, and he liked them so much that he wouldn’t take them off.

All the animals talked about the bear’s new look. Soon, in that forest, there began appearing squirrels in shirts, rabbits in shoes, and even rats wearing hats! The forest doctor shook his head, telling animals, “This can’t be good. Animals don’t need clothes!” But no one listened to him. They said he was just out of fashion.

However, it wasn’t long before the first results of fashion-fever came. Several times the squirrel caught his shirt on trees, stopping him in mid-jump and sending him falling to the ground from a tree. The rat couldn’t go into his hole without taking off his hat first. Even the bear, because of his socks, slipped from the river rock and almost killed himself.

When the animals came to see the doctor, he gave them all the same advice, “Take off those clothes before one day they’re going to kill you.” Those who listened to the doctor’s advice stopped having accidents. And the animals realized that they didn’t need clothes at all. Starting to wear them had been very dangerous, and they had only done it to make others admire them, and to get attention.

1.______ found the socks and tried them on.

A. The son               B. The bear

C. The rabbit             D. The rat

2.From the story we can know that______.

A. the family had a good time with the bear

B. the animals didn’t like the bear’s new look

C. the squirrel couldn’t go into his hole with his hat on

D. the forest doctor told the animals not to wear clothes

3.Which of the following can explain the underlined sentence “it wasn’t long before the first results of fashion-fever came”?

A. Soon the animals had accidents because of the clothes

B. Soon the animals had a fever because of the clothes

C. Soon the animals became healthier in the warm clothes

D. Soon the animals enjoyed wearing clothes very much

4.The story is written to tell us______.

A. helping others is helping yourself

B. we should be careful in the forest

C. things that fit yourself are the best

D. animals must be looked after well




Canadian school buses are called “the safest school buses in the world”. All the school buses, which are in deep yellow, have the same style. School bus drivers have to receive strict training before getting driver’s licenses.

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When a school bus runs through the city and carries children to a stop, the driver will turn on the red light and then show the sign “Stop”. At this time, all the vehicles(车辆) following the school bus must stop as if they met a red light. After all the children get on or off, the school bus will drive away. Then other vehicles can go on.

Many people will think of cartoons as soon as they talk about Japanese school buses which are usually in pink or blue. For a long time, cartoon pictures on school buses have already been popular and become models of Japanese school buses. When children see pink Hello Kitty or blue Doraemon, no one will refuse to go to school any more.

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On Japanese school buses, there’s always a headman caring for kids. If something happens suddenly, the headman will tell parents about it as soon as possible.

1.What color are Canadian school buses?

A. Red               B. Yellow              C. Pink            D. Blue

2.From the passage, we know that __________ .

A. Canadian school buses must have a headman

B. Canadian school buses should follow other vehicles

C. Japanese school buses may look cute for students

D. Japanese school bus drivers can get licenses easily

3.The passage is written mainly to________.

A. introduce school buses in Canada and Japan

B. suggest schools choosing better school buses

C. encourage students to study in Canada and Japan

D. ask students to obey traffic rules all the time





A wise man was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers, and they happened to pass a lake. So they stopped there to         for a while, and the wise man said to one of his followers, “I am very          . Could you please get me some water from the lake?”

The follower walked to the       as the wise man requested. Some people were washing clothes in the water, and right at that moment, several bikes started crossing the lake.          , the water became very muddy at once.

Then the follower        . He told the wise man that the water was very muddy and not           to drink.

After they had rested for about half an hour, the wise man again asked the           follower to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. As requested, the follower went to the lake. This time he found that all the mud had gone down to the          . The water in the lake was very clear and looked fit to drink. So he             his water bottle and took it to the wise man.

The wise man took the water bottle and drank, then looked up at the follower. “See what you did to make the water           ?” he said. “You let it be for a           while and the mud settled down on its own,          you could get some clear drinking water. Your mind can also be like that lake when it is          by something. If you just let it be and give           a little time, it will most likely settle down on its own          putting in any effort at all to calm it.”

So we should find some time to calm down when we are stressed or angry next time.

1.A. rest         B. look           C. watch         D. see

2.A. hungry       B. thirsty        C. happy         D. sad

3.A. lake         B. town            C. bottle         D. bikes

4.A. However      B. Instead          C. In addition    D. As a result

5.A. refused       B. required        C. returned       D. replied

6.A. fit           B. able           C. important      D. interesting

7.A. different     B. same           C. other           D. left

8.A. top          B. left           C. bottom         D. right

9.A. got          B. finished       C. reached        D. filled

10.A. dirty       B. clear          C. fresh         D. sweet

11.A. year        B. month          C. day            D. while

12.A. so that     B. even though     C. because       D. when

13.A. broken     B. left           C. disturbed       D. given

14.A. him          B. it              C. me              D. us

15.A. without     B. through        C. after           D. like



--- Excuse me, could I take this seat?

--- Sorry, __________.

A. here it is             B. take it

C. it isn’t              D. it’s taken



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