满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

句子改错:(每处只有一处错误,先选出再改错) 1. Does his siste...


1. Does his sister and brother like salad ?              (   ) _________

            A                           B  C

2.How about burgers, vegetables salad , and some fruit ? (   ) _________

           A                      B                  C

3. They  need  some bags at school .                    (   ) _________

            A     B              C

4. Lucy’s bag is 24 dollers .                        (   ) _________

             A      B           C

5.We have skirts in purple are 55 yuan .                 (   ) _________

              A          B        C


1.A Do 2.B vegetable 3.C for 4.C dollars 5.C for 【解析】 试题分析: 1.主语his sister and brother是复数,故此处助动词用do。故A 项错误,应该Does为 Do。 2.修饰名词salad,故用单数名词vegetable.故为B 项错误,应该vegetables为 vegetable。 3.表示“上学穿的”,用for school。故C项错误,应该at为 for。 4.dollar的复数形式是dollars。故C 项是错误的,应该dollers为 dollars。 5. 考点:句子改错。



The  ___________   ___________ are black and white .


_________ Lucy ___________ a _______  _________ school ?

3.让我们打棒球吧。___________   ___________   _______.

4. 我父母有良好的饮食习惯。

My parents _______   ___________  ___________  ___________.


_____  ________  friend  ___________  ___________ at school.



I have seven bags. Three bags are big, and the other four bags are small. I have some basketballs and volleyballs. I put(放)two volleyballs in each small bag. And I put two basketballs and two volleyballs in each big bag. The number of the volleyballs is my age.

1.I have            volleyballs.

A. three           B..five         C.fourteen       D.seven

2.I have              basketballs.

A.six             B. eight         C.ten             D. twelve

3.What’s in those big bags ?

A. Two basketballs and six volleyballs.

B. Eight basketballs and six volleyballs.

C.Six basketballs and six volleyballs.

D. Eight basketballs and eight volleyballs.

4.Where are the basketballs?

A. In the big bags.

B. In the small bags.

C. In a big bag.

D. In a small bag.

5.How old am I ?

A. I am six.                        B. I am twelve.

C. I am fourteen.                   D. I am sixteen.



My name is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray .We like hamburgers for lunch.

Bob and I like French fries , but Ray doesn’t . I don’t like eggs for breakfast, but Bob and Ray

Do. I like fruit for breakfast .We really like chicken and salad for dinner.

1. ________  doesn’t like French fries.

A. Dan           B. Bob           C. Ray      D. Dan and Bob

2.________ like hamburgers .

A. Dan and Bob                    B. Bob and Ray

C. Dan , Bob and Ray              D. Dan and Ray

3.________ doesn’t like eggs for breakfast .

A. Bob and Ray                    B. Dan

C. Bob                           D.Ray

4.________  likes fruit for breakfast .

A. Bob and Ray                    B. Dan

C. Bob                           D.Ray

5.         like chicken.

A. Dan and Bob               B. Bob and Ray

C.Dan and Ray                D. Dan , Bob and Ray




I have a good friend . _______ name is Bob. He is 13. He is an English _______ . He and I are in the same school, but we are not in the same _______ . I’m in Class One,and he’s in Class Two.

He likes _______. He thinks basketball is _______ . He _______ two basketballs. We always _______ basketball  with our classmates after school. Bob also likes soccer.  And _______ too. I have a soccer. _______ is it ? It’s under my chair .We can play soccer at school.  We _______  it’s great to play sports.

1.A. My         B. Your         C. Her           D. His

2.A. teacher       B. boy          C. brother       D. uncle

3.A. family       B. class       C. jacket       D. color

4.A. basketball    B. volleyball   C. tennis       D. soccer

5.A. boring       B. difficult    C. late          D. interesting

6.A. loses         B. finds        C. has         D. does

7.A. play         B. know         C. say          D. call

8.A. her          B.me           C. them          D. us

9.A. How           B. Who          C. What          D. Where

10.A.think        B. thinks      C. are          D. be



Here is _______ basketball. Do you play  ____________ it ?

A. a;the      B. a; /               C. a; a            D. the;the



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