满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In a cold winter, a couple had to move o...

In a cold winter, a couple had to move out of their big house because of bankruptcy (破产).

1.   So she thought, “He doesn’t love me any more, he just thinks about his work.”

One day, she wanted to take a shower.   2.  “Let me take it first. OK?” “Why not let me take it first?” she asked. “I’m tired, dear. You take it later, OK?” She was very sad.

On a rainy day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer. ___3.___It was his diary

Today, I was quite sad. She asked me why I was always taking the shower first, and I said I was tired. She was unhappy. ___4.__ We moved to the small house and it was very cold. I found that if one person took the shower first, the bathroom could get a little warmer. So I always rushed to the bathroom first. When she took the shower, the bathroom could get warmer, at least 1℃. ___5.__

根据短文内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确。

A. After a few minutes, her eyes were full of tears.

B. I can’t give her more, but at least I can give her 1℃ love.

C. The husband worked day and night but with no care of his wife.

D. We know that the man loved his wife very much.

E. But her husband stopped her at the door.

F. I wasn’t as rich as before!


1.C 2.E 3.A 4.F 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文记述了一对破产的夫妇,丈夫因为忙于工作,而缺少了对妻子的关爱,让自己觉得丈夫不再爱他。在一天洗澡时,因为丈夫抢着先洗澡,更让妻子很伤心。后来妻子在丈夫的日记中发现了丈夫为什么要求先洗澡的原因,深受感动。 1.C根据下文So she thought, “He doesn’t love me any more, he just thinks about his work.” 可知丈夫忙于工作对妻子缺少关爱,故选C。 2.E根据下文“Let me take it first. OK?”可知丈夫拦住妻子想自己先洗,故选E。 3.A根据上下文可知妻子发现了丈夫的日记,所以感动的热泪盈眶,故选A。 4.F根据上下文可知丈夫知道不如以前富有了,故选F。 5. 考点:故事类短文阅读

It’s impolite to talk _____ your mouth full during a meal.

A. for    B. without     C. to     D. with



Gong Yangling from Harbin in China has remembered over 15 _____ telephone numbers.

A. thousand       B. thousands

C. thousand of    D. thousands of



My grandma keeps two pet cats, one is white , ____ is yellow.

A. other    B. the other       C. another          D. others



Pollution is a serious ___________ in China . PM2.5 has been increasing in recent years.

A. wrong    B. question     C. problem         D. matter



Ann is _____ honest girl and she never tells lies.

A. an        B. a         C. the             D./



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