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Bell was a British teacher to deaf peopl...

Bell was a British teacher to deaf people. He was born in Scotland in 1847 and went to school in London. Bell was interested in helping deaf people to learn to speak. He taught people how to use their mouths to make the sounds needed for talking.

Bell’s family moved to Canada in 1870 and to the USA in 1871. For several years he taught the people who could not speak in Boston. But at the same time he was developing a way to use electricity to send the sounds of talking along a wire, and he made the first telephone in June, 1875.

The telephone developed quickly in the USA over the next few years. The Bell Telephone Company started in 1877, and in 1878 the first telephone centre was built in New York. More than 150,000 people had telephones in their homes ten years later. Bell was a kind man and spent much of his money and time during the rest of his life helping deaf people. In 1922 he died in Canada.

1.Where was Bell born?


2.What was he interested in doing when he was in London?


3.When was the first telephone invented?


4.Did he stop helping deaf people when he became famous?


5.What do you think of the great inventor?



1.In Scotland 2.He was interested in helping the deaf people. 3.It was invented in June,1875. 4.No,he didn’t. 5.He was kind/clever/hard-working/great. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔(Alexander Graham Bell,1847年生于苏格兰的爱丁堡,1922年死于加拿大)是美国发明家,他是如何获得了世界上第一台可用的电话机的专利权,创建了贝尔电话公司的。 1.细节理解题。根据短文中第一自然段Alexander Graham Bell was a British man who was a teacher to people who could not hear. He was born in Edinburgh , Scotland in 1847。根据题目要求和文中的信息可知Alexander Graham Bell生于Scotland 。故答案应该是 In Scotland. 2.细节理解题。根据第一句可知Alexander Graham Bell 生于Scotland,然后去了 Edinburgh and London。紧接着文中又说People who cannot hear any sounds at all are called deaf people, and Alexander became interested in helping them to learn to speak. He taught people how to use their mouths to make the sounds needed for talking.可知题目要求的答案应该是He was interested in helping the deaf people. 3.细节理解题。短文第二自然段介绍了Alexander Graham Bell 在波士顿教那些不能说话的人们,他还发展了一种用电通过电线来传递说话的声音的一种方法紧接着又说 and he made the first telephone in June, 1875.根据文中信息和题目要求,故答案应该是It was invented in June,1875. 4.细节理解题。根据文中 Bell was a kind man and spent much of his money and time during the rest of his life helping deaf people.可知此题的答案是No,he didn’t. 5.推理判断题。根据文中 有关Alexander Graham Bell的一些事迹和文章结尾Alexander Graham Bell was a kind man and spent much of his money and time during the rest of his life helping deaf people .可知题目要求的答案应该是He was kind/clever/hard-working/great. 考点:人物传记类短文阅读

In a cold winter, a couple had to move out of their big house because of bankruptcy (破产).

1.   So she thought, “He doesn’t love me any more, he just thinks about his work.”

One day, she wanted to take a shower.   2.  “Let me take it first. OK?” “Why not let me take it first?” she asked. “I’m tired, dear. You take it later, OK?” She was very sad.

On a rainy day, she found nothing to do and turned on his computer. ___3.___It was his diary

Today, I was quite sad. She asked me why I was always taking the shower first, and I said I was tired. She was unhappy. ___4.__ We moved to the small house and it was very cold. I found that if one person took the shower first, the bathroom could get a little warmer. So I always rushed to the bathroom first. When she took the shower, the bathroom could get warmer, at least 1℃. ___5.__

根据短文内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整正确。

A. After a few minutes, her eyes were full of tears.

B. I can’t give her more, but at least I can give her 1℃ love.

C. The husband worked day and night but with no care of his wife.

D. We know that the man loved his wife very much.

E. But her husband stopped her at the door.

F. I wasn’t as rich as before!



It’s impolite to talk _____ your mouth full during a meal.

A. for    B. without     C. to     D. with



Gong Yangling from Harbin in China has remembered over 15 _____ telephone numbers.

A. thousand       B. thousands

C. thousand of    D. thousands of



My grandma keeps two pet cats, one is white , ____ is yellow.

A. other    B. the other       C. another          D. others



Pollution is a serious ___________ in China . PM2.5 has been increasing in recent years.

A. wrong    B. question     C. problem         D. matter



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